Cress by Marissa Meyer

Posted 20 March, 2014 by Danny in Blog / 9 Comments

Cress by Marissa MeyerCress by Marissa Meyer
Published by Macmillan on 2014-02-04
Genres: Fairy Tales & Folklore, Fantasy & Magic, General, Girls & Women, Legends, Myths, Fables, Love & Romance, Paranormal, Romance, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Young Adult
Pages: 560
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3.5 Stars

Rapunzel’s tower is a satellite. She can’t let down her hair—or her guard.

In this third book in Marissa Meyer's bestselling Lunar Chronicles series, Cinder and Captain Thorne are fugitives on the run, now with Scarlet and Wolf in tow.

Together, they’re plotting to overthrow Queen Levana and prevent her army from invading Earth.Their best hope lies with Cress, a girl trapped on a satellite since childhood who’s only ever had her netscreens as company.

All that screen time has made Cress an excellent hacker. Unfortunately, she’s being forced to work for Queen Levana, and she’s just received orders to track down Cinder and her handsome accomplice.

When a daring rescue of Cress goes awry, the group is splintered. Cress finally has her freedom, but it comes at a higher price than she’d ever expected. Meanwhile, Queen Levana will let nothing prevent her marriage to Emperor Kai, especially the cyborg mechanic.

Cress, Scarlet, and Cinder may not have signed up to save the world, but they may be the only hope the world has.

The Lunar Chronicles is one of my most favorite series. I love the wonderful mix of classic retellings, mixed with SciFi and Fantasy elements. Both, Cinder and Scarlet have been amazing. 

Go Captain Thorn – Go!

I start with one of my favorite characters in this series: Thorn. Rebel, smart-ass with lots of attitude and a little too much confidence – he brings so much fun, snark and spunk into this series! We already meet him in Scarlet when he helps Cinder to escape from prison. Ever since they stayed together and he’s also trying to help kick Queen Levana from the Throne and rescue both Earth and Kai from her.

Cress- Poor Rapunzel in a satellite

After meeting both Cinder and Scarlett in Book 1 and 2 – I expected Cress to be an equally strong character. Cress however is the perfect Damsel in Distress and … says even so herself. For years she’s been utterly alone in her satellite and fell in love with Thorn as she followed him and Cinder via the cybernate when they escaped. She drew a picture of Thorn in her mind of him that is full of heroism and she thinks he’s simply missunderstood, when indeed Thorn can be very selfish. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, it’s just the way he is!

And .. with Cress I had my biggest problem. She was a much weaker girl than the other two and I just wished her to be stronger. She worshipped Thorn to a point that it annoyed me a little and I also didn’t buy the romance between them. I still strongly believe that a girl that catches Thorn in a romantic love affair should have more spunk and attitude.

Let’s kick Levanas A**

Of course, we also move along with Cinder, Kai, Scarlet and Wolf and their quest to rescue Earth. Thankfully, we got also these stroylines as this proved to be much more exciting for me! I do love both Cinders and Scarlets story and was so happy that we get to spend so much time with them here in this third book. There are even more mysteries we uncover and the storyline moved on nicely, filled with some action that added a little “kick”.

Bewitched Rating

Rating 3.5

Bottom Line

Cress by Marissa Meyer was not the strongest of the series so far and sadly came with a disappointing heroine (for me!!). However, the series is amazing and I was excited that the storyline surrounding the previous and beloved characters Cinder and Scarlett  moved on so nicely. I’m so eager for the next book, especially since the girl “Winter” is already introduced in Cress and seems like a very interesting character…



I’m a little sorry that I couldn’t like Cress more. but this also showed me how much I love strong female leads that can kick butt and call names:) Cress will definitely appeal to many readers as she’s a cute girl – yet just not my kind of girl… 

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9 Responses to “Cress by Marissa Meyer”

  1. I’m kind of sad that Cress wasn’t the heroine for you, but one of the great things about this series is the mix of characters, so at least you weren’t stuck with her for the whole book. I am so in love with this series and CANNOT WAIT for Winter!
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  2. I love strong female heroines, but I also loved Cress. She was very different from Scarlett and CInder, but despite her silly crush on Thorne, she also had some fantastic strenght within her, leaving as she had and with her past, it’s quite surprising she wasn’t more kooky!

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  3. Cress was a bit of a disappointing heroine for me as well Danny, especially given how strong both Cinder and Scarlet were. I don’t mind a heroine that’s not necessarily badass and is more vulnerable, I’m all for vulnerability, but Cress needed to be saved a bit more than I had hoped she would. I wanted her amazing mind and hacking skills to makeup for her lack of fighting ability, and while they did to some degree, it wasn’t as much as I’d hoped. Still, I love this series as a whole and Cinder and Scarlet were awesome in this book. Can’t wait for Winter!

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  4. I still haven’t read Cress yet (I know, what is wrong with me right?). But I’m already a bit disappointed by the sound of it. I thought Cress is going to be a super independent and strong minded woman, though it turns out that she is more sheltered and naive than anything. It will be impossible to not compare her along with Cinder and Scarlet and I must say that Cinder is leading way ahead than the other two MCs. I’m so sorry and so sad you didn’t love it as much as the previous two installments, I, too, hope Winter will bring us all some surprises!
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  5. I’ve heard mixed things about this book. I know a lot of other people feel like you do about Cress. I also didn’t realize until Cress came out that it was not the last book in the series. That disappointed me a little because I don’t want to wait to see how things end up.

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  6. Joni

    I really enjoyed Cress as a contrast to the other female leads- and I really think she has strengths all her own. There were parts of this book that may have seem a teeny bit slow (after the action packed speed of SCARLET) but I still enjoyed it FULLY and this is still one of my favorite series. I can also accept this to be the final set-up for WINTER- whose character is completely intriguing…

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  7. I’m sorry that it wasn’t a stronger book for you! I loved it. I really adored Cress. I thought she was pretty resourceful. I do however think that Winter might end up being favorite cause she’s a bit crazy and I like crazy!

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