Published by Sourcebooks Fire on July 2nd
Genres: Contemporary, Mystery and Suspense, Young Adult
Format: eBook
Source: Publisher
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Sawyer Dodd has it all. She's a star track athlete, choir soloist, and A-student. And her boyfriend is the handsome all-star Kevin Anderson. But behind the medals, prom pictures, and perfect smiles, Sawyer finds herself trapped in a controlling, abusive relationship with Kevin. When he dies in a drunk-driving accident, Sawyer is secretly relieved. She's free. Until she opens her locker and finds a mysterious letter signed by "an admirer" and printed with two simple words: "You're welcome.
Lately, I’ve been quite drawn to pick up Murder Mysteries in YA and this one sounded creepy and thrilling!!
Emotional Powerful Start!
I love it the most when a book starts with a great scene! Something that draws you in!  In Truly Deadly Madly, we get a quite emotional opening scene/chapter, which brings us right into the story. Sawyer just lost her boyfriend and this is exactly where the book starts. It’s truly emotional , however we cannot quite place Sawyers feelings which just makes it more intriguing to dig into the story and find out why Sawyers seems to be so confused about her feelings. Yeah, I’m not giving anything away here!
Brilliant dialogues!!
What struck me most about this book were the perfect and brilliant dialogues especially between Sawyer and her bubbly best friend Chloe! I love snarky, catching and entertaining banters so this was most definitely one aspect that I truthfully enjoyed!
Who is the murder? Now, who is it? Any Guesses?
I think one of the major parts in a murder mystery such as this one, is to figure out who the murderer is, right? Of course, there are a few subjects especially when we learn more and more about Sawyers herself. At some point I was getting pretty close to who the murderer is, but it was alright when we slowly pick up hints and getting closer and closer with our guesses!
Why not tell anyone!?
What  drives me nuts in soo many stories is when protagonists are not telling their friends and family what is going on with them!! I was screaming a few times at Sawyer to finally tell someone and get help! It still doesn’t make sense to me that she didn’t tell her best friend with whom she shared everything with! In addition, she did tell the police but this horrible officer was telling her it’s all pranks. Seriously?? A kid is going to the police, being obviously scared and they do nothing? Makes me mad even now thinking about it!
Bewitched Rating
Bottom Line
Truly, Madly, Deadly by Hannah Jayne was a gripping, thrilling and sometimes super creepy murder mystery. However, I wished the pacing had been a little faster and some details didn’t make sense to me. But all together, it was a great story with a very creepy murder mystery!
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I just don’t know about that abusive boyfriend (yes, I know he’s the one who’s killed but still). I’ve read some other reviews that really panned that part of the book… Still, you’ve got great taste so maybe I’ll have to give this one a go. 🙂
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I think was what a little disturbing was that it was not really the essential part of the book and nobody knew about it really But still, I think the mystery was great 🙂
Danny recently posted..Surprising and Compelling! Prep School Confidential by Kara Taylor
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A murder mystery and a psychological thriller with an unreliable narrator? Yes, please! This was a really great review, Danny, as it made me very excited to read this particular novel without giving anything away. I’ll definitely be keeping my eye out for Truly, Madly, Deadly the next time I’m at the bookstore!
Jen @ Pop! Goes The Reader recently posted..Review: Fever 1793 by Laurie Halse Anderson
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Ah, it’s always so hard to write a review without giving too much away. Especially when there is a mystery with a lot of twists!!!!
Danny recently posted..Bewitched Kids Corner {11} Kelsey Green, Reading Queen
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How have I totally missed hearing about this one? It is right up my alley because I love mysteries. I will definitely have to read this one, even if it does have a bit of that “bang your head against the wall” annoyance to it when it comes to the protagonist not telling people things. I hate that too, but I’ll look past it because the rest of this book sounds amazing. 😀
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Oh it definitely has a few “band your head” moments and I would have loved to talked about them some more, but still in the end it was a great mystery!
Danny recently posted..Bewitched Kids Corner {11} Kelsey Green, Reading Queen
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Great review! I am really curious about this book. I was so excited but then read some so-so reviews. I am glad to see a bit more of a positive review. I think most recent murder mysteries are incorporates realistic issues. i do miss the plain and simple classic murder mysteries.
JennRenee recently posted..Delightful Discoveries #25
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I get why so many people had some mixed feelings. I also had some issues, but they didn’t ruin the book for me which is why I liked it a little more!
There are some issues I had – but some of these were cleared at the end..
Danny recently posted..Bewitched Kids Corner {11} Kelsey Green, Reading Queen
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“What drives me nuts in soo many stories is when protagonists are not telling their friends and family what is going on with them!!”
OMG I SOOOO AGREE!!! It drives me totally bonkers! UGH! I’m a little nervous about this book. It seems like it’s very much in the middle ground (not totally love or totally hate), but that disappoints me a bit because I wanted to LOVE it! It sounded sooooo good.
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Definitely middle ground here..
and I wish I could tell you exactly what drove me so nuts, but if you want to read it I must keep my mouth shut now! But seriously I was sooo frustrated that she didn’t tell anyone and then the police reaction?!?!?!?!? GRRR!!!
Still, it was a great read int he end!
Danny recently posted..Surprising and Compelling! Prep School Confidential by Kara Taylor
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I really enjoyed this book and totally agree that it was both creepy and thrilling. I found it to be a nice break from all the contemporary romances I’ve been reading lately.
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Oh yes I also read so many romances that I totally enjoy a good mystery and love a thrilling story! Glad you liked it too :))
Danny recently posted..Bewitched Kids Corner {11} Kelsey Green, Reading Queen
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I’ve been really curious about this one… I LOVE mysteries… But YES it really bothers me too when the protagonist keeps this BIG SECRET to themselves and doesn’t tell anyone else. For no good reason. Say what!? Oh well. I’m sure I’ll still try it 🙂
Brittany @ the Book Addict’s Guide recently posted..Dirty Little Secret – Jennifer Echols
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This drives me soooo nuts!!!! When they do not tell anyone – I would never keep something so tremendous to myself! I mean, she did tell the police but then the police reacted so weird! Grr! Still, it was thrilling :))
Danny recently posted..Bewitched Kids Corner {11} Kelsey Green, Reading Queen
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Awesome Review Friend! I get also get frustrated when the main character isn’t telling anyone what is going on with them, when they are clearly in danger! I love stories laden with mystery, where you have to figure out who the bad guy is! I need to read this book! It sounds intriguing…
Lindy@ A Bookish Escape recently posted..Blog Tour: A Matter of Heart (Fate #2) by Heather Lyons
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It most definitely is a great mystery and even though I was frustrated a few times, it didn’t completely dull the fun I had while figuring out who the bad guy is!!! Hope you are going to like it 🙂
Danny recently posted..Bewitched Kids Corner {11} Kelsey Green, Reading Queen
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Snarky, entertaining banter is always so much fun! But what a shame that the MC tries to keep everything to herself instead of telling someone (that gets annoying very quickly).
Nice honest review! 🙂
YA Book Queen recently posted..Highlights / Lowlights: Review of THE MOON AND MORE by Sarah Dessen
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I love murder in YA and this has been in my wishlist for so long. Hope I get to it soon! Though you mentioned some of its flaws, I’m still very interested because thrilling and compelling reads are must-reads for me. Thanks, Danny!
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