Discussed! Taking you book love OFF line…

Posted 28 September, 2013 by Pushy in Blog, Discussion, Pushy / 14 Comments

Happy Saturday!

*Pushy waves*

I hope you are all having a good start in the weekend!

Today, it would normally be our beloved Danny here to sit down with you guys, drinking a cup of coffee and start the weekend off with friendly discussion.  However, when we were chatting earlier in the week, I mentioned that I was going to a book club I had started up a few months ago and she thought that would make a great topic for this weekend!

Discussed bookclubs

Like many of you, I’ve been a reader as long back as I can remember, and it’s a rare time that I have a conversation about a book that doesn’t have me gushing with how affected I was by the book in question.

As such, I’ve been a member of several book clubs over the years.

My first book club, and my most enduring one, has been my on-again, off-again society of me and my BFF of nearly 30 years (yes…I AM that old…).  BFF and I have always shared a love of books, though not always the same ones.  My love of romance is often lost on her as her love of political biography.  However, without BFF I never would have read Twilight which was my gateway drug to the blogosphere.  BFF and I are planning to go back to one of our first loves, Stephen King, next month and read Doctor Sleep.  WOOT for REDRUM REDUX!!!!

From this informal but frequent book club has sprung a couple of sporadic clubs, ones that start and flourish but inevitably succumb to the pressures of other commitments.  So it was with no small amount of surprise that now, in by far the busiest time in my life (three kids, full time job, part time job, heavily volunteered and book blogging, what?) that some moms I’m friendly with through my kids’ school wanted to start a book club.

But I couldn’t say no!  It was too delicious a proposition.  A group of adults I can go out with on  a monthly basis, drink some wine and gush over the hotness that is Noah and Echo (yes, our most recent selection was Pushing The Limits by Katie McGarry and it KILLED!!)….um…yeah….sign me up for a shit ton of that action!

So it’s been fun!  We’ve read 7 books together so far and are starting to branch out into other genres and it’s just a really nice time (did I mention girl time, wine and NOAH FREAKING HUTCHINS!?!?).  But it also makes me realize how grateful I am for the community I’ve found in all of you online!  When we were stumped last night looking for our next book (one vote for ChickLit Romantic Comedy, one vote for Thriller/Mystery sans Horror), I leapt to Twitter and hit my book peeps up!  And you guys came through, as I had no doubt you would!

So tell me……

Do you (my dear Readers) participate in a book discussion group offline too?

….or is online where it’s at for you?

Tell me – I’d LOVE to know!!

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Lover of words and authors; absolute fan girl of books! Give me a good story, with characters I can love (and hate) and I'll follow you anywhere. Sing me a song of worlds I can dream of, and I'll listen forever.

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14 Responses to “Discussed! Taking you book love OFF line…”

  1. Book clubs sounds like so much fun, but there aren’t any in the Philippines. Which I wish there was, because I would love to be able to hang out with people and talk about books.

    Which is one of the reasons that I love the Internet and book blogging.
    Shannelle (The Tracery of Ink) recently posted..Book Review: The 5th WaveMy Profile

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    Jennifer Reyes 9/28/2013

    Hey! I love to have a book club in the Philippines too! Where are you from?
    Never experienced being part of any clubs at all. tsk.
    Jennifer Reyes recently posted..My 100 Day ProjectMy Profile

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  2. I’m a little too introvert to attend face to face meet-up’s of any kind. None of my friends really read much (outside of my online world, or course), and I really regret that. Well, one old friend who I no longer see (various reasons, but we moved to Dubai and it kind of ended there) read romance. I tried to get into that and share it with her but she wasn’t interested in discussing them and after I read them I could see the only discussion we’d have had would have been about how hot the hero was.

    I’m totally excited to read Stephen King’s Doctor Sleep too! 🙂
    Shah Wharton’s WordsinSync recently posted..Why I Began ‘Sometimes in Dreams’…With A Betrayal by G.L. Helm #RomanceMy Profile

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  3. I wish I had others to share my thoughts on books in ‘real life’. I don’t though…maybe one day. I’ve always liked the idea of a book club, though the idea of *having* to read something makes me wonder if I’d be any good at it. I always procrastinate when I don’t have the option to take it or leave it :/
    Wattle recently posted..Meme: Friday Finds – 27 SeptemberMy Profile

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  4. I participate in a book club with my girls at work about 12 of us. I also am part of bookbloggers book club on line. I am a librarian at a primary school and I have a fall reading challenge we started on the 15th. You should check it out.

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  5. I haven’t done a real life book club yet but I’ve been thinking of starting one. But I’m so busy I’m not sure it’ll happen.
    We do a ‘blogger’ get together here though. I say it like that because its not all bloggers. We have someone who works for a local publishing house, a high school English teacher, an employee from Powells and I think the rest of us are bloggers. Sometimes authors come as well. It usually ends up just being a few of us that show up and we just hang out. We often meet up before or after signings with the authors as well.
    It’s fun!
    Candace recently posted..Children’s Book Review: Mary Had a Sleep Sheep by Julia DweckMy Profile

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  6. I’m in two book clubs. One takes place at work and we mostly read literature and current releases. The other book club relates to the works and life of Jane Austen. Both are fantastic and always look forward to meeting friends and chatting about books.

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  7. I seriously wish I had a group of friends who liked to read. Sadly, mine stick with Jody Picoult and Nicholas Sparks…both of which make me want to throw up. I’ve tried to get them interested in other books but, besides The Hunger Games, nada. *sigh* Oh, well. I have a book club for one at the moment. Your new group sounds like a trip, though, and adventurous in their reading, too! Yahoo!
    Mary @ BookSwarm recently posted..Multiple Minis: It’s all about the contemporariesMy Profile

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  8. I am in a book club with my friends but because we’re all so busy, we really don’t meet up a lot. Since last October, we’ve only read four books! I will try to make it work…

    But I think being able to profess your love for reading offline is a good idea. It’s healthy to get some REAL interaction sometimes. Sitting in front of the computer can be so stifling!
    Annie recently posted..Reflect & Renew: September 2013My Profile

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  9. Very cool! I am part of a book club that started in February and so far has met once a month. Not everyone can make it every meeting but we have enough people that it works out. It’s the Virginia Wine and Book Club…basically we all vote on a month’s book, and then we pair a Virginia wine with it! It’s been great fun and it’s been fun to discuss books beyond the computer.
    Michelle recently posted..Review: Storm Watcher by Maria V. SnyderMy Profile

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  10. I have book discussions everywhere. Particularly on various blogs on books I’ve already read. I have this slight superstition that if I read a review of a book I’ve haven’t read yet, it”ll ruin my personal opinion.
    – Krys

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