Chicagoland Vampires Series Book Reviews

I’ve been on a roll with books featuring supernatural creatures for months. The latest books feature vampires and shapeshifters. The Chicagoland Vampires Novels were recommended to me on based on my previous purchases and it only took a glance at the synopsis for book one to get me hooked. The books are about a […]

Posted 2 April, 2010 by Danny in / 10 Comments

Review – Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter by Seth Grahame-Smith

This book recommendation came to me from an unlikely source: one of my work boys (think Danny DeVito and Arnold Schwarzenegger from the movie Twins). They are well-accustomed to my reading/stalking habits now, and when I was approached by Danny D. to read Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, I was quite impressed. You may recognize the […]

Posted 1 April, 2010 by Danny in / 12 Comments

New Twilight Saga Novella Announced!!

Stephenie Meyer has thrown us loyal fans a Twilight-sized bone. According to her website, a new novella, The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner, will be published on June 5, 2010. This release is the first new material from Stephenie in two years and is timed perfectly to prepare all of us for the theatrical […]

Posted 30 March, 2010 by Danny in / 11 Comments

Beautiful Creatures Contest Winner!!!

Glitter Text Generator at

Before I tell you who it is, I want to thank everyone who entered, especially those of you who tweeted and blogged about the contest and/or linked to us on your sidebars. Thank you so very much for spreading the news!!! And thank you to our many new followers!!! We absolutely adore each and every […]

Posted 29 March, 2010 by Danny in / 16 Comments

Once Upon A Time…

 When I was a little girl I wanted to be a secretary.Romantic, no?Something about staplers, White-Out, andmy own filing cabinet soundedfar too freaking wonderful.Dork much? Wellll…Now that I’m a little older,those dreams have passed and in their placeanother fantasy has taken hold of me. I long to be in a fairy tale.I don’t care if […]

Posted 25 March, 2010 by Danny in / 13 Comments

Beautiful Creatures: More More More!!

If you been following us on Twitter (you are following us on Twitter, right?) or hanging out around some of our blogs, you know we’ve caught Beautiful Creatures fever! We’re completely in love with Ethan Wate *swoon* and Lena Duchannes *you go girl!* and their incredible Southern gothic world of Mortals and Casters. Well, now […]

Posted 23 March, 2010 by Danny in / 8 Comments

Review: The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins (series)

Series: The Hunger Games Author: Suzanne CollinsGenre: YAVendors: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Borders I first heard about The Hunger Games series on Twitter, of all things. Some girls in the Twilight fandom were tweeting about these new books, which had characters with some pretty funny names, Katniss and Peeta, just to name two. Intrigued, I […]

Posted 22 March, 2010 by Danny in / 13 Comments

Review – Fallen by Lauren Kate

UYP: It is safe to say I’ve had a love affair of books and reading ever since I learned how. Due to school, and children, and other committments, I seem to read in spurts. I had been in a down spurt for awhile – mainly due to reading copious amounts of fanfiction; especially due to […]

Posted 15 March, 2010 by Danny in Uncategorized / 15 Comments

Short But Sweet

 Hey Bewitched Bookworms!My name is cutie.Some of you may know me from my blogSuper Secret Twilight Blog (or SSTB for short)where I pretty much blog about everythingbut Twilight. Not to mention it’s notmuch of a secret, truth be told.I like irony.What can I say?As for my name, which inspires thoughts of tweeners,I must admit I’m […]

Posted 11 March, 2010 by Danny in / 8 Comments

…And the Award Goes To…

Thanks to Missie at The Unread Reader for the wonderful blog awards! Here are the rules: Thank and link to the person that gave you the award Pass the award onto 15 bloggers you’ve recently discovered and think are fantastic Contact said Blogs and let them know they’ve won State 7 things about yourself Here […]

Posted 11 March, 2010 by Danny in / 6 Comments