Kindle – iPad? for the love of eBooks!

Are you a classical reader? Meaning you love the smell of a new book when you open it, and you just love to hold a real book that you can put in your shelf? Or, are you among those who read eBooks and love the possibilities you have with a eBook reader? Beginning of the […]

Posted 13 June, 2010 by Danny in Danny / 7 Comments

Time for the BlogHopedihop and a weekly roundup!

It’s already Friday! Time is running so fast, sometimes you just keep wondering. I’m still beyond happy that the girls and I started this blog here, it made me meet so many awesome and lovely people, it’s a wonderment – each one of you. Plus, I read much more than before, which is partly due […]

Posted 11 June, 2010 by Danny in / 15 Comments

Let Me Count The Ways

I just finished reading a fantastic book! Upon reflection, I think what I loved the most was how refreshing it was.The book is The Body Finder.The author is Kimberly Derting.And the following are five reasons I adored it sofa king much. A blurp about the book: 1. The Girl With The Morbid Ability (pic taken […]

Posted 10 June, 2010 by Danny in / 21 Comments

Summer Book Contest!

Whenever I’m lucky enough to go to a book signing, I (Pushy) seem to be incapable of NOT picking up an extra signed copy to give away on the blog. This is probably why my husband doesn’t encourage me to go to too many book signings. I do have a mortgage to pay after all…. […]

Posted 7 June, 2010 by Danny in / 76 Comments

Review: All Unquiet Things by Anna Jarzab

All Unquiet Things Author: Anna JarzabPublished: January 12, 2010Links: Goodreads, Amazon (available as Kindle edition)eAudio book borrowed from Library by reviewer/Purchased by reviewer Description: Carly: She was sweet. Smart. Self-destructive. She knew the secrets of Brighton Day School’s most privileged students. Secrets that got her killed. Neily: Dumped by Carly for a notorious bad boy, […]

Posted 4 June, 2010 by Danny in / 15 Comments

Blog Hop and Weekly Round Up

It’s Friday that means Jen from Crazy for Books is hosting the Blog Hop again , that also means it’s time to visit other blogs and show some love! Click the Link to get to Jen’s post and the rules. Yes, there are rules! And we should follow them because I can only guess how […]

Posted 4 June, 2010 by Danny in / 16 Comments

The Winter’s Passage a Iron Fey Novella – Review

I waited impatiently for this Novella to be released, it follows right after the end of the Iron King ( read my excitement about this book here, clicky!) and clearly serves as a bridge to The Iron Daughter (early ARC * squeee*review here!). The Winter’s Passage (amazon, goodreads) short story of the Iron Fey saga […]

Posted 2 June, 2010 by Danny in Danny / 0 Comments

Review: Spooky Little Girl by Laurie Notaro

Spooky Little Girl Author: Laurie NotaroPublication Date: April 13, 2010Publisher: Villard Book Description: Death is what happens while you’re busy making other plans. Coming home from a Hawaiian vacation with her best girlfriends, Lucy Fisher is stunned to find everything she owns tossed out on her front lawn, the locks changed, and her fiancé’s phone […]

Posted 1 June, 2010 by Danny in / 2 Comments

Review – Evernight

Cannot get enough Vampire Stories? Sometimes, I just love to read a certain genre, now Vampires – then it’s Faery’s – then romance, I’m just like this. When I started the Evernight series I was in a Vampire phase. I picked up this book, because I read a nice Review on a blog. ( I […]

Posted 30 May, 2010 by Danny in Danny / 18 Comments

Review: My Fair Lazy by Jen Lancaster

My Fair LazyAuthor: Jen Lancaster (website, twitter)Publication Date: May 4, 2010Publisher: NAL Hardcover Book Description: It’s a JENaissance! The New York Times bestselling author of Pretty in Plaid gets her culture on. Readers have followed Jen Lancaster through job loss, sucky city living, weight loss attempts, and 1980s nostalgia. Now Jen chronicles her efforts to […]

Posted 28 May, 2010 by Danny in / 3 Comments

the lil cuties have spoken

With summer just around the corner the lil cuties are full of excitement.Visions of watermelons, swimming pools, homemade pies,and sleeping in late fill their wonderful lil heads with joy.Okay so they aren’t excited about sleeping in late.Wishful thinking on my part.As the mother of four kids,ages ten, eight, six, and two respectively,I am always looking […]

Posted 27 May, 2010 by Danny in / 5 Comments

Review: Wings

I truly believe that this will be the most difficult review I’ve ever written. Because, it is easy to review a book you truly love and are excited about! But, writing about a book you didn’t enjoy so much is harder. I would, however, appreciate if you still stay here and hear me out. And […]

Posted 23 May, 2010 by Danny in Danny / 7 Comments