Thanks to Missie at The Unread Reader for the wonderful blog awards! Here are the rules:
- Thank and link to the person that gave you the award
- Pass the award onto 15 bloggers you’ve recently discovered and think are fantastic
- Contact said Blogs and let them know they’ve won
- State 7 things about yourself

Vania’s Life Captures
Not an Addikt
The Book Cellar
Book Blather
Dolce Vita
Catherine Newman
Life is a spasm who flow
Bloody Bookaholic
Desert Island Keepers
T.V. and Book Addict
Smexy Books
Reading with Tequila
The Bookologist
And here is a little something about each of us here at the blog. Some items may or may not be true.
1. Uhyesplease – “When my elementary library books got boring at the age of 11, I started reading James Michener: Texas, Chesapeake, Hawaii, Centennial. Why my Mom thought reading about a girl who wore a wooden nose because her real one got hacked off by an American Indian was ok, I do not know. Seriously – where was YA when I was 11?”
2. Heather – “I sang the Star Bangled Banner in high school in front of 2000 people all by myself. Don’t have those kind of balls anymore, lol”
3. Cutie – She raises silkworms to make her own silk for undergarments that she sends to the Pattz.
4. Annie – “30-something writer, teacher, and hopeless romantic with a penchant for falling in love with fictional characters. Don’t worry, her real-life boyfriend has learned to deal.”
5. Pushy – “I spend more time on a daily basis conversing with the fictional characters in my head than I do talking to adults. This is sad.”
6. Fragile – In her spare time she trains dogs to bark out the names of the characters in Twilight.
7. Danny – “My best Bloggy Friend calls me WIME, which stands for Water in my Eyes… and she has all the right in the world to call me so…”
8. FC – “I can fit my entire fist in my mouth.”
Congrats to all of the wonderful bloggers! Make sure to check them out and show them some comment love!
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Ohmigod! So, cutie raises silkworms? Good to know and Fragile trains dogs? Interesting… And Fire: I so want to see how your fist fits into your mouth! Thanks again Missie for those awards! 😉
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So, cutie raises silkworms? Good to know and Fragile trains dogs? Interesting…
And Fire: I so want to see how your fist fits into your mouth!
Thanks again Missie for those awards! 😉
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Thank you! 🙂 I found this in my counter. Please come say hello! I don't think I've ever visited your blog 🙂
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Thank you! 🙂
I found this in my counter. Please come say hello! I don't think I've ever visited your blog 🙂
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OMG, if you ladies aren't the funniest group of gals evah! Someone need to take a picture of the fist thing! And can we pretend that the name Missie was in Twilight… cuz a dog that could say my name would be totally cool!
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OMG, if you ladies aren't the funniest group of gals evah!
Someone need to take a picture of the fist thing! And can we pretend that the name Missie was in Twilight… cuz a dog that could say my name would be totally cool!
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