Sunday with the Bookworms {2} with The Midnight Thief, Never Have I Ever, Rot & Ruin and more!

Posted 22 June, 2014 by Danny in Blog, Bookworms / 5 Comments

Welcome Friends! Do you have a Coffee? Or a Tea? Then sit down and chat a little bit about your week with us!

Like every week, Heather, Pushy and Danny are sharing what they read this week and what other exciting things happened in their lives!


*image from the wonderful Seth MacBeth

Danny’s Week

After finishing Heir of Fire (which, holy moly was epic!!)  I was  in the mood for another Fantasy book so I picked up The Midnight Thief by Lisa Blackburne. It also deals  with assassins, so I was eager to get started! So far so good, it started a little slow but toward the middle the story finally hit off and now I’m excited to finish it!

Also, I finished a book I know many people are excited about : Beautiful Oblivion by Jamie McGuirre. Oh gosh girls, it’s the Maddoxx Brothers! Holy Swoon! I will have a post on Tuesday about the boys, so watch out for a special post next week.

Before I went to BEA I started with the audiobooks of “I Hunt Killers” which I really loved, and Mitch from Hachette recommended me  I Am The Weapon by Allen Zadoff (old title: Boy Nobody) so I went a ahead and got the audio!

Midnight Thief Beautiful_Oblivion  I Am Weapon


Life has been quiet this week, well not necessarily quiet as all we did was Football!  As I told you last week, the FiFa World Cup has begun and being German means being excited about Football! Germany won their first game against Portugal and next week Thursday we are playing against the US!

Go Germany!


Heather’s Week

I finished up with Marcus Sakey’s thrilling A Better World this week (here’s my review if you’re interested). I caught up on about fifteen podcasts that I’d fallen behind on, but I listened to one complete audiobook and started another this week. I borrowed Four: The Transfer by Veronica Roth from my local library, and I thoroughly enjoyed listening to his origin story. And I started Never Have I Ever: My Life (So Far) Without A Date by Katie Heaney. While I’m enjoying listening to this audiobook, the description promises laugh out loud funny and that hasn’t happened once for me. I’m pushing through, so we’ll see how I’ll feel at the end of this book.

FourTheTransfer  NeverHaveIEver

As for the rest of things, we started off the week at my in-laws celebrating Father’s Day with a cookout and a game of baseball. I’m excited to see just how quickly my 5-year-old son is picking the sport up. Television wise, I watched the new episode of Beauty and the Beast on Monday, and as a family, we couldn’t wait for Thursday when there were new episodes of Clarence and Teen Titans Go on Cartoon Network.

I’m really just counting down the last week of work that I have until I’m on vacation. I’m sure most of you know that feeling.

Pushy’s Week

This week has been crazy/sad/frustrating on a personal level (our dog passed away suddenly and we had some damage to our house from a hidden leak in a wall) so I’ve been happy to escape into my books!!!  I finished re-reading Of Poseidon and started Of Triton for my bookclub, but I had to put the re-reading of Of Triton on hold because….Ruin and Rising came out!!!!  I had pre-ordered the audiobook and gobbled it up in a couple of days.  It was AMAZING!  More on that to come.

Of Triton RuinRising_cover hi-res

As for non-bookish escapes, since the hubs and I finished up the second season of House of Cards last week, we decided to go retro and start watching Freaks and Geeks this week.  I had forgotten how much fun it is!!

freaks and geeks

So tell us about your week, are you watching Football? And what are you reading? Any exciting books we should know about? 



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5 Responses to “Sunday with the Bookworms {2} with The Midnight Thief, Never Have I Ever, Rot & Ruin and more!”

  1. Aw, Pushy. I’m so sorry to hear about your pup. I love mine like their my furry, dimwitted kids so I hate to hear of your loss. But yay for books and Ruin and Rising (so good!!).
    Another day closer to vacay, Heather! Keep on keepin’ on.
    And Danny: Go Germany!
    Mary @ BookSwarm recently posted..Speed Date with Merry: SHIVER OF LIGHT by Laurel K. HamiltonMy Profile

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    Pushy 6/26/2014

    Thanks, Mary! She was a good (albeit insanely loud) pup and she’ll be missed. *hugs*
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  2. Awww, Pushy, so so sorry to hear about your dog. They might be furry, but they’re part of the family too! Glad that books can be there to help us get through the tough stuff in life!
    Danny, I am watching the World Cup, but as I was rooting for Spain and we’ve done so horribly shamefully bad… I’m thinking I need a new team to root for!
    Pili recently posted..Showcase Sunday #38!My Profile

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    Danny 6/23/2014

    Oh yes Spain is out – it was such a surprise!!! And if you need a new Team: Germany haha!! No, I also root for the Netherlands and Belgium!
    Danny recently posted..16 Things I Thought Were True by Janet GurtlerMy Profile

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