Tag: Marcus Sakey

Pre-Squee About … Written in Fire by Marcus Sakey


Welcome to the Pre-Squee, a new weekly feature here at the Bookworms and at The Book Swarm. Some books, though they might not be coming out for a few months, need an early squee — we just can’t hold in our excitement about them! Sure, we’ll do full reviews closer to the release date but […]

Posted 13 January, 2016 by Heather in Blog / 5 Comments

A Better World by Marcus Sakey

I received this book for free from the Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.A Better World by Marcus Sakey Series: Brilliance Saga #2 Published by Thomas & Mercer on June 17, 2014 Genres: Adult, Crime, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Thriller […]

Posted 19 June, 2014 by Heather in Blog, Heather, Heather Book Review / 7 Comments

Super Six Sunday – Heather’s Favorite Books of 2013

Welcome to our  latest edition of Super Six Sundays! Enjoy! Super Six Sunday is an original bookish meme hosted at Bewitched Bookworms and inspired by “Top Ten Tuesday” from The Broke and The Bookish . You can see the weekly schedule of themes here. It’s so great to see so many people participating! Check back later and […]

Posted 29 December, 2013 by Heather in Blog, Featured, Heather, Super Six Sunday / 14 Comments

Brilliance by Marcus Sakey

Brilliance by Marcus Sakey Published by Thomas & Mercer on July 16, 2013 Genres: Adult, Crime, Mystery, Thriller Pages: 434 Format: eBook Source: Publisher Buy on Amazon Goodreads In Wyoming, a little girl reads people’s darkest secrets by the way they fold their arms. In New York, a man sensing patterns in the stock market […]

Posted 14 August, 2013 by Heather in Blog, Heather, Heather Book Review / 6 Comments