Avalon by Mindee Arnett

Posted 17 January, 2014 by Danny in Blog, Danny, Danny's Book Review / 11 Comments

Avalon by Mindee ArnettAvalon by Mindee Arnett
Series: Avalon #1
Published by Balzer + Bray, Harper Collins on January 21st 2014
Genres: Action and Suspense, Romance, Sci-Fi, Young Adult
Source: Publisher
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5 Stars

A ragtag group of teenage mercenaries who crew the spaceship Avalon stumble upon a conspiracy that could threaten the entire galaxy in this fascinating and fast-paced sci-fi adventure from author Mindee Arnett.

Of the various star systems that make up the Confederation, most lie thousands of light-years from First Earth-and out here, no one is free. The agencies that govern the Confederation are as corrupt as the crime bosses who patrol it, and power is held by anyone with enough greed and ruthlessness to claim it. That power is derived from one thing: metatech, the devices that allow people to travel great distances faster than the speed of light.

Jeth Seagrave and his crew of teenage mercenaries have survived in this world by stealing unsecured metatech, and they're damn good at it. Jeth doesn't care about the politics or the law; all he cares about is earning enough money to buy back his parents' ship, Avalon, from his crime-boss employer and getting himself and his sister, Lizzie, the heck out of Dodge. But when Jeth finds himself in possession of information that both the crime bosses and the government are willing to kill for, he is going to have to ask himself how far he'll go to get the freedom he's wanted for so long.

Avalon is the perfect fit for teens new to sci-fi as well as seasoned sci-fi readers looking for more books in the YA space-and a great match for fans of Joss Whedon's cult hit show Firefly

I’ve been a Big Star Wars fan since I was very little. And I’m talking about the original ones, you know the ones with Han Solo and Luke *swoon* Skywalker, so I had already an affinity to true SciFi Stories. Now, when YA meets true SciFi I’m just getting giddy with excitement. Now, not all ScFi stories are my cup of tea, they need to have a certain stroyline and set up to them for me to work which is why I’m often a little sceptical. And let me just say – I’m so so so  glad I picked up Avalon!

Star Wars meets The Heist Society in an electrifying way!

The world of Avalon is crafted in a marvellous way. Set way in the future, where many planets have been discovered and flying in space ships between the worlds is a common daily feature. Much like in Star Wars, we have a ruling community who take care of intergalactic politics and of course we have also a mafia like syndicate. Now Jeth – our main character of awesome is struck with the syndicate where he and his teen crew are performing heists and steal spaceships. As I said before – I felt like it was a great combination of classic Scifi elements with the lightness and the thrilling addition of a crew of teenage thief’s.

Our Stealing, adorable and charming Hero!

Well, I’m not sure Jeth would have liked me to call him adorable – but he is! Captured in clutches of a crime-boss, he became very crafty himself in stealing spaceships. He’s smart clever and knows how to guide his friends through a heist. Everyone is looking up to him. Jeth is to swoon for and to fall for. I loved him for his strength and loyalty  towards his friends and sister. Jeth definitely is not having it easy, but he always tries to make the best out of this situation.

Full on Action, Rich Compelling Story that is exhilarating!

Seriously guys this book has it all! An amazing cast of characters wrapped up in deep politics and some secrets that all would have never dreamed of becoming wrapped up in. The plot was incredibly fast moving and filled with lots of turns and secret revelations that I didn’t see coming. There wasn’t a boring moment in this book and I was literally glued to the pages, not being able to put it down. It’s the perfect mix of clever plotting and outstanding  characters. It even had the time to fill in romance – which made my heart beat faster. If you know me, you know that a story without love wouldn’t be the same for me. Yet here I got it all! YEAH!


Bewitched Rating

Bottom Line

Avalon by Mindee Arnett is an exhilarating mix of Star Wars and The Heist Society. Lead by a charming adorable boy, mixed with a thrilling, full-on action storyline makes this story stand out. Especially the clever plot that still leaves room to develop characters creates an outstanding and perfect mix that I won’t get tired of gushing over. I’m seriously fangirling here!



Additional Info

After finishing Avalon, I was so excited about Mindee Arnett’s writing that I immediately got a copy of her debut The Nightmare Affair – and I was not disappointed! It was just as awesome as Avalon.
And, if you are not convinced after reading my Fangirly review, there is a Prequel for Avalon already available!

And last but to least, I’m excited to host Jeth *swoon* at my Blog next week during the Blog Tour and .. oh my Girls! You should definitely come back and meet him! 
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Obsessive Reader by Night - Scientist at Day! You can also find me on goodreads. I'd love to get to know you so, don't be shy and say Hello!

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11 Responses to “Avalon by Mindee Arnett”

  1. If you were a Browncoat (aka Firefly fan) I don’t believe you’d see this book in the same light. I reviewed Avalon earlier this month and cross-examined each character and showed how they related to a character from the show. Mindee Arnett openly admits that she’s an avid fan and even named her daughter after one of the Firefly characters.
    Christina @ My Life In Books recently posted..Book Review: Avalon by Mindee ArnettMy Profile

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  2. I feel like such a black sheep for not enjoying this one. It was a DNF for me. I didn’t hate anything in it specifically, but I was never connected to the story or the characters. I also felt confused a lot of time. 🙁
    I’m glad you enjoyed it though. Lovely review, Danny!

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    Danny 1/22/2014

    Oh no, I’m so sorry you didn’t like it ! And I know it’s especially bad when so many people loved it;( But then… that’s the wonder about storers and books right? :))
    Did you read Mindee’s Nightmare Affair? That one was funny, snarky and awesome!

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  3. I readn A Nightmare AFfiar and liked it weell enough. This sounds more up my alley. I adored STars Wars as well. Jenny said this was super good so I am grabbing a copy.

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