Stir Me Up by
Sabrina Elkins Published by Harlequin,
HarlequinTEEN on October 1st 2013
Genres: Contemporary,
New Adult,
Young Adult Source: Publisher Buy on Amazon Goodreads
Cami Broussard has her future all figured out. She'll finish her senior year of high school, then go to work full-time as an apprentice chef in her father's French restaurant, alongside her boyfriend, Luke. But then twenty-year-old ex-Marine Julian Wyatt comes to live with Cami's family while recovering from serious injuries. And suddenly Cami finds herself questioning everything she thought she wanted.
Julian's all attitude, challenges and intense green-brown eyes. But beneath that abrasive exterior is a man who just might be as lost as Cami's starting to feel. And Cami can't stop thinking about him. Talking to him. Wanting to kiss him. He's got her seriously stirred up. Her senior year has just gotten a lot more complicated….
This is the debut novel for the new Harlequin TEEN Digital First line. And they choose an exciting novel for their release, as it is promised to be a Young Adult contemporary, which is a little steamier than the usual YA stories but not yet full to be New Adult! As soon as I heard this, I was on board!
Cami outspoken, driven and full of passion
Cami lives with her dad and stepmom and all she ever cared about was cooking like her French Chef-Daddy. She loves to cook; she loves the environment in a restaurant kitchen and does not care about the hard work. I instantly loved Cami and easily made a place in my heart for her. I admired her passion for food and cooking and I admired her strong determination to go after what she dreams about, meaning being a chef herself someday.
But that is not everything I loved about her, there is so much more! When Julian comes to live with them, he’s broken and a jerk to everyone. He pushes and pushes and he’s rude. But there is Cami and she’s the one who is not willing to take on his attitude and does not handle him with kid’s cloves! She fights back and talks back with the same attitude.
And at the same time, she felt for him and was very compassionate. She just didn’t take is crap and instead showed him how rude he is, but all this with never loosing a soft touch.
Julian – sexy broken boy
Julian just came back from Afghanistan and he’s completely broken. He lost one of his legs and is severely injured. He not only has to fight his demons now from his time in Afghanistan, but also has to learn to deal with his new physical situation. So of course he was a mess when he first arrived at Cami’s house. Of course, he didn’t want pity and neither did he want to get close to everyone.
And as much of a jerk and assholes he sometimes was, we never forget that this poor boy has experienced something horrible which made it easier to understand his behavior.
His vulnerability was heartbreaking and when he slowly, very slowly opened up to Cami it was both heartbreaking and beautiful to see. All his insecurities about losing his leg broke my heart several times.
Vulnerable love and passion that will melt your hearts ladies!
This love story was outstanding. Following Cami and Julian fall for each other while each had their own demons and problems to deal with was just perfectly beautiful. Their love was so vulnerable at times that it broke my heart several times; and over and over my heart melted with their love and how much they cared for each other. Sabrina Elkins managed to deal so delicately with Julian’s insecurities about his amputated leg, but also let us feel their passion. It was just plain wonderful!
Powerful Debut!
Sabrina Elkins did so many things right in this novel that I feel like there is nothing missing. The way she dealt with Julian’s situation felt perfect and right for me, even though I have no way to know what Julian must go through.
Cami was such a wonderful girl and just perfect to get Julian out of his shell and break down his walls. I loved and admired her strength.
The ending was also just perfect and left nothing to be desired. It was neither rushed nor underdeveloped, something I hate when I am completely emerged into a story only to find that the ending was rushed and way too fast.
Bewitched Rating

Bottom Line
Sabrina Elkins gave us a wonderful, beautiful and very sexy love story that all fans of mature Young Adult will devour in one sitting. Stir Me Up is perfect for fans of Katie McGarry as we find the same careful development of strong, yet vulnerable characters that will melt our hearts!

Additional Info
Sabrina will be here at the Bookworms again on Thursday for an Interview and a Giveaway, so don’t miss meeting her!
With Stir Me Up – HarlequinTEEN launched their first Teen Digital First Line and they couldn’t have chosen a better story to debut with. Being a big fan of Harlequin Teen AND of eBooks, this sounds just like heaven for me! Plus, they sell the eBooks to an amazing prize of only $1.99 – so don’t hesitate and get your own copy today!

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Sounds great. So she’s still in high school? But I guess the plot and steamyness makes it more NA than YA. I haven’t heard of the Digital First line. I wonder what makes them decide to pick books for that as opposed to printing them first.
Alison (@AlisonCanRead) recently posted..Love and Other Perishable Items by Laura Buzo
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Oh, Danny. You’re just in love with love, aren’t you? 🙂 Good thing there are so many fantastic YAs and NAs to satisfy! I’ve heard of this one but yours is the first review I’ve seen…gonna have to check it out!
Mary @ BookSwarm recently posted..Top Off Tuesday: GRAY’S GIRL by Mina Carter
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I LOVED this book! I agree with everything you said. Julian was absolutely perfect. And better than that was the way Cami handled him.
Great review!
Krista recently posted..Top Ten Tuesday
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I have this to read really soon and I can’t wait. Awesome review!
Ellen recently posted..Going Long (Waiting on the Sidelines #2) by Ginger Scott: Guest Post, Giveaway, Review
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We attempted to talk about this one when Skype was misbehaving, and now I know I need to read it. My heart hurts for both of them just reading this review and I want to give Julian the biggest hug possible. If you loved it this much, I know I’ll love it too and I need to go to amazon and get it on the Kindle. I’M COMING JULIAN!!!!!
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I’m reading this one tomorrow, so I’m super excited to see how much you loved it. I am so in the mood for a sexy romance.
Thanks for the great review!
Michelle @ Book Briefs
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I love the sound of this book and can’t wait to read it! Cami seems like she’s just the kind of heroine I would love – strong and compassionate, rather than the weak and selfish heroines I’ve come across lately!
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