Picture This {1}

Posted 27 June, 2014 by Pushy in Blog, Book Review, Bookworms, Meme, Picture This, Picture This, Pushy / 17 Comments

Hello, dear reader!!  We switching things up on Fridays and so we’ll have a few new, non-review posts coming up.  Here’s one of them:

Picture This

Playing off the theme that a picture’s worth a thousand words, Picture This is a post that deals with the visual behind the books we love.  In these posts we’ll share an image or two, talk about why we shared them and then we’ll leave the floor open to you to share your thoughts!  So, without further ado, this post’s Picture This theme is….


caught mermaid via memory howell cartoon mermaid via roberta eastwood mermaid back via santa yanez-montemayor dangerous mermaids via abby McHugh

I’ve been re-reading The Syrena Legacy series for my offline book club and between that and summer, mermaids have been on my mind.  I love their grace and beauty, their mystery and allure.  For me, mermaids have more darkness to them than our friends at Disney would show, and there’s something so completely intriguing about them for me.

What do you think?  Are you a fan of mermaids?  What’s your favorite mermaid book in YA or elsewhere?

Let us know!

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Lover of words and authors; absolute fan girl of books! Give me a good story, with characters I can love (and hate) and I'll follow you anywhere. Sing me a song of worlds I can dream of, and I'll listen forever.

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17 Responses to “Picture This {1}”

  1. I think mermaids are kind of creepy… I’m not a big fan of fish in the first place. I mean wow they breathe underwater and all that, I guess that’s cool. But their “skin”? It’s soo slippery that I can’t deal with it. Same goes for snakes. Eeek.
    Mermaids? I feel so weirded out just knowing they are half fish! And then I always have this questions swirling around in my mind: how do they procreate? How do they go about doing their business? The whole topic is just a big “no” area for me I try to stay away from. I liked the Disney film “Ariel” when I was little but that’s about it.
    Also, isn’t the first picture from GNTM? 😀
    Karolina @ Bookshelf Reflections recently posted..Behind the Blog: Melissa @ Bookmark DragonMy Profile

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  2. Zoe

    I’m not really sure what to think of mermaids actually. I prefer to picture them as Ariel swimming around with Flounder and Sebastian, but numerous movies and TV shows have debunked my mermaid fantasies. Making them appear more like savage monsters. So I guess you could say I’m a fan of mermaids like in The Little Mermaid.

    I haven’t read any mermaid books, but I have heard about Of Poseidon, and I’m interested to see what all the hypes about. Though I’m a bit hesitant to be honest.
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  3. Zoe

    I’m all for mermaids like Ariel, who swim around with their fish friends and daydream about human princes. However, numerous movies and TV shows have made me question whether or not mermaids are what they say they are, and in truth, are savage beasts. I prefer, to go with the former though, Ariel.

    To be honest, I’ve never read a mermaid book. I have heard of Of Poseidon, but I’m not sure. I’m a bit iffy about it.
    Zoe recently posted..Summer Days ChallengesMy Profile

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    Zoe 6/27/2014

    sorry about the dual post, it wasn’t showing the first time, and it left the page so I had to rewrite it.
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  4. i love the merfolk. I love the cutesy and dark side of these mysterious creatures. some ya books ive loved are: monstrous beauty by elizabeth fama and the vicious deep by zoraida cordova. i really hope that more merman based ya books come out in the future.

    ps. the last picture is my favorite. so sneeky . evil grin.
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