Super Six Sunday – Super Six Bookish Disappointments (Danny)

Posted 13 April, 2014 by Danny in Blog, Danny, Meme, Super Six Sunday / 5 Comments

Welcome to our  newest edition of Super 6 Sundays!



Super Six Sunday is an original bookish meme hosted at Bewitched Bookworms and inspired by “Top Ten Tuesday” from The Broke and The Bookish . You can see the weekly schedule of themes here.

I’m quote excited to see so many people participating! So , check back later and visit the other Super Six Sunday posts to spread the love!

It’s Danny here today sharing my ….

Super Six  Bookish Disappointments


Books that you didn’t love even though everyone (well, many people) else did

Note: As you might have seen, Heather and I have switched the dates and Heather posted her Authors that she recommends to everyone last week. So feel free to choose either of these two topics today:) 

Today, I’m sharing books I’v been excited about but ends up disappointed. These kind of books that you are so excited about because people have been gushing about them.


I love Vampires. I just always have and I always will.  I guess they just never get old for me, which is why I was so excited about this series and had high hopes. Just this series just didn’t do it for me all!!! I didn’t like the characters not the story…


Wither came out during the Dystopian hype and just like everyone I eagerly picked it up – but this book totally drove me nuts! The whole concept felt forced, but moreover the romance didn’t convince me at all and felt flat!


Faeries!!! Gotta love them:) And Wings has gotten some amazing reviews and was enough for me to pick it up.. However the main character did nothing for me other than annoy me completely. …


I so so solo wanted to love this book. Nothing But Us sounded like a strong Contemporary story that had so much potential. I was so disappointed b the ending and didn’t connect with the way it was written nor with the characters or the story.


Hell! I loved The Raven Boys so much! I think it was one of the absolutely best books from Maggie Stiefvater. It was brilliantly written, deep and wonderful.. and then came The Dream Thieves and I have no clue what happened… I felt so disconnected from the story and it made me so sad, but I didn’t love it at all…


Wild Awake for some serious buzz before it came out. It sounded like a powerful contemporary with some sweet romance. But .. it turned out to be something completely else and this “else” was not what I expected and I ended up confused and disappointed..


So now, I’m excited to read your posts!!

But before you go, I have something else. Heather and I thought it would be absolutely amazing if you guys would submit some topic ideas. It would be a great way to get to know you guys better and also to challenge Heather and me. Normally we pick topics we feel comfortable with, but it would be amazing getting some topics for you that would make us think a little more!!

So please fill out the form below and add your topic suggestions. If your topic is picked, we will of course credit the idea to you and feature your blog at this day!

We are super excited to hear your ideas!!!

Happy Sunday!!



and now.. link up your Super Six Sunday Posts!

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Obsessive Reader by Night - Scientist at Day! You can also find me on goodreads. I'd love to get to know you so, don't be shy and say Hello!

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5 Responses to “Super Six Sunday – Super Six Bookish Disappointments (Danny)”

  1. I liked the first couple of HoN books, but then the mc become boy obsessed and she started to annoy me so I’ve given up with the series. A shame because it started out so well.

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  2. I didn’t hate WIngs, but it definitely didn’t meet my expectations. You’re right, Laurel was a really annoying MC.
    The Raven Boys was so amazing, so naturally I expected The Dream Thieves to wow me. Yeah… that didn’t happen. It was all about Ronan; he’s an interesting character and it was cool learning more about his past and his abilities, but I didn’t need an entire book about him. I’m also both sad and thrilled that Maggie Stiefvater is continuing to tease us with the whole BluexGansey romance. In terms of romantic development, not much has happened, but at the same time we all know that something will happen.
    D. @ The Nerdy Journalist recently posted..I’m reluctant to join social networking sitesMy Profile

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    Danny 4/13/2014

    Oh you are sooo right!!! This whole kiss teaser at the beginning? I really hoped it would be more romance involved and this whole storyline dissolved into nothing. I also liked Ronan but I was hoping we’d go into a different direction… So apparently I was not the only one who felt let down;-)

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  3. I completely agree with Wither! I felt like the whole story honestly had no plot really. I also felt like the ending seemed WAY too easy. My mom accidentally bought me the ninth book in House of Night a few years ago and I felt bad so i’m trying to read the series. I read the first and tried the second. I think they’re too slow to start ):

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