Discussed! Blog Reading Preferences – Newsletters & Feeds

Posted 6 April, 2013 by Danny in Blog, Danny, Discussion, Giveaways / 11 Comments

Happy Saturday .

some of you might have seen that we got a little facelift this week. Nothing big, just some fresh and beautiful colors and a new “Landing Page” which I especially love! She also updated our Book Badges and they look super cute now! Tawni from Forever Design did a wonderful job updating the blog!<3

So, since we are facelifting and changing anyway, I’m not about to change our Newsletter option too, which is why I want to talk with you today about  Blog Reading Preferences – Newsletters & Feeds


Right now, you can subscribe to our posts per email in 2 ways. Either via FeedBurner or via WordPress. However, I am sightly concerned about Google discontinuing services like feedburner so I want to take measures in our own hands and get a Newsletter independent from Google.


After talking to Ashley from BookNook I decided to go with a plugin called MyMail. I’m running some tests right now and it seems to run absolutely wonderful! It just needs a little more tweaking until I’m ready for the Transfer.

Here is a small Tweak about how it will look like:
Screen Shot 2013-04-05 at 4.06.57 PM Screen Shot 2013-04-05 at 4.03.47 PM

Newsletter and Feed Reading Preferences

And while putting together the newsletter I was wondering about the reading habits and preferences from all of you guys.

Like, do you want to to read the whole post in the email, or are you fine with just an excerpt? Also, I want to set up a weekly newsletter which has excerpt and links to all of our posts in it?

I know how busy the week can be, so having the option to get a Newsletter with all posts from a favorite Blog once a week would be a perfect way to catch up!

Finally, I was also wondering about how often people read posts in their FeedReader without really clicking on it and going to the actual side?  I mean in the end, I want our posts to be read!!! That is the main goal from us bloggers right?

But then.. of course it would be also nice to see this transferred into statistics. So reading is awesome, but actually clicking and going to the side is even better.

How do I read blogs?

In a Newsletter I’m fine with having only an excerpt. If the posts sounds interesting I’m going to the side anyways to leave a comment. This I can decide from only reading the excerpt.

Funny enough, I feel different about Feed Subscriptions. There I want to see the full post! I read it in my Reading App and then go and visit the blog.

Now, I am wondering about all of you? How do you read Blogs and Blog Posts?

And… this time I’d love to have a little deeper insight than usual and I put together a small Questionnaire about this topics. In the end I want to make it the best for you to read our posts! Meaning your opinion is so much more important than mine!

I’d love to ask you to take 5 minutes and fill our my little Questionnaire. And … in order to give you a little cherry for this extra work, I give away a $10 amazon giftcard to one of you who filled out the form.

I’m really curious to hear about your preferences !!!

Oh and as usual, I am happy to discuss in the comments with you too!

Much Love!

danny Siggy

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Obsessive Reader by Night - Scientist at Day! You can also find me on goodreads. I'd love to get to know you so, don't be shy and say Hello!

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11 Responses to “Discussed! Blog Reading Preferences – Newsletters & Feeds”

  1. I love the “facelift ” that the blog got! All the pastels are so pretty! I also love the start-up page! It looks beautiful, and professional! I understand your concerns with all things Google right now! I’m worried… It’s like what are they going to discontinue next? I filled out the newsletter survey 🙂
    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape recently posted..Discussion Post (5)My Profile

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    Danny 4/7/2013

    Thanks Sweetie! I appreciate that you took your time to answer my survey!

    Glad you like the new colors, I also love the softer colors and … Ooooo how much I love my Landing Page – glad you do too!! woot!
    Danny recently posted..In My Mailbox – Pushy’s SQUEE-festMy Profile

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  2. The pastels are so spring! I love it 😀

    As for my reading habits, I’m a bad blogger – I like my reader to show full posts so I only have to click through to the posts I want to comment on/save for later. But I love the idea of a newsletter – all your posts in one convenient spot so I can see if I missed anything! Great idea!
    Kelly recently posted..Introducing: Choose Your Own Adventure!My Profile

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    Danny 4/7/2013

    Woot! Thanks Kelly!!!

    Ah and you are not a bab blogger just a person who tries to do so many things at once…

    I kind of like the idea for a weekly newsletter and I think I’m going to try and see how that will work out. I mean, I know sometimes the week can be so busy so I think it would be kind of nice to have once a week a place where I see what I missed.
    Danny recently posted..In My Mailbox – Pushy’s SQUEE-festMy Profile

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  3. I do love the way your blog looks. It’s always improving. I’m getting a facelift this month!! Can’t wait for it!

    I like the daily emails. Just keeps me up to date. A weekly one would have me forever tied to the computer trying to read and comment. And I rarely get to my reader. Though I just switched over to feedly. I’m not sure what I’m doing there.

    hrose2931 recently posted..Blog Tour The Breeders by Katie French Review and GiveawayMy Profile

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    Danny 4/7/2013

    Ooo I can’t wait to see your new layout Sweetie :)) Who did you end up hiring?

    And I would not stop sending out daily newsletters, the weekly one would be just an additoon!
    Danny recently posted..In My Mailbox – Pushy’s SQUEE-festMy Profile

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  4. Your blog’s facelift looks GREAT! I love that landing page. I can’t believe I just now found your blog – thanks, Danny, for commenting on my blog so I was able to come visit you! I have a feeling I might be in the minority in that I don’t mind excerpts. I usually prefer to read blog posts in their “native habitats,” which would be on the sites. So I usually like to click through the email or reader and just go straight to the site. Often I want to comment anyway, so it just makes sense. I’m looking forward to your survey results and what you end up deciding.
    Kelley (Another Novel Read) recently posted..Book Thoughts: Requiem by Lauren OliverMy Profile

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  5. Good mooorning! *slurps coffee*

    I love the colours, but then, I always love your themes. The Forever theme’s kinda perfect anyways. 😉

    Also great questions. I recently thought about those, too, because of how I handle the blog at the moment (with excerpts on the index, but full content in the feed and email subscriptions) and went with what I prefer, which is full content except for newsletters, where I prefer thumbnails and excerpts. *g*

    Hope you share the results of the survey, though! 😀
    Patricia recently posted..Manga: Hapi Mari by Maki EnjoujiMy Profile

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  6. Aw congrats on your new look. It’s my first time here so not sure what it was befroe but it’s looking good 🙂

    I actually just unsubscribed to every email subscription I was getting. There were just too many to deal with and I started using BlogLovin to follow. I’m actually really loving it and am able to make it to more blogs and actually comment quicker which is nice.

    When I was getting emails I liked just a bit of the post. Enough that I’d know if I want to jump over to the blog or not but not too much that it took forever to scroll and see the other posts happening.

    herding cats & burning soup
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