Book I in the Covenant series
Genre: YA Paranormal / Greek Mythology
Published October 18th 2011 by Spencer Hill Press
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Synopsis from goodreads
The Hematoi descend from the unions of gods and mortals, and the children of two Hematoi-pure-bloods have godlike powers. Children of Hematoi and mortals-well, not so much. Half-bloods only have two options: become trained Sentinels who hunt and kill daimons or become servants in the homes of the pures. Seventeen-year-old Alexandria would rather risk her life fighting than waste it scrubbing toilets, but she may end up slumming it anyway. There are several rules that students at the Covenant must follow. Alex has problems with them all, but especially rule #1:Relationships between pures and halfs are forbidden. Unfortunately, she’s crushing hard on the totally hot pure-blood Aiden. But falling for Aiden isn’t her biggest problem–staying alive long enough to graduate the Covenant and become a Sentinel is. If she fails in her duty, she faces a future worse than death or slavery: being turned into a daimon, and being hunted by Aiden. And that would kind of suck.
I admit this one took me by surprise only to leave me wishing I had read it earlier, or later so that I didn’t have to wait for the next one. I heard lots of things about Half-Blood and many girls were falling head over heels for Alex but still I didn’t pick it up. So, when I was in holidays and had actually time to read I simply gave it a shot.
Oh my Freaking Goodness!!
Think Vampire Academy just in Greek and not in Russian… and no Vampires..
I read a lot of reviews saying that this one feels too close to Vampire Academy. I disagree. Yes, it does has the school elements, plus the forbidden love between teacher and student, but other than this Half-Blood is its own story and deserves to be treated as such. Mrs. Armetrout deals with Greek gods and creates a race of half-gods with super human powers. However, there are the ones that are much purer in terms of godlike blood lines and both races shouldn’t mingle, too much. Alex is a half-blood but she has been on the run for quite some time with her mother took her. Now, she’s forced to go back – alone and scared. And she has to learn the truth about herself and the reason behind her mother’s sudden escape.
Alex! Bad-ass, awesome, kick-ass, stubborn and full of snark!
I LOVED Alex; I loved her voice I loved her strength! She was awesome! The story is told from her POV and I found myself snicker and laugh from time to time at her snarky thoughts and witty replies. But of course as strong as she seems there is still a girl behind all this strong talk and inside she’s vulnerable. I’m tempted to say that her stubbornness and strong belief in herself was sometimes a little too much, so much so that her stubbornness overrules common sense, but..
Aidan!.. and the love, the romance and .. the love!
*sigh* You cannot NOT fall in love with Aidan; this man full of willpower and has a very keen sense on what is right or wrong. He’s kick ass and bad ass – of course he is – but at the same time appears to be much more rational and mature than Alex. Oh plus, Aidan is of course hot and a Pure. This means, that Alex and Aidan are definitely not allowed to be together – but this adds to the suspense factor of the story. The romance between them was lovely, strong, full of emotion and sometimes downright sexy! I loved it!
Secondary Characters? Yes! And they are awesome!
The one I loved most is Alex’s best friend – a boy who instantly takes her back even after she’s been so long away. He’s the best friend any of us can wish for and I loved him so much! But, what I loved most is that he was really just and only her best friend! No hidden and secret feelings! Thank You so much!!
The Plot? Yep, awesome too!
Besides the amazing characters, there is also a lot going on with the plot, which kept me on edge the whole time. It’s never boring and the story moves on very fast. Alex has to learn and discover some secrets that will shatter her world and leaves us gasping with her.
Bewitched Rating
Bottom Line:
I abso-freaking adored this book! The writing was incredibly refreshing and the dialogues and characters were perfect – right to the point, intense and funny! The characters are all strong and detailed and I loved Alex and Aidan instantly. I did fall for this book, the story and the characters hard and now, I can’t wait for the next book!
Additional Notes: There is a prequel out called Daimon which takes place before Alex comes back to school and which leads up to the happenings in Half-Blood. Also, the next book Pure comes out in April and I.Can’t.Freaking.Wait!
Much Love!
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So glad to see you give this book 5/5! I'm about half way through it right now and was unsure about how well I would like it. Now I can't wait to finish it!
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I loved it sooo much!! Hope you will also end up loving it!
My recent post Review: Half-Blood by Jennifer L. Armentrout
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I'm so glad you liked this one that much Danny 🙂 !! I have this one sitting on my shelves but I'm going to wait for the second book in the series to come out before starting to read it .. Because I'm sure I'll love it and I don't want to wait too long before reading the sequel !!
Thanks for the fabulous review Danny 🙂
My recent post Dusty Reads : The Replacement by Brenna Yovanoff
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Seriously, if it is sitting on your shelf – then you have to open it and start reading!! It is sooo awesome, the characters but mostly the writing! Good thing, Pure comes out soon! Gosh, now go and read it :))
My recent post Review: Half-Blood by Jennifer L. Armentrout
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OMG!!! I've heard SOOOO many amazingly EPIC things about this series! And I cannot WAIT to start it!!!! I've had it sitting on my shelf forever!
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It is freaking EPIC!! I was overwhlmed by what was going on on twitter – all those Team Half-Blood tweets and now I finally know why! It was awesome, loved it so much.
And if you have it sitting on your shelf! Seriously, pick it up!!!
My recent post Review: Half-Blood by Jennifer L. Armentrout
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Ahhh! I still need to post my review, but I SO AGREE ABOUT… everything? Lol! I looooved Alex and Adrian? *faints* I'm in love. Like in love, in love. *sigh* Need Pure nowwww! And It definitely deserves to be treated as a different story, even though I could see similarities. Then again, based on first books, I liked Half-Blood way more, lol. Great review! So, so glad you liked it! 😀
My recent post [Adult] Guest Post & Intl Giveaway: Fire Baptized by Kenya Wright
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Oh Rebecca I can't wait to read your Review!!! and I'm sooo glad you loved it as much as I did! I hate not being able to read Pure now!! Like NOW!!
I'm so sad when people are not picking it up simply because it might share similarities…. Oh and I'm fully with you, right now I totally prefer HalfBlood too1
My recent post Review: Half-Blood by Jennifer L. Armentrout
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Danny thanks for covering the whole VA debate. I had this book ready to read in October then I read some reviews crying that this was a foul VA knock off so I put it aside. I have been hearing great things about Pure. With that and your glowing review I am going to give this series a whirl! Plus the covers are gorgeous!
My recent post Tell Me Something Tuesday
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It really makes me sad that some people cannot take one story for itself and end up comparing those two. Just because there are some similarities doesn't mean that this is a bad thing?
Plus, I remember shortly after Twilight everyone compared every story to Twilight. So what? I can enjoy both and try to give each other the proper respect they deserve for their story.
Really, don't let this discussion bother you. Read it and forget about VA – yes there are similarities but this story is so much more! The writing is wonderful, the characters awesome you have to meet them!!
My recent post Review: Half-Blood by Jennifer L. Armentrout
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So glad you liked this one Danny! I really did too. Yes, there are definitely similarities to VA. But even so it's still a great book. I have an arc of Pure and I can't wait to read it! Aiden…*sigh* 😉
♥ Sarah @ I'm Loving Books
My recent post Review: Drink Deep by Chloe Neill
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You have an ARC of Pure.. Ok although I'm super excited for you I can't hide my jealousy! Would looove to read this one, but April is not so far away so I guess I can stand the wait! So glad you loved this one too!
And oh yeah… Aiden..
My recent post Review: Obsidian by Jennifer L. Armentrout
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Wow i've been meaning to read this one for so long. I'm even on the blog tour for Pure and I haven't even started it haha. I was wondering about the Va similarities but so many people still love it that it must have some originality in it regardless. Great review Danny!
My recent post Review: Die For Me by Amy Plum
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Ok girl you are on the blog Tour? You haaaveee to read it – seriously trust me!! The VA similarities didn't disturb me to be honest, yes they are there but the story is still it's own and the characters are just way too awesome not to read it 🙂
My recent post Review: Obsidian by Jennifer L. Armentrout
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I think the similarities between VA and Half-Blood were more than skin deep. I read it with a fellow blogger and she said something to me that struck me as really, really true: It's not so much about familiar tropes and concepts, it's about their execution. Great authors take the concepts that we're familiar with (private school training an enemy, for example) and reinvent them. I didn't feel that Armentrout did this. So it wasn't so much that I minded the similarities to VA, as that Armentrout's execution of same was skilled enough to make them irrelevant.
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I read about this issue before I started reading but I always tempt to give each book it's own credit. Some idea's just work that good that some authors might have the same idea and just because that one book is released before doesn't mean this idea didn't exist already in the authors head.
I adore Jennifer's writing, I love it she has a great way in telling a story and make her characters unique and awesome!
My recent post Review: Obsidian by Jennifer L. Armentrout
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See everyone talks about VA with this one! I have yet to that series, I know I live under a rock, so I never compared this book to VA. I did give it 4.5 out of 5 for the fact it was a teen version of The Dark Hunter series that Kenyon wrote for adults. I do love me some Adien though and Pure will make you fall for Seth!
Can't wait to see how you feel about Pure cause it is even better than Half-Blood!
Thanks for the great review!
My recent post Unholy Ghosts
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Good for you! Really!! This book has to be read without thinking of another book, it deserves that much and I'm sooo happy you loved it just as much as I did!!
and oh my goodness? Really I will fall for Seth? I know it will be torture but I love when an author can make me change my opinion about characters! Now, I'm even more excited for Pure!!
My recent post Review: Obsidian by Jennifer L. Armentrout
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I know I didn't want to fall for Seth but I just could not help myself! Seth just goes for the things he wants and he is kinda the 'bad' boy and I can't resist that!
My recent post Author Interview with Liz Botts
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Well, I must have this one! It's got the Danny can't write fast enough approval!! I bet you talked out loud while you were reading this one. That's okay, I do it all the time! This one sounds really great! I am not a Vampire Academy fan *cringe* so I am glad it's not like that. And I'm so glad Alex is kick ass. I've decided I want all my girl characters kick ass, but that they can be that way either physically or mentally or both. They can still be kick ass and just be smart. I digress. I love your review, I can feel your excitement and it fuels mine. I'm waiting until the next book comes out so I can at least have the two to read together. I know there will be another one to wait for, but at least I'll have two to read plus the prequel!!
Thanks for the enthusiastic review Danny!
My recent post Barking Mad Guest Post Jamieson Ridenhour
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Yes!! You need to read this one! Really!!
Honestly? I laughed out loud so often about some of Alex remarks! they were just awesome, so snarky and I told my hubs that I'm insanely in love with the book I'm reading right now! You know me well :))
If you decided to go for kick-ass heroines then you'll ADORE Alex! She's pure awesome and I just love her so much! I stil have to read the prequel though. I just don't like reading short stories so much because I always want more, but here, I cannot pass!
My recent post Review: Obsidian by Jennifer L. Armentrout
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[…] Armentrout who enchanted me with her writing! Yesterday, I told you how much I loved her first book Half-Blood and now I’m going to tell you how much I loved […]
[…] books are from the wonderful Jennifer L. Armentrout and I reviewed her first book Half Blood yesterday and today I reviewed […]
So glad you liked HALF-BLOOD! I've been a fan of the series since the first book landed in my inbox, and I can tell you that not only is book 2 uh-mazing, book 3 is un-frikkin-leavable! 🙂
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Ok Kate now you should see my super jealous face -happy for you but still a tiny little bit envious. You already read book 3 *dies* And… I'm soooo glad to hear that the books are that awesome!!! Woooooot!
My recent post My Reading Spot – Featuring Jenny from Supernatural Snark
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