Beautiful Darkness Book Discussion Recap:Week 9

Posted 2 January, 2011 by Danny in / 0 Comments

Welcome to the Beautiful Darkness Book Discussion Recap!! Thank you so much to everyone who stopped by this week’s discussion post and left an answer. We are particularly excited to see that some of you are planning to read along with the discussion here. *happy dance*

If you haven’t had a chance to read this week’s discussion post by Drea, you can find it here. And all the information about the discussion (complete with the schedule of chapters and dates) and it’s accompanying contest, is available here.

This week’s discussion question was:

Do you think Ethan would have been interested in Liv
if he and Lena never met?
Would there still be a connection
without the Caster world and breaking rules?

Oooh! What a question!!! Here’s what you all thought.

Erikasbuddy said:

I don’t think that Liv and Ethan would have even have met if there wasn’t any Caster bibiddy bobbidy boos lurking around. But that’s not what you asked. Ethan’s a good boy but I think he would have been annoyed a bit by Liv if they had met under mundane circumstances. I think LINK would have been after her though. Liv’s exotic (in a jolly good show pip pip sort of way) and that would have been an uber turn on to Linkaroo.

Britta agreed:

I think that Liv and Ethan would have made good friends. Maybe they would have tried out the dating thing once, but I do not think that it would work out. They are too much alike in ways that they don’t even see. For that reason, I don’t see a romantic relationship working out for them.

And so did Darkfallen:

[A]s for Liv I just don’t think she could [have] ever been Ethan’s type and I do agree that Link would have been all over it! Poor hormonal Link he so needs a girl.

Cherrymischievious saw things a different way:

Most definitely, Ethan and Liv would get together if Lena wasn’t there. It is only Ethan’s loyalty to Lena (or so I would like to think) and Liv’s guilt (about poaching since she seems to be like a decent girl) that keeps them from acting on it. There would be a connection between Ethan and Liv because their “attraction” (for a lack of a better word) to each other seems to be genuinely from their like of each other and not stemming from the caster world. Whether or not that “thing” between Ethan and Liv would progress to a girl-boy relationship or remain a platonic friendship remains up in the air, like all relationships are.

and One Pushy Fox agreed:

I think if someone as new and interesting as Liv had blown into town he definitely would have been interested in her. Maybe she wouldn’t have been the love of his life, who can say, but how could he have denied the pull of someone who so completely embodied his desire for new, non-Gatlin sights?

Great answers! We’re glad you stopped by and commented! If you missed your chance to comment on last week’s post, there’s still time to answer the question and get your entry into the Beautiful Darkness Book Discussion Contest. And keep your eyes out for this week’s post, coming to you on Tuesday by our long-time bloggy friend, Amber from Eyes of Amber!!

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