Pre-Squee about… If I Stay – The Movie

Posted 13 August, 2014 by Danny in Blog, Danny, Meme, Pre Squee / 8 Comments

Pre-SqueeWelcome to the Pre-Squee, a new weekly feature here at the Bookworms and at The Book Swarm. Some books, though they might not be coming out for a few months, need an early squee — we just can’t hold in our excitement about them! Sure, we’ll do full reviews closer to the release date but this feature gives us a chance to share a little bit of our love, whether it be for the story, cover, characters, or whatever. We’re quite flexible in our book love.

So today we Squee about 


based on the novel by Gale Forman

The Movie!

coming August 22nd in all big Theatres!

Official Movie Website

If I Stay Movie

Find The Book:

Goodreads | Get a Copy : amazon *

*right now the Kindle Book  it’s on sale for 4.99 and if you haven’t already read it , then DO IT!! Seriously, Go and Get a Copy!! 

I can’t tell you how much I love this book – well, I guess pretty much like so many of you guys also loved this book! I remember I was constantly, constantly crying – it was so wonderful, and so so so touching and moving and hard and heart breaking and everything! It made me feel so so much!

And of course, with all these recent book-to-movie adaptations that failed, I was scared about this moved and avoided every info. But now, I finally watched the trailers and I need to see this movie!

And .. yes I even already cried over the trailers!!

Here they are!

…and don’t forget some tissues…

And the 2nd one!

*sniffles* and *wipes away some tears* 

I am so dying for this movie -but of course I have to consider with whom I’m going to see it.. Probably my hubs is not the best, so I have to convince a girlfriend to take my crying mess to see this movie! 

Gosh.. I cannnot freaking wait! This is going to be an epic heartbreak and a pure wonderment! 



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Obsessive Reader by Night - Scientist at Day! You can also find me on goodreads. I'd love to get to know you so, don't be shy and say Hello!

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