Unforgotten by Jessica Brody – Love Letter, Blog Tour with Giveaway!

Posted 25 February, 2014 by Danny in Blog, Blog Tour, Danny, Giveaways / 30 Comments

We all love Blog Tours , and especially we love them when they are for books we insanely love. So when I got the chance to be on the Blog Tour for Unforgotten, the sequel to Unremembered by Jessica Brody I was excited! Not only do I love this series, but I also love Jessica Brody so so much!

I remember being on the Tour last year for Unremembered and Jessica wrote one of the best and most creative Blog Posts for her Tour Stop here at the Bookworms. So, yes I knew Jessica would write something equally exciting this time too.


So in the light of the Love Month February and the Love Letter event that’s been going on here for the last weeks, I asked if she might also write a Love Letter. And Guys! A Love Letter she wrote!

And… it’s so damn perfect and I promise it will make you want to read these books right now!

So, take your time and read this wonderful, beautiful perfect letter Jesscia Brody wrote to Zen



A Love Letter from Jessica Brody to Zen

Dear Lyzender,

Is it weird for me to call you Lyzender? I think it’d be weirder for me to call you Zen. If I were to use it, I feel like I’d be encroaching on Sera’s sacred space. Plus, you don’t know me. I certainly know you. God, how I know you. But you know nothing about me. It’d be like a stranger walking up to me on the street and calling me JB (that’s what my dad calls me.) Too intimate, right?

Right. I’ll stick with Lyzender. That’s what your mother calls you. Not that you’d appreciate a reminder of her.

But at least, now you know one thing about me: that my dad calls me by my initials. It’s a start.

This is supposed to be a love letter, but that also feels strange. Love letters are Seraphina’s domain. Not mine. At least those directed to you. Not to mention what my husband might think if he were to read this. (Make that two things you now know about me.)

I do, though. Love you, that is. Maybe not in the way that Seraphina does. But I’ll get to that. First, I think I owe you an apology. Not the traditional way to start off a love letter, I realize, but I feel it’s due. No…overdue.

I’m sorry for everything I put you through in these three books. I’m sorry for bringing Sera to you and then taking her away so many times. No one should have to go through that. I’m sorry for creating an evil scientific corporation that has nothing better to do than erase her memories and then watch her fall in love with you over and over again, while taking diligent notes. Although it makes for interesting reading—or so I’m told—it makes for a pretty crappy existence on your part.

I don’t blame you for hating Diotech as much as you do. But I think we should set a few things straight. It’s not Diotech you should hate. It’s me. As much as it kills me to think that you might. In the end, though, I’m the one who created them. I’m the one who controls them and decides what they do and which memories they take and how many times they attempt to erase you from her mind. I do it for the sake of storytelling. Feel free to punch me right about now. As you probably feel like a gladiator in the Roman Colosseum: set up for the people’s amusement, pushed to your limits to keep a crowd entertained. And hence, my need to apologize. I really, truly am sorry.

But enough of that. Enough apologizing. Now I have something else to convey to you.


I want to thank you. Because although I could always predict what Diotech would do to you and to Sera, I could never predict how you would react. (And even if I tried, I was usually wrong.) That’s where you surprised me. Your undying devotion to her—despite what they were doing to her, despite how many times she forgot you—was inspiring. It’s what filled so many pages of this book. It’s what made the book come alive to me and hopefully to others reading it. It’s what made you real in my mind. As opposed to the imaginary two-dimensional character that sparked into my head so many years ago.

You have such patience. Such courage. Such empathy. How do you do that? Time and time again. How do you keep convincing yourself you can beat them? How are you so confident you can win? When Diotech does nothing but prove their strength to you over and over again. I don’t think I could do what you do. I don’t think I could hold on as tightly as you have. No matter what I threw at you—no matter which obstacles I devised to stand in your way—you never wavered.

You certainly didn’t get that admirable quality from me. That’s for sure.

My love for you is not romantic. It’s not jealous. It’s not inappropriate (I mean, c’mon. You’re seventeen and I’m…well…not.) My love for you is founded in respect. And appreciation. I pray I’ll never have to go through what you’ve gone through—what I’ve put you through for the sake a compelling read. But if I ever did, I am wise enough to hope to have someone like you by my side.

Respectfully and with love,

Jessica Brody

Thanks so much for hosting me again, Danny! As always, it’s a pleasure to be on your blog!

*Oh and please check out the UNFORGETTABLE FAN challenge that’s currently running on my website! Every fan who completes the challenge gets a prize pack which includes an Unremembered Eternal Knot necklace!

Unforgotten Tour


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Tour Schedule

Check the other Tour Stops for more exciting posts from Jessica and also for more chances to win! Woot!


Unforgotten by Jessica BrodyUnforgotten

Some memories are better left forgotten…

After a daring escape from the scientists at Diotech who created her, Seraphina believes she is finally safe from the horrors of her past. But new threats await Sera and her boyfriend, Zen, at every turn as Zen falls prey to a mysterious illness and Sera’s extraordinary abilities make it more and more difficult to stay hidden. Meanwhile, Diotech has developed a dangerous new weapon designed to apprehend her. A weapon that even Sera will be powerless to stop. Her only hope of saving Zen’s life and defeating the company that made her is a secret buried deep within her mind. A secret that Diotech will kill to protect. And it won’t stay forgotten for long.

Packed with mystery, suspense, and romance, this riveting second installment of Jessica Brody’s Unremembered trilogy delivers more heart-pounding action as loyalties are tested, love becomes a weapon, and no one’s memories are safe.

 Unremembered by Jessica Brody – Book 1

Quote from my Review

Unremembered by Jessica Brody has so much heart and is at the same time exciting, mysterious and thrilling. It’s the perfect combination that will appeal to many different readers all at once! Love a touching story with twists and turns? Then, you must read Unremembered!


Unforgotten Secret

At each Tour Stop you will find a little Unforgotten Secret along with the Blog Post. They give you some small hints about the plot in Unforgotten and … yes they are just the perfect Teasers!!

Unforgotten Secret 7


Thanks to Macmillan I have for one lucky winner a paperback of Unremembered and a Hardcover of Unforgotten. US/CAN only – Entries via the Rafflecopter below.

So now tell me, don’t you love Jessica’s Letter? So so much? If I wouldn’t have met Zen before, I sure as hell would love this wonderful boy now!  

Thank you so much Jessica for being on the blog today and for sharing this wonderful letter with us! 



a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Obsessive Reader by Night - Scientist at Day! You can also find me on goodreads. I'd love to get to know you so, don't be shy and say Hello!

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30 Responses to “Unforgotten by Jessica Brody – Love Letter, Blog Tour with Giveaway!”

  1. Rachel Spring

    That was a really nice letter. I love the quote “I mean c’mon, you’re 17 and I’m…not.” That’s hilarious. But seriously, what a cool idea to write a letter to the character you created! Unremembered was amazing from the very first page and I would love to have a paper copy to reread before I jump into Unforgotten! Thanks for the giveaway and a great tour stop!

    Reply »

  2. I had way too much fun reading this! That was a pretty awesome letter and I think every author ought to write an apology letter to their characters for putting so much pain in their lives. 😀

    Reply »

  3. Isn’t the Letter from Jessica to Zen wonderful? Yes, it was beautiful
    What did you love most about it? It was heart felt and meaningful
    If you haven’t started the series yet would you do now? I haven’t had the opportunity to start this series but would love to.

    Reply »

  4. Hillary R.

    The letter from Jessica to Zen was so cute! Even if it’s different from any traditional love letter I’ve ever read, I still thought it showed a lot of emotion that an author has for their fictional children. And I haven’t started the series yet, even when I’ve known about it for about a year now. I really want to though and I hope I do so soon! ^_^

    Reply »

  5. Kai W.

    I just love how Jesse called Lyzender “Zen”. That is a cute nickname for Lyzender. I haven’t read this series by from the letter, I will start reading this series.

    Reply »

  6. Zandalee

    I haven’t started it yet, but I fell in love with the storyline when I heard Jessica talking about it on a panel at a convention last year. I’m super excited to start on it now! 🙂

    Reply »

  7. Kristin

    I didn’t read the letter (or most of the post) because I just started reading this book a few days ago and want to avoid any spoilers!

    Reply »

  8. Jaime Lester

    I have not read these yet, but I absolutely want to. And the letter makes me want to even more! I want to know more about the things Zen was put through, why the apology was necessary! And many other things! Thank you for the giveaway!

    Reply »

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