Secret by Brigid Kemmerer – Elementals Series

Posted 29 January, 2014 by Danny in Blog, Danny, Danny's Book Review / 7 Comments

Secret by Brigid Kemmerer – Elementals SeriesSecret by Brigid Kemmerer
Series: Elemental #4
Published by K Teen, Kensington Publishing Corp. on 2014-01-28
Genres: Paranormal, Young Adult
Pages: 336
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4.5 Stars


Nick Merrick is stretched to breaking point. He's trying to keep his grades sky-high or he won't get in to college. He's trying to keep his brother's business afloat or the Merricks will be out on the street. He's trying to keep the secret of where he's going in the evenings from his twin brother Gabriel - or he fears he'll lose his family. And he's trying to keep his mind off the hot, self-assured dancer who is his 'girlfriend's' partner.

And then Quinn takes to hanging around his sworn enemy, and an Elemental Guide is counting the hours until he can try again to kill the Merrick brothers. Storms are brewing. On all sides.


The Elemental Series from Brigid Kemmerer is definitely one of my favorite Young Adult series. I think what makes this series so outstanding is the wonderful mix of Contemporary Romance & Issues stories mxdd with some paranormal elements. So, lovers of both genres will find something appealing in this series!

Coming to terms with who you are…

We started with Chris, the youngest Merrick brother, moved on to Gabriel and Hunter and now finally get Nick’s story. Nick and Gabriel are identical twins, yet their personality  is so different and Nick always felt elusive. It was easy to be intrigued by Nick but we never got to really know this boy. At the end of the last book it was hinted that Nick is actually guy, and this revelation was both surprising yet made totally sense.

Now in Secret Nick explores finally his feelings for Adam and struggles with admitting his true self in front of his brothers. He is afraid how they will react, he’s afraid to be cast out and his feelings were so real and raw that I felt everything right along with him!

Quinn – broken lonely girl

Together with Nick’s story we also get Quinn’s story. She’s pretending to be Nick#s girlfriend but realises soon that this is not enough for her. She seeks love and partnership and since Nick only can offer friendship and is dealing with his own issues – Quinn feels lonely.

We finally also get a real glimpse into her home life, something which was only hinted at during the other books, yet never explored. And now we get a full devastating view which will break our heart.  So it’s not surprising that Quinn turns to someone who might be her savior, who will be there for her and has the strength she does not have by herself. It’s extremely surprising who this savior is, and I won’t tell her and leave it for you to explore.

Raw, Emotional and Touching!

Secret was amazing and plays with emotions that will bring us to our knees! Nicks struggle and fears were moving and heartbreaking, yet felt incredibly real and genuine. I loved the addition of Quinn’s story and I also really love the direction we are going with this. Again, sorry but no spoilers.

The story was delicately told and written with so much care for the characters. We also dealt with Nicks fear of rejection and with truly finding out who you are. As heartbreaking the story was, there was also so much beauty and heart warming moments that made me cry. Love love love the way Nick’s family was integrated into his struggles.

My only complain is the paranormal elements, which drew me into the series in the first place and takes a backseat here in this story. Sure, it’s still a major part of the whole development of the series, yet it was not really a big part in this story.


Bewitched Rating

Rating 4.5

Bottom Line

Secret by Brigid Kemmerer was wonderfully raw and emotionally touching. Secret comes with a genuinely developed honest story about finding out who you are and struggling with a huge secret that will tear you apart.



Bewitched “Elementals” Links

Have you started this series yet? Do you also love a great combination of Contemporary issue filled story mixed with paranormal elements? 

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7 Responses to “Secret by Brigid Kemmerer – Elementals Series”

  1. I haven’t yet read this series! *ducks thrown book* Actually, I picked up a novella and didn’t like it, probably because I didn’t really have a grasp on the world. I definitely don’t think I can start with this one, because I’d want to know the whole world.
    Mary @ BookSwarm recently posted..Blog Tour and Review: WILD THINGS by Chloe NeillMy Profile

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    Danny 1/30/2014

    Oh no you really haven’t? Love these book and yes you are right, even though each book features a different boy, it’s best to read them in order…. I know some people can start int he middle of a series, but I never can do this…
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  2. I completely agree about the paranormal elements. I mentioned that in my own review too, but otherwise, I loved this book and I love how all the characters and their relationships tie together. Nick’s story was definitely touching, and I can’t wait to get Michael’s next. Lovely review, Danny! 🙂
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    Danny 1/30/2014

    I’m a little torn about this. On one hand I loved the paranormal elements which is why I picked them up in the first place, but then… I really just love the boys and the stories!
    Danny recently posted..Surreal and Unique – Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge | Blog Tour & GiveawayMy Profile

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