Even though she’s in the process of migrating her blog over to WordPress, she still took the time to host the hop. That’s a lot of love right there! This week she asks:
Share your favorite post from the last month and tell us why it’s close to your heart!
Well, my favorite post in May would have to be a toss up between Danny’s squee-tastic post about the new cover reveal for Sleight by Jennifer Sommersby and Cutie’s thoughtful and funny post about being an armchair BEA girl this year. But I love them both for the same reasons. Both Cutie and Danny not only love books but authors and our fellow bloggers and in both posts that love totally shines through.
This week’s question is from Amy at Backseat Reader:

What are you doing to prepare for an upcoming zombie apocalypse and/or the return of Mel Gibson to the silver screen? (Both of which could be terrifying.)
Excellent question, Amy! And, the way things are going, either could happen any day now, right? So, for the zombie apocalypse, my preparation involves reading some seriously awesome zombie dystopian fiction! My current favorites are The Forest of Hands and Teeth trilogy by Carrie Ryan (you know I <3 that girl like WHOA!) and The Fall by Robert J. Duperre (which is frighteningly realistic!).
As for Mel….oh Mel…how I adored you once upon a time. Do you remember when it used to be so easy? You were young… and handsome….

and mostly sober and I had no idea how nutters you were? I long for those halcyon days of yore, Mel, I truly do! But if you get back on the silver screen you know I’m going to secretly stalk you because you’re just a train-wreck wherever you go these days!
Finally, we’d love to take the opportunity to welcome all the new faces and the old ones too! *waves* Glad you are here and we hope you like it here at the Bewitched Bookworms.
- Heather reviewed a interesting paranormal thriller with witches, hot vampires and a seriel killer, No Rest for the Wicca by Toni LoTempio.
- This week’s In My Mailbox was by Heather and she showed a bunch of the signed copies of books she got recently, some of which have funny notes from the authors. (PS – I thought Pushy is JL’s favorite Heather…..*wink*) Come see what she got!
- Cutie reviewed The Art of Forgetting by Camille Noe Pagan and found herself enjoying the story but not the protagonist! Has this ever happened to you? See how she handled it.
- Danny is entranced by a new series in this week’s “Waiting on” Wednesday.
- Kristen reached out to our followers in her S.O.S. summer reading plea and you guys definitely came through for her! Want to weigh in? Check out the post!
- Cutie was completely entranced by What Happened To Goodbye by Sarah Dessen!.
- Love dark and awesome stories? Check out the Pitch Dark Books/HarperTeen Dark Days of the Supernatural tour! They’re making a few stops and our two Chicagoland bloggers, Pushy and Heather, will be facilitating the live feed of the event next Tuesday! Check out all the information here and find out how YOU can win a copy of all SEVEN books!
We were the kick off stop for the tour for Josephine Angelini’s novel,
and the FINAL clue is going up
Check it out now!!!
Gather up all the words and enter to win a Kindle 3 WiFi!!
And, if you like audiobooks: hop on over to our Audiobook Challenge for 2011! We announced our May winner this week and announced the prize for June! It’s great fun and a great way to enjoy books even when you can’t have one in your hands. Check it out!!
Latest posts by Danny (see all)
- INTENSITY by Sherrilyn Kenyon – Excerpt & Giveaway - September 8, 2017
- Locked in Temptation – Q&A withBrenda Jackson & Giveaway - August 4, 2017
- Locked in Temptation by Brenda Jackson – Exclusive Excerpt & Giveaway - July 26, 2017
Thank you for the reading list, I didn't realize how unprepared I was until this weeks question came up. As for Mel.. *sigh*.
/http://www.handsandhome.ca/2011/06/follow-friday-7.html/” target=”_blank”>MyFollowFridayPost
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Hopping through. Danny's right – Sleight has an incredible cover.
My Anniversary Hop
My recent post Weekend Hops
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Unfortunately, I haven't read The Fall but I'll be sure to keep my eye out for it.
-Mocha from A Cupcake and A Latte: YA Reads, Reviews & More!.
My recent post Book Blogger Hop&Follow Friday- June 3rd-6th
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New follower,,happy friday,,and i just got thru writing those books down so i can check em out..
thanks for sharing
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Happy Friday! I've just read one book involving zombies – The Forest of Hand and Teeth – and I loved it too.
Have a great weekend 🙂
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I thought about linking to one of my Armchair BEA posts. in the end I chose xxxHolic volume 1 by CLAMP as my favorite post for May 2011. Come see why.
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Hi & Happy Friday!
I haven't read the books you mention but they look great.
My FF is here, http://obsessionwithbooks.blogspot.com
Have a nice weekend.
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Old Follower
Sleight Looks like a great read 🙂
My recent post Were Doing the Book Blogger Hop
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*Le sigh* about Mel, where did it all go wrong?
I loved Starcrossed, although my blog is new so haven't got around to reviewing it yet! I also though The Forest of Hands and Teeth was a good read, but definitely an acquired taste for some, the horror genre isn't for everyone!
Have an awesome day 😀
My recent post Wither by Lauren Destefano
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Great ideas about the zombie apocalypse. Don't forget to watch Zombieland. That's like the step by step guide. lol
As for Mel…yes, it used to be so easy to love him, didn't it? Kind of like Tom Cruise. Maybe it's something in Hollywood water.
Here's my Blog Hop and Follow Friday for this week.
♥ Sarah
My recent post Response cached until Fri 3 @ 15:45 GMT (Refreshes in 58 Minutes)
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I really need to read Carrie Ryan. Have a good weekend!
The Musings of ALMYBNENR
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howard@malinche.netThe Follow Friday post is (and, as always, please be sure to include the signature below):
As the saying goes – the best defense is a good offense. I’ve got that covered! My preparations for the zombie apocalypse are not just intricate, they’re stylish. I’m not talking “last stand” stuff here. I mean to lure in the zombies and slaughter them wholesale while we sip champagne and watch.
How am I going to do that? Follow me back to my blog at http://www.howardsherman.net and read all about it.
Thank G-d it’s Follow Friday!
Howard Sherman, Implementor http://www.howardsherman.net
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Hi there! New follower here, and I just wanted to say that I love your blog! It's absolutely gorgeous 🙂
I love Carrie Ryan's books too! Her novels are just so unlike any others that I've read, and since I'm a zombie fan (or an any-supernatural-at-all fan), the premise is really intriguing! Not only that, but her stories are realistic in an unrealistic way. She's not afraid to write an unhappy ending so long as it's true to the world.
It's really nice to meet you! Hope you're having a great weekend 🙂
My recent post Follow Friday 2
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Great answer! I'm a new follower hopping through from FF.
Here's my Follow Friday
Have a good weekend.
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