Today we’re beyond thrilled to have something
über special
über interesting
to share with you!
(Yes, Danny, all the umlauts are for you! Love, Pushy!)
That’s right, today is the day
run by Kismet Book Touring!
awesome special features and incredible prizes.
Loved, loved, loved it!
You can read her glowing review
and check out her interview with the main characters,
on May 31st and the aforementioned blog tour,
we’d like to present you with Josie’s playlist:
so we asked her to
And this one is a goodin’.
Muse and The Pixies are full of win.
And Radiohead always seems to bowl me over.
But who really stuck out to me in this playlist is Jose Gonzales.
I must admit, I had not heard of his brilliance before.
Cycling Trivialities is just beautiful.
I find it interesting that Ms. Angelini used it as inspiration
for the fight scene in the novel.
The song builds with an increasing tension
that gets your heart pumping
in an extremely unexpected way.
All I Need by Radiohead is
the perfect ending for the novel
and I can totally picture Lucas and Helen
at the end of the novel…
Why do Greek tragedies have to be so damn depressing…
We think it turned out fantastic
and makes you want to read Starcrossed
Kindle 3
with a beautiful specially designed Starcrossed skin
and including a letter from Josie to the winner!
Kindle 3 Starcrossed skins
(the same as you see applied to the Kindle above)
at the different tour stops and…
Savannah from Books with Bite
will be giving away 2 copies of Starcrossed!!!
So, what, you may ask, do you need to do to enter yourself
to win such awsome-tastic prizes?!?!
from a love letter that
Lucas wrote to Helen
in a situation where they have argued
and haven’t talked with each other
and Lucas was devastated.
was exclusively written for this blog tour
and if you want to know what Lucas wanted to tell Helen,
then stop by each tour stop.
(the full list of stops and dates can be found below)
Each day, a new piece of this letter will be available,
and the pieces are of course in chronological order of the tour stops.
(e.g. the first one, from the Bewitched Bookworms spot is below,
the next part of the letter will be available tomorrow at Stories and Sweets,
the third part will be available the day after that at Ellz Reads, and so on and so on…)
Not only though, will each stop present a piece of the letter.
Each piece of the letter will contain
one word (or two) which will appear in pink!
Each day, you’ll need to keep track of these pink words.
At the end of the tour this sentence
will be your ticket to enter to win the Kindle prize package!
So, without further ado….
The first part of Lucas’s letter to Helen is:

We hope so!
Don’t forget to check out the other tour stops
and get amazing insights into Josie herself
Monday May, 16th – Bewitched Bookworms/ Tour Kick-off!Tuesday, May 17th – Becky, Stories & SweetsWednesday, May 18th – Elie, Ellz Reads/ Starcrossed Skin giveawayThursday, May 19th – Heidi, YA Bibliophile / Starcrossed Skin giveawayFriday, May 20th – See Scoot Read / Character Interview with Helen’s BFF ClaireMonday May, 23th – Missie, The Unread Reader / “When I’m not Writing”Tuesday, May 24th – Savanna, Books with Bite /Starcrossed Skin giveaway and 2 Starcrossed copiesWednesday, May 25th – Natalie, The Mindful Musings / Character Interview with HelenThursday, May 26th – Heather, Buried in Books /Starcrossed Skin giveaway & Interview with JosieFriday, May 27th – Nely, All about {n} / “Josie’s Bookcase”Monday May, 30th – Candace, Candace’s Book Blog / Starcrossed Skin giveaway & Interview with JosieTuesday, May 31st (Starcrossed Book Birthday!) – Kristi, The Story Siren / Vlog post by JosieWednesday, June 1st – Small Review /Starcrossed Skin giveawayThursday, June 2nd – Jenny, Supernatural Snark / Starcrossed Skin giveaway & Character Interview with LucasFriday, June 3rd – Cynthia – A Book About Nothing /Starcrossed Skin giveawayTuesday, June 7th: Announcement of the big prize winner on Josie’s Blog!
Latest posts by Danny (see all)
- INTENSITY by Sherrilyn Kenyon – Excerpt & Giveaway - September 8, 2017
- Locked in Temptation – Q&A withBrenda Jackson & Giveaway - August 4, 2017
- Locked in Temptation by Brenda Jackson – Exclusive Excerpt & Giveaway - July 26, 2017
Can I just say that I am BEYOND jealous and wish I could enter to win these awesome goodies?!?!??! WOOT!! Good luck to all who enter!! *hugs all around*
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I always love having a look at playlists that inspired a novel 🙂
My recent post Book Review- The Third by Abel Keogh
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Woohoo! Great kick off of the tour, ladies! I'm very excited about this tour and everything Starcrossed! I can't wait to read that whole letter…*sigh* Thanks for sharing the playlist! Now excuse me while I go lose myself into the songs and some Starcrossed day-dreaming…
My recent post In My Mailbox 6
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Wow, what an amazing tour kick off!
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I am thrilled to be a part of this Tour. Danny and Heather, you have done such a fantastic job. Thank you so much! 🙂
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Great tour! Starcrossed playlist is amazing.
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Thank you so much, you know how much this means to me and pushy (Heather, yeah I know it's confusing) that you enjoy this Tour! We have to thank you!! <3
My recent post Starcrossed Blog Tour – Playlist
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Thanks to all of you! The playlist is fantastic right? And believe me, if need to buy this book it is so wonderful! I'm sure you all will love it as much as I did!
And don't forget to write down Today's word in order to enter the biiiiigggggg Kindle Giveaway! Woot!
My recent post Starcrossed Blog Tour – Playlist
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I can tell the whole letter is heartbreaking!!! Poor Lucas! I would love to just hold and hug him! *sniffles*
My recent post Starcrossed Blog Tour – Playlist
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This tour sounds awesome! Yes, because of the giveaways, but also because I cannot wait to read this book.
My recent post Skipping Stones at the Center of the Earth by Andy Hueller
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Awesome playlist! Anything Muse is great and loved Jose Gonzalez! I will have to add to my iPod. I'm so excited about this tour and I don't even get to win anything!! But I am so excited about this novel!! And the cover I get to give away and I'm dying to see who wins the Kindle 3 G with the Gelaskin cover. I love the Starcrossed Cover it's gorgeous! I'd almost get a Kindle for that alone:)
Good luck everyone!
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Loved the playlist! It's always nice to see what kind of music inspires or helps to motivate the writer as they pen the words. The book trailer was great!
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For sure you will love it!!! BUT I will keep my fingers crossed that you will read it on your newly won Kindle 3! *hugs*
My recent post Review- Corsets & Clockwork – 13 Steampunk Romances
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*hugs* you are the best-est, Heather (not from this blog 🙂 )! Thanks for stopping by and isn't the music awesome!!! I'm very much looking forward to YOUR post on the tour!
My recent post Review- Corsets & Clockwork – 13 Steampunk Romances
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I couldn't agree more! Glad you enjoyed it! Hope you'll be able to follow along on the tour and enter for the give-away!! 🙂
My recent post Review- Corsets & Clockwork – 13 Steampunk Romances
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I am absolutely loving the playlist, and it is so unique that there is a whole playlist connected with this book, which I simply cannot wait to read. I really hope I can keep up with the blog tour. Thank you for this amazing opportunity! 😀
My recent post Sunday Stew – May 8th- 2011
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Great tour! I'll be following this tour! I'm excited to get this book!
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This is so cool! A love letter treasure hunt!
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I'm surprised to say that I like all of the songs on that playlist. I'm pretty picky about my music haha. Thanks for being part of the tour, I can't wait to read this one!
My recent post Return from my Blog Vacation- Blogoversary- and The Book Battle
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Thanks for the playlist and participating in the tour, I am finding lots of new and interesting blogs.
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