*shrugs helplessly*
I hate them whilst I can’t live without them.
I long for the simple days when an author would start a story
and stop it all within a manageable (not to mention affordable)
400 plus pages. Now, when I pick up a book,
I’m not only investing in a sequel, but a tri-quel, quad-quel,
and hell there are even those with quintuple-quels!
Not to mention the prequels, extra side stories, books to comics,
the books that explain the worlds, and on and on and on.
*mind goes numb*
Am I complaining?
Sure am.
Do I have a right too?
Cause I lap them all up like a lamb being led to the slaughter.
I freaking love it all.
As of today,
I have pre-ordered multiple books that I just HAVE to read
all of which shall be gracing my life in the Fall of this year.
Each of which will only leave me aching for more.
Why do I do this to myself?
Cause I’m retarded. It’s the only answer I’ve got.
Here are five books that I’m not only waiting with bated breath for
but that I’ve already shelled out the big bucks for.
I know shockingly another Bookworm is in love with
the Casters Chronicles. *rolls eyes dramatically*
After taking part in fragile’s awesome discussion,
my love for the first book, Beautiful Creatures,
grew to epic proportions.
I long to know what will happen to Ethan and Lena next!
What secrets shall we uncover?
What new twists will the story take?
And how many butterflies shall I feel when they kiss once again?!
2. Crescendo
I’ve got it bad for Patch.
Really, really, reallllly bad.
Seriously it is becoming a problem.
I’m not looking for a cure.
Truly, I’m so tongue-tied right now
all I can say is:
uhhhhbadada bubbbbada
*instant retardation*
Have you read hush, hush yet?
Why the hell not?!
3. Torment
I knew that Mrs. V & uhyesplease were in love with Fallen.
Knowing this, I went out and bought the book.
I have this to report:
I’m totally sold on Luce.
She’s adorable and I want her life to turn out wonderful.
While the title of second book has me worried for Luce,
I have a feeling it will only bring us that much closer to
happily ever after.
I loved loved loved City of Bones,
City of Ashes, and City of Glass.
The books were thrown often against the walls,
screamed at, and swooned over.
All sure signs that I was hooked by Jace and
what’s her name again?
hmm… *shrug*
When I found out that Ms. Clare was not only
writing a fourth book for the series but a prequel as well,
I was overwhelmed with feelings of dread and excitement.
5. Mockingjay
This, the final book in The Hunger Games Series,
just might be the book I am most excited about reading this year.
Catching Fire, the second book in the series, ended in such a way that
left me feeling as if I would lose my mind waiting to find out
what would happen next! If you haven’t read them yet,
I have no clue what you are waiting for!
And if you don’t fall in love with Peeta… wellll you just might be heartless.
FYI: Annie wrote a fantastic review of The Hunger Games Series.
Bonus: The Touch Series
While the aforementioned books have all gone on pre-order
there is one that I am waiting for that has not:
Deadly Little Games.
Slotted to come out sometime this Fall,
I check B&N everyday to see if it has gone on pre-order yet.
This quick paced, funny series, is full of laughs, mystery, suspense,
and romance that kept me from putting either book down.
Seriously, I read them each in under four hours.
In closing:
I am curious to learn about the books you are dying to read this year!
Have you been unwillingly snagged by YA book series
and their crack like addition?
It hurts so good, huh?
Until next time…
Yours truly,
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cuttie! I so love this post, seriously my most favorite post lately! Because, when I read your post all I did was heavily shaking my head in agreement! Love sequels. Love LOVE love them! Although it is horrible when reading a book and then having to wait half a year or even a full year for the next book *died*. This.Is.Torture! On the other site, it is awesome to discover a series and having them all ready and read them in a row! Pure heaven! Like I did last week with the Mortal Instruments! OhMyGoodneess I read them like a dying man.. All those books you mentioned are on my highest priority I-cant-wait-to-get-you-in-my-hands-list!!!! I think Crescendo would be my Top 1. Oh one thing though, I haven't read the Hunger Games yet, but they are on my list. Ok books that I'm dying to read: – The Iron Daughter : Squeeeee, I loved the Iron King and I will review it next week! – The next Wicked Lovely Book: I need to know if all my beloved characters will get an happy ending. Ok, this was nearly a post instead of a comment but anyway… Awesome post cutie, Love you! *hugs*
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I am srsly dying to read Crescendo and Mockingjay. And Beautiful Darkness. Really, there are way too mnay awesome books out that I need to read, and so many that haven't come out yet that I need like yesterday!hugs, loves and sparkly kisses!
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Hi, I'm RaShell and I'm stupid too 😉 Although nothing will compare with counting days till new HP will come out (All of Twibooks were already printed by the time I got to them, so thankfully I didn't have to wait), I do have quite a few book series I'm keeping tabs on… I'm waiting quite impatiently for the Mockingjay. I will most definitely succumb to buying the new Sookie book as soon as it rolls out (crossing fingers not to be disappointed like with the "short stories" rip-off last time). What else. Clockwork Angel will be mine (cause I did enjoy the other Cassandra's stories). I also might get the Crescendo, just finished Hush, hush and I did like it very much, would like to follow up with Patch and Nora 🙂 The other ones I will probably wait for to show up in the library. On my "wish list currently":Spells by Aprilynne PikeRadiant Shadows by Melissa MarrDark Flame by Alyson Noelwhatever comes after Leviathan by Scott WesterfeldBitterblue by Kristin CashoreThe Reckoning by Kelley Armstrong
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I'm waiting for Bitterblue – Kristin Cashore, Mockingjay – Suzanne Collins, Crescendo – Becca Fitzpatrick, Beautiful Darkness – Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl, Cassandra Clare's new stuff, Radiant Shadows – Melissa Marr, Kelley Armstrong's new books (women of the otherworld series). Oh I am sure that I missed a few.Scott Westerfeld's novel after Leviathan is called Behemoth (I think). So many books, so little time…..
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Just read Radiant Shadows SO SO SO GOOD! Cassie's new series is going to kick some major bookbutt. And I'm also waiting for White Cat and Bitterblue! I would say I was waiting for Beatuiful Darkness but I'VE ALREADY READ THAT ONE!!!!! LOL Margie
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Ah! I am so excited for all of these books too! I need to check out the bonus series only. Thanks for the recommendation there!
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I think a lot of us are in the same boat with these books I mean how can we NOT read them. It is torture…wonderful torture!!!
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@ everyone – (cause I'm lazy! lol) Where to even begin!!! These comments are fantastic! Thank you everyone!!Okay, so I'm in the middle of Wicked Lovely (lovin' it so far) and still need to pick up The Iron King (really really really want to read it). And after writing this post I read Lament & Ballad and as a future post will show I am DYING to know where that series goes! I just placed a few Scott Westerfeld books on hold at the library and all the rest I need to add to my growing list! *headdesk*I sorta had a feelin' there were others like me out there!! =D
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