Welcome to our latest edition of Super Six Sundays!
Super Six Sunday is an original bookish meme hosted at Bewitched Bookworms and inspired by “Top Ten Tuesday” from The Broke and The Bookish. You can see the weekly schedule of themes here.
It’s so great to see so many people participating! Sorry for the reply fail on Easter. I was traveling for the holiday and had a busy week at work. Please check back later and be sure to visit the other Super Six Sunday posts to spread the love!
It’s Heather here today, sharing my ….
Super Six Characters That Totally Shocked Me When They Were Killed Off
Character death. It’s something that is inevitable, and it’s something that can be done with finesse and subtlety. And boy, can the unexpected demise of a character you love really knock the wind out of your sails. Here’s six fictional people that made my heart hurt when they were no longer walking the earth.
***This post is spoilerific for Harry Potter, the Shades of London series, the Chicagoland Vampires Series, the False Memory series, the Caster Chronicles, and Divergent trilogy. You’ve been warned.***
Now I’ll admit that I’ve only watched the movies (I know, that’s blasphemy in these parts), but I really liked Severus Snape. He was such a great anti-hero, I should have known that the only way for him to be completely redeemed was for him to die. But it was still a bit of a shock. Some day I’ll get to these enormous books, some day… (Goodreads / Amazon)
When Rory was attacked by the wannabe Jack the Ripper ghost at the end of The Name of the Star, she unwittingly becomes a terminus and can zap ghosts into oblivion. The will they/won’t they push and pull between her and head ghost police Stephen is put on the back burner while Rory heals away from school, but once they are around each other again the sparks fly. You finally get into Stephen’s history, delve into his story and personality, he and Rory finally kiss, and then wham! He’s dead. Seriously, I don’t know how book three can have a romance between someone who can kill ghosts and someone who is a ghost. (Goodreads / Amazon)
Ethan Sullivan was my favorite character in the Chicagoland Vampire series. He was sexy, smart, and the head of Cadogan House, leading his own set of vampires–including newly turned Merit. Then in book #4, Hard Bitten, he gets murdered. I still haven’t written a real review of this book or read past the next book–and a lot more books have come out. I’ve bought every one of them, but it just wasn’t the same without Ethan. Sure, he somehow comes back at the very end a few books later (I leafed through each book when they’d come in the mail). Now I’m so far behind, it’s going to take me a while to get back on track. Sigh… (Goodreads / Amazon)
It’s all kinds of awkward when you lose your memory if you don’t get a special medicine at certain time intervals, especially if you lose your memory and fall in love with another one of your special fighter coworkers when you’d been dating another one for a long time. Miranda didn’t know that she had ever dated Noah, so when she fell in love with Peter, it didn’t feel stranger to her, but it was a bit strange for Noah to have to live and work with them. But what makes this worse is when Noah is killed and his memories are uploaded into Miranda, so his consciousness and memories can now mingle with hers. Knocking off Noah was a surprise, torturing Miranda with all of these memories from Noah’s point of view was a twist that I didn’t see coming. (Goodreads / Amazon)
When Amma Treadeau died, it was like losing my own grandmother. She was a staple, a mainstay in the Caster Chronicles books, with her spells, talking to the ancestors, and crossword puzzles, but most of all she took such good care of Ethan. The balance had to be restored, and Amma understood that she would have to make a great sacrifice to help things along. She just wanted to make sure that her boy would be okay first. (Goodreads / Amazon)
The fact that Tris dies in the final book of the Divergent trilogy probably shouldn’t have surprised me; she did spend most of the second book trying to get herself killed. I think what shocked me the most about her death was that it was a simple gunshot that took her down, and by a man that wasn’t at the top of his game, no less. What an un-badass way to go… (Goodreads / Amazon)
So those were my Super Six characters that I can’t believe the author whacked. I can’t wait to see what characters made you cry when they met their maker!
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I was shocked about Stephen, too! And right after the kiss with Rory! I went from super happy to super sad within the span of a couple pages. Nice list! 🙂
Emily @ Books & Cleverness recently posted..Week in Review: May 4th
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I’m glad that I wasn’t the only one totally shocked by Stephen’s death! How are they going to go on from there?
Heather recently posted..Lamb to the Slaughter by Karen Ann Hopkins – Blog Tour Review and Giveaway
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False Sight looks awesome!
Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings
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The False Memory/False Sight series is really good. The books are pretty different, but I really enjoyed both. The final book should be out this summer.
Heather recently posted..Lamb to the Slaughter by Karen Ann Hopkins – Blog Tour Review and Giveaway
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I agree that Ethan’s death was a big shocker!! I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy to have the next book ready to be read!
And yeah, I’m not sure how Rory & Stephen are gonna continue since he’s gonna be a ghost and she’s the Terminus!
Pili recently posted..Showcase Sunday #32!!
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Ethan taking that dive off the water tower shocked me, but Amma dying shocked me more since I knew that her death would stick.
I’m not sure how Rory and Stephen could be together now either. I wish the third book would hurry up and be released!
Heather recently posted..Lamb to the Slaughter by Karen Ann Hopkins – Blog Tour Review and Giveaway
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Tris’s death shocked me too – but I think it wasn’t the WAY she went, but the WHY. I think sacrificing herself for Caleb was the best way to wrap up all the themes of selflessness in the series. I’m just glad she didn’t die in Four’s arms; that would have killed me, and I had a two week book hangover from how it actually happened anyway.
I wanted to add one to this list but I don’t want to spoil anything but let me just say MOCKINGJAY is the reason I wake up crying at night.
Kayla @ The Thousand Lives recently posted..Weekly Recap 25 (May 4)
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Oh, I totally forgot about Prim, Kayla! I’m still pretending that she’s alive and well. Why did you have to remind me!!!!!
Heather recently posted..Lamb to the Slaughter by Karen Ann Hopkins – Blog Tour Review and Giveaway
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I wasn’t even talking about Prim!!! I meant Finnick! *wails*
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Oh, my, Finnick! I forgot the mutts got Finnick! I don’t know how I’m going to make it through these movies. *sobs*
Heather recently posted..Lamb to the Slaughter by Karen Ann Hopkins – Blog Tour Review and Giveaway
I think Tris’ death was really fitting, actually – although I know it angered a whole bunch of people! I think it was right for her story arc and that it fit the themes of the trilogy. Funnily enough I didn’t cry when I read it but I did tear up in the cinema during the zip line scene, knowing what happens the second time we see that zip line!
Lisa recently posted..Book Review: A Million Ways To Die In The West
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Tris’ death did totally fit, but it didn’t satisfy my need for a HEA. I think what shocked me was that she died from such a mundane thing as a gunshot wound.
Heather recently posted..Lamb to the Slaughter by Karen Ann Hopkins – Blog Tour Review and Giveaway
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