2015 Fantastic Fives Event: Interviews, Fab 5’s & a Giveaway!

Posted 12 November, 2015 by Danny in Blog, Danny, Giveaways / 53 Comments

Welcome to the Bookworms Fantastic Fives event where we are celebrating together with some other amaztastic bloggers that we all started blogging 5 years ago!


Seriously…. I actually also couldn’t believe it but the Bookworms have been in the book blogging community since 5 years! Our Birthday is actually in February,but live has been so busy that it just slipped my mind.

So I am extra grateful that Me, My Shelf and I and Two Chicks on Books decided to host this amazing event! Below, you will find the schedule with all the other amazing blogs that turn 5 this year, so make sure to check them out!

Each Blog posts an Interview and shares some Fab5s, so let#s get started with mine:

  1. Tell us a little bit about yourself.

Danny_DarklingSooo, ok I’m Danny (duh), 37 years old have a PhD in Biology and I’m teaching molecular biology at the University in Munich. So I am constantly surrounded by young enthusiastic, smart people, it’s awesome and I LOVE my job so much! My boss just said the other day after I finished a practical course and went out with the students for some drinks “So what, you hang out with the students all day and then you even go out with them? What a life you have!” and I just said “yes, how awesome and you are even paying for this” 🙂

Besides having an amazing job, I have an amazing husband who puts up with my book loving self on a daily basis and always encourages me to follow my passions!

  1. How did you get started blogging?

So said amazing husband said back in 2008 when I was obsessed with Twilight and when I was gushing about all these amazing blogs out there, that I should also try it and start my own blog. This is when I started blogging and this is also how I meet my fellow Bookworms Heather, Pushy, cutie and the other original Bookworms and then in 2010 we started the Bookworms together.

  1. How did you pick the name for your blog?

This was a group effort together with the original bookworms and it was cutie (miss you girl!) who came up with the name and I am in love with it ever since!

  1. If you could go back in time and tell your newbie blogger self 1 thing what would it be?

I don’t know… it all evolved quite smoothly and we grew slowly over time and it all felt just right and naturally. We also didn’t stress to much and it was always nice sharing this blog with my friends!

  1. What have you learned in your 5 years of blogging?

Oh most definitely not to stress over stats! There was a time a few years ago where I was obsessed with my stats, page views and follower counts, and it really stressed me out. Now, I am much much more relaxed and if I have nothing to post I do not force it. I don’t need to post every day anymore and I became so much more relaxed, that is such a nice feeling!

  1. What was the first ARC or book you ever received from a publisher?

SuperSixSunday_Hush,HushSeriesOh I know!!! It was CRESCENDO, the second book in the hush,hush series from Becca Fitzpatrick and I remember I WAS SO FREAKING excited! We even shared this ARC among all us Bloggers and this book as been send around all across the world. With me living in Germany and the other ones living across the US!

  1. When you’re not reading or blogging, what can we find you doing?

Oh I love binge watching series and I’m obsessed with Supernatural (Thanks Heather Forever for introducing me to Sam and Dean) and some other shows like Once Upon a Time, The Flash and some others. Recently I started with Yoga and I really really love it!


The Fives: (and yes, you can ONLY have 5! *muwhahahah*)

Five Favorite Books

Shadowfever by Karen Marie Moning (I am obsessed with this series!!)

pushingthelimitsHarry Potter and the Philosophers Stone by JK Rowling ( I mean I love the whole series, but the the question referred to a book, sos I just picked the first one…)

Pushing The Limits by Katie McGarry (and.. I have a big girl crush on Katie McGarry..)

Maybe Someday by Colleen Hover ( I adore all her books, but this one stuck the longest with me!)

Outlander by Diana Gabaldon (One of the series I would always re-read!)


Five Favorite Book Boyfriends

  1. BARONS from the Fever Series! (I wrote countless posts about him and fought a few book bloggers to claim him as mine!
  2. BONES from The Night Huntress Series!
  3. ATTICUS from The Iron Druid Chronicles!
  4. REYES from The Charley Davidson Series (yes, I know he’s Satans son, but.. it’s Reyes!!
  5. BARRONS, yes him again!

Five Favorite Book Quotes

“One day you will kiss a man you can’t breathe without, and find that breath is of little consequence.”
― Karen Marie MoningBloodfever

Sorry, only this one as I am really bad with quotes…

Five Blogging Tips For New Bloggers

  1. Be active in the community (something I should do more often…)
  2. Do Not Stress!
  3. Make your Blog pretty, as it will have several effects if you have a pretty blog you love looking at!
  4. Don’t try to copy other blogs, do what you like to do, post about what YOU like to post about and not what you think is expected of you
  5. Have fun. Blogging should be fun!

Five Blogs You Want The World To Know About

Ugh! Only 5? I found so many great blog along the way… but here you go
Supernatural Snark – I LOVE Jenny, I love her reviews and I just love her as a person. She became a friend and I just love that I found a true, real live friend through book blogging. LOVE you so much 🙂
Fiktshun – I follow Rachel’s blog since … well forever I love her open, heartfelt nature and how much of herself she puts in her blog!
Mary The Bookswarm – I adore Mary and I love her laid back nature and that she talks about naked me on covers and romance and just talks about any kind of books she likes.
Parajunkee – I also follow Rachel since ever and I adore her snark, her blogging tips and her posts about other random blogging and Dishing Junk posts.
The Book Cellar – Also a blogger I have been following since the beginning and Erica is such a great person who blogs about all kind of books!
Schedule of the Other Fivies! 
November 8 Books Etc.
November 9 Fiktshun
November 10 Two Chicks On Books
November 11 Me, My Shelf and I
November 12 Bewitched Bookworms
November 13 Novel Novice
November 15 Maer Wilson
November 17 YA Book Shelf
November 19 Bookish Lifestyle
November 21 Stories & Sweeties


To celebrate our 5 year Anniversary I am giving away a 25$ Giftcard to either BookDepository or Amazon.com so that you can get some amazing books!

Open Internationally!

Love you all Guys! and I hope we will have the next amazing 5 years still together! 


a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Obsessive Reader by Night - Scientist at Day! You can also find me on goodreads. I'd love to get to know you so, don't be shy and say Hello!

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53 Responses to “2015 Fantastic Fives Event: Interviews, Fab 5’s & a Giveaway!”

  1. I am new to blogging, booktube and the book community and this was a perfect article for me. I am a little stressed about getting people to my blog and trying to have itneresting content. Its nice to see that you didnt stress and it worked out anyway. After all the real reason I started doing this was to meet people, as you did, and become friends with other bookworms!

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    Danny 11/12/2015

    Oh I remember the beginning when everything was new – but really the best advice is stay active in the community and all will happen with time. Just don’t expect too much too fast, give it some time, relax and have fun.

    I’m still amazed that I found some real life friends and I can’t believe I’m so lucky to have found my Book Soulmate in Jenny who really just loves the same books as me! It’s glorious 🙂 I’m sure you will find some friends too:)
    Danny recently posted..2015 Fantastic Fives Event: Interviews, Fab 5’s & a Giveaway!My Profile

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  2. Thanks so much for participating in the event Danny! You are awesome <3333333

    And happy five years!


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    Danny 11/12/2015

    THANK YOU Jamie for organizing it… Big hugs and many many kisses 🙂 Happy Five Years to you to!

    Reply »

  3. Luisa Oliveira

    Omg, our favorite books are almost the same! Pushing the Limits is amazing and made me cry, Outlander surprised me and I won’t event talk about HP.
    I didn’t get a chance to read Maybe Someday yet, but I’ve read lots of Colleen Hoover books and at the moment Ugly Love is my favorite 😀
    Happy blogoversary, five years is a really long time and an amazing accomplishment.

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  4. Kristin K

    I have been starting to wonder what to get my family members for Christmas. I have some ideas, but no specifics. I also have my sister’s birthday coming up, and want to get her something fabulous….as she is the best sister in the world!

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