Danny’s Harry Potter Bubble – Re-discovering a bookish phenomenon -Mini-Feature Series

Posted 7 September, 2015 by Danny in Blog, Danny, Danny's Harry Potter Bubble / 12 Comments

So you know what they say, you should blog about what you love and talk about the things you’d love to talk about, even though all these things have been said already. But here I am re-reading one of the most famous bookish phenomenon of our time and… it’s been glorious!


This is how I decided to start a little mini-feature where I talk about my Harry Potter Re-Reading Adventures, which I started a few weeks ago! It feels like I spend these last weeks in my very own Harry Potter Bubble, hence the name of the Feature:)

But, I not only re-read the books – I also watched the wonderful movies again and finally discovered Pottermore.So here are the topics and posts that will be coming within the next weeks and I’m excited about talking about these with you – and I hope you will too!

  1. Reading Harry Potter – Now and Then !
  2. Pottermore
  3. Cover Art, which ones are the most beautiful?
  4. Watching the Movies – Now and Then!
  5. Finally Drinking Butterbeer! Exploring The Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando!
  6. Harry Potter Tattoo Art
  7. Fantastical Beasts and Where To Find Them

yes… of course we need to have 7 topics 🙂 

So welcome to

Part I Reading Harry Potter Now and Then!

I “jumped” on the Harry Potter bandwagon a little late and initially didn’t want to read them. but then one Christmas in the year 2000 I got the first two books as a gift and .. finally started reading. Needless to say I was hooked from the beginning from there one got each book pre-ordered to have it right in my hands the minute they got released.

Also, these were the first books I ever read in english, but since I didn’t want to wait for the German Translation.  I haven’t read the books ever since the last book came out.

Now – Nearly 7 years later, I got the eBooks and started reading the series back-to-back for the first time!

Reading Harry Potter – Now!

Tweet-Style Mini Reviews!

I always love to read a series back-to-back and it’s just as glorious this second time!So here are  Tweet-length Mini Reviews about what I love about each book!

1. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

Nothing will ever be as emotional as reading the first. From learning to be a wizard to becoming a seeker and to finally having someone who loves Harry! 

2. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Not my favorite but the CoS definitely gave me the chills and it broke my heart when everyone was being afraid of Harry! But… it’s good to have the most amazing friends Ever! 

3. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Harry is not alone anymore!! He’s Got family and I LOVE Sirius and … PoA has the teacher EVER TeamRemus4Ever! Plus, we learn about Patronuses ( I want my own!) 

Harry Potter Covers
4. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

The books turn from cute children books to darker adult books where .. people can die. Cedric’s death broke my heart. I really loved MadEye as a teacher! 

5. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

I want to join the DA too! Loved how tight this DA group was and fought together against the most horrible teacher ever that taught at Hogwarts. Go AWAY Umbridge Bitch! Saddest Ending EVER! 

P.S.: How could you J.K. – how could you! I will never forgive you Sirius death!

6. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

This book has the most shocking ending and I couldn’t believe J.K would go there, but she did and … I get why Dumbledore must die.. (sorry) I was weeping over this.

P.S: Also, I always thought we would learn that Snape was “good” after all, so I was in a shock when he killed Dumbledore!

7. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

What a horrible journey! But.. again how amazing are Ron and Hermione as friends? The BEST! I was weeping when HP thought he would die.. But then.. All Was Well! 

P.S.: THANK you for Snape’s Redemption – this was the most surprising moment and I LOVED learning about Snapes doing all these years!


Favourite Book ? Now and Then!

Honestly? No idea! Sure with 7 books there should be a favourite and a least favourite, but I just can’t choose and I could never choose. For me, it feels like one big huge enormous book that just was split in 7 parts and the story itself is epic!

Favourite Moments! Top 10

  1. Snape’s Redemption! I so badly wanted him to be a good character and I loved how JK made us guess the whole time and then made us hate him even more, just to redeem his character int he last book!
  2. Harry Learns he’s a Wizard! OoOO this poor boy who knows no love finally learns he’s special. Brings me to tears every time!
  3. Harry learning the truth about Sirius! That was one of the best moments because Harry finally got family and someone who loves him! (Again, I will never forgive J.K for killing him)
  4. The Sorting Hat sorting Harry, Ron and Hermione in Gryffindor! Somehow this scene is just as emotional. These friends becoming family by being in the same house!
  5. Remus teaching Harry the Patronus Charm! I already confessed my love for Remus and I loved how he was taught Harry to cast a Patronus and also how Harry had finally someone who knew his parents!
  6. Molly Weasley loving Harry like a son! Well, this is not just one moment but so many when Molly gave Harry a woman who loves him like a son. Just what always bothered me is why Harry still called Molly and Arthur Mr and Mrs….
  7. Harry and Ron rescuing Hermione from the Troll! This was such an important moment because Ron and Harry finally become a trio with Hermione!
  8. Neville, Luna and Ginny helping Harry rescue Sirius! Even though we know how this ends, I loved how it was not only ever Ron and Hermione but finally also some other friends! And.. I have a soft spot for Nevill and Luna!
  9. Ginny never giving up on Harry and kissing him finally! Ginny is awesome and I am actually a little sad that she didn’t get more screen time in the books. She is so strong level-headed and awesome, she could have had a bigger role!
  10. Hermione going with Krum to the Yule ball! Wait, don’t shoot me here, but I loved that this boy saw something in Hermione the boys (Ron and Harry) didn’t so far. And I loved that it made Hermione more feminine and that Ron slowly begun to realize that he is pretty much in love with Hermione! I

Do you have a favorite book? Can you choose among the 7 books? Which is your favorite moment in the books?


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Obsessive Reader by Night - Scientist at Day! You can also find me on goodreads. I'd love to get to know you so, don't be shy and say Hello!

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12 Responses to “Danny’s Harry Potter Bubble – Re-discovering a bookish phenomenon -Mini-Feature Series”

  1. Ahhh Harry Potter *sights* I am planning to re-read it and re-watch it in winter when it’s cold outside and I can sit in my bed drinking hot chocolate and going all Harry Potter crazy 😀 Your post really made me smile, Harry Potter 4ever!
    HannahCassie recently posted..TBR: SEPTEMBER of HannahCassieMy Profile

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    Danny 9/8/2015

    OoOo yes, Harry Potter in winter is even better! Since I am still in my Bubble I’m definitely going to watch the movies all over again. Also. I know it’s crazy but – I will also start the books all over again! I’m just not yet done with it again 🙂
    Danny recently posted..Anne & Henry by Dawn IusMy Profile

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  2. This is amazing seeing this post today. Just yesterday my husband and I were sitting here wondering what to watch and I just had a Harry Potter feeling all day. We started re-watching the movies and now I want to re-read it. Then I come here and see this and you’ve convinced me. I’m going to re-read Harry Potter.

    Awesome post! Fantastic feature idea. I love it! Can’t wait to get the rest of your posts.

    Reply »

    Danny 9/8/2015

    Haha see?? You need to re-watch the movies right now:)) And actually this is how my Re-watch,Read marathon started. I watched the movies and then decided to re-read the books! It’s glorious !!!!! Have fun:)))
    Danny recently posted..Anne & Henry by Dawn IusMy Profile

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  3. Oh you just brought back so many memories of me screaming “NO, SIRIUS, NOOOOOOOOO!” in the middle of the night, reading the fifth book, and startling my parents. Brb, sobbing.

    Sirius is the best character in all of the books. I recently reread the first book but need to hop back on the train and keep going!


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    Danny 9/11/2015

    I know I know1 How could she! I mean, Harry suffered so much, why must Sirius go too? And then also Remus? I loved these two and wished one of them would have been kept alive to be Harrys family!
    Danny recently posted..COMPULSION by Martina Boone Paperback Blog Tour & Exciting GiveawayMy Profile

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  4. Loving this! I’ve done the same- it’s such fun rediscovering this book series.
    Claire recently posted..Series Review: Rain Wild ChroniclesMy Profile

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    Danny 9/11/2015

    It has been so many years since I last read the books that it nearly felt like a new series, but then of course I knew what would happen, at least the big deaths were no surprising, but other than this I so much loved it )
    Danny recently posted..COMPULSION by Martina Boone Paperback Blog Tour & Exciting GiveawayMy Profile

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  5. Kayla West

    The first one in the series is incredibly close to my heart because that is the very book that made me love reading. If it weren’t for that book I wouldn’t be a writer, I wouldn’t have read Moby Dick at the age of 11, and I would not have the love of fantasy that I have today. I actually used to read the series once every year, a tradition started when the books were being published, but have not read them since probably 2011. For a month or so now I have been wanting to reread this series that I absolutely love, and this post just shows me it is time to finally relive these childhood memories once again.

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    Danny 9/14/2015

    I love hearing such stories, stories about how much certain books mean so much to people on a personal level! I also have a friend who also just started reading because of HP. And I love your tradition, maybe I’m going to start it too because as soon as I was done with the last book I wanted to start all over again:)
    Danny recently posted..Blog Tour Review and Giveaway – The Captive Condition by Kevin P. KeatingMy Profile

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