Welcome to our latest edition of Super 6 Sundays!
Super Six Sunday is an original bookish meme hosted at Bewitched Bookworms and inspired by “Top Ten Tuesday” from The Broke and The Bookish . You can see the weekly schedule of themes here.
It’s so great to see so many people participating! Check back later and be sure to visit the other Super Six Sunday posts to spread the love!
It’s Heather here today sharing my ….
Super Six Book to Movie Adaptations
I’m going to go with a mixture of my favorite book to movie adaptations and the last ones I’ve watched, but when you post you’re list you can post whatever you like–it just has to involve BOOK TO MOVIE ADAPTATIONS.
While I didn’t see Drive in the theater when it was out, I did watch it about twenty times when it was first streaming on Netflix. It’s dark, gritty, a bit violent, and it stars Ryan Gosling as a man of few words stunt car driver in the movies by day, a getaway driver by night. I picked up the book the movie is based on for my Kindle and read a few pages. It’s very noir-ish, but I haven’t had time to get back to it, even though I bought the sequel too.
Drive by James Sallis (Book: Goodreads/Amazon, Movie: Amazon)
P.S. I Love You was a book I read back in 2006, way before my book blogging days. I adored this book. Set in Ireland, I was fascinated to read the heartbreaking story of a young woman losing her husband so young, but at the same time it was so enlightening to see how different things were for widows in other countries in terms of financial arrangements, etc. When the movie came out I saw it with my best friend who had originally loaned me the book. While it was not a great time in my life to see this movie since we had just lost my husband’s grandfather so I bawled like a baby through most of the movie, on subsequent rewatches I’ve been able to enjoy the movie, if not only for Gerard Butler and Jeffrey Dean Morgan. But the book is far superior, with a much larger family for the female lead and a richer story.
P.S. I Love You by Cecilia Ahern (Book: Goodreads/Amazon, Movie: Amazon)
I read the Twilight Saga books after they were all out, and I did watch the movies at the midnight premiere from Eclipse through Breaking Dawn Part 2. While the book wasn’t that great with the fake out fight scene and well, everything else, the Breaking Dawn Part 2 movie delivered. While everyone else was gasping in the theater, I was the A-hole laughing quietly when Carlisle’s head got ripped off. My glee just exploded when that battle that never happened in the books actually was played out on the screen, and I wasn’t even that disappointed when it was shown to just be a vision. Although I still think there needed to be some more deaths in that series. What I got out of Breaking Dawn Part 2 is that I’d pay money to watch a movie of just Lee Pace’s Garrett and the Alistaire guy. They were the best part.
Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer (Book: Goodreads/Amazon, Movie: Breaking Dawn Part 2 Amazon)
I loved, loved, loved the Caster Chronicles books, so I was glad to take my mother with me to watch the Beautiful Creatures movie. Did I expect some things to be different? Yes. I did enjoy the movie, even though some things were changed. The ending did leave things at a place where I was really wondering how they would make another movie, but since it didn’t do so well at the box office, I guess that doesn’t really matter. I need to buy this and watch it again. And I am especially excited now that the news of the spinoff series focusing on Link and Ridley is coming!!!
Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl (Book: Goodreads/Amazon, Movie: Amazon)
The Hunger Games is another series that I really devoured, and my sister and I saw the movie on opening night-with a bunch of middle schoolers and their parents. I just watched the movie again in preparation for Catching Fire and it holds up nicely. I have high hopes for the next installments. The few things that were changed from the book to the movie made sense and didn’t really bother me.
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins (Book: Goodreads/Amazon, Movie: Amazon)
Who knew that The Conjuring was actually based on real cases and an actual family’s ten years spent living in a haunted house? This was one heck of a scary movie and my mother and I saw it opening weekend. We love these kinds of movies and this one delivered. I’ve heard the author of the books that the movie family is based on speak on several radio shows, so I bought the books. I’ve yet to check them out yet. If you’re easily scared and creeped out, I don’t recommend this movie. But if you like these kinds of things, this movie is one of the better films I’ve seen in several years!
House of Darkness, House of Light by Andrea Perron (Book: Goodreads (vol 1 and 2/Amazon (vol 1 and 2), Movie: Not Yet Available on Amazon)
So these were my Super Six Book to Movie Adapations. I can’t wait to see all of yours!
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I LOVED P.S. I Love You (and actually saw the movie first), but I could not get over the butchered ending of Beautiful Creatures.
Here’s my Super Six.
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Yay! Another person who loved P.S. I Love You. It still makes me cry my eyes out. The ending of Beautiful Creatures was a bit whack, but I enjoyed the rest of the movie otherwise.
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Agree completely with both of these statements.
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I definitely have to agree with what you said about Lee Pace’s Garrett and Alistair in BD2!! They are two of my favorite actors and both were the best part about that movie. And we’re in luck—Lee Pace’s character in Hobbit seems like he’s going to have a bigger part in the second movie. That man makes one gorgeous elf. 😉
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Another Lee Pace fan! He’s so perfect and such a great actor. Doesn’t hurt that he’s easy on the eyes too, LOL.
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I liked the adaptation of The Hunger Games too but really couldn’t get into the movie for Beautiful Creatures. I’m looking forward to a few coming out at the end of the year too.
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I think the key to the Beautiful Creatures movie was to forget about the books while you watched it. Although I think it was the way they changed the ending that made it a bit less enjoyable for me.
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I think The Hunger Games really did a great job in capturing the feeling of the book and putting it into the movie. The Twilight books were okay movies to me, but it just felt like some emotion was missing from them. I didn’t particularly enjoy Beautiful Creatures, so I never went and saw it in theatres.
Will have to look into your other selections!
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I totally agree about The Hunger Games movie and the Twilight movies.
Drive is an excellent movie, but you will need a strong stomach for some parts. But it does have broody, silent Ryan Gosling to make up for that.
P.S. I Love You is a tear jerker, so get the Kleenex ready.
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The Conjuring is so good! I haven’t read the book though, and same with P.S. I Love You. I adore that movie — cried my eyes out too! I wasn’t as big of a fan of the Beautiful Creatures movie, but I think Hunger Games is one of the best book to film adaptations. Great list!!
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I’m glad you liked The Conjuring too! The reviews for the books are very mixed, so that’s been keeping me from starting them. The author speaks very well, but she does go on and on–so I’m a bit fearful about the books, LOL.
And I totally agree about The Hunger Games movie. I can’t wait for Catching Fire. I hope it’s as good or better than the first movie.
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Great picks – I did not realize Drive was from a book. I am going to pick that one up. Here is our Super Six
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Drive is a book, and the main character actually doesn’t have a real name just like in the movie. He’s just called “Driver.” There is a sequel called Driven too. I’m holding out hope that they would make a sequel movie since there’s so many questions that I have!
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I just saw Mortal Instruments yesterday and was thinking of doing a post about it, so thanks for the reminder.
I haven’t read P.S. I love you, but I loved the movie! I don’t watch scary movies so I wouldn’t watch the Conjuring, but I’m very curious about the actual story and what that family actually went through. I guess I could read the book. I SO want to watch The Beautiful Creatures movie!
It’s funny, my husband doesn’t read but I haul him to watch the movies for the books and he almost always likes them. At least we can talk about them then and I can go off about what changed and why the book is better (in most cases).
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I really liked the book P.S. I Love You better, but I did like the movie too. Hopefully you’ll like the Beautiful Creatures movie. Most people are pretty split. It focuses on Lena a lot, but I enjoyed it.
I’m glad that your husband will watch these movies with you. I usually take my sister (who’s read them) or my mother (who usually reads them after seeing the movie).
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Ahh, just read this post, and I didn’t know that happened in Breaking Dawn since I still haven’t seen part two! Oops. Oh well.
I watched The Silver Linings Playbook yesterday, after finishing the book the day before. I loved how it still managed to be a great adaptation, even though it didn’t take a lot of scenes directly from the novel.
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Oh no! I figured almost a year should be enough time for not needing a Spoiler Warning for Breaking Dawn Part 2! Anyway, it’s just like in the book, but you get to see it played out for like ten minutes on screen in gruesome detail. It’s awesome.
I haven’t read Silver Linings Playbook or watched the movie. The trailer looked good, but I never got around to going to the theater to see it. Once it’s on Netflix I’ll watch it!
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No need for a spoiler warning at all! I actually borrowed it from a friend a few weeks ago to watch, but haven’t got round to it yet.
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I love P.S. I Love You! Such a good movie.
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Another person who loves P.S. I Love You! The book is really good too!
Heather recently posted..Super Six Sunday – Book to Movie Adaptations
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I love finding out a movie I’ve watched is also a book because it means I get to re-experience it! I had no idea the Conjuring was anything but a movie so thank you for sharing. It’s high on my to be watched list and now my tbr!
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The Conjuring is a spooky, scary movie, full of tension and jump scares. It was great. Definitely check it out when you can!
Heather recently posted..Super Six Sunday – Book to Movie Adaptations
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Such a good list! I loved The Hunger Games, PS I love You and Breaking Dawn. I was really disappointed about Beautiful Creatures and am not sure I want the sequel to be made into a movie, too. And then…you watched The Conjuring? Wow, wish I had your guts. I could never watch it LOL
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Beautiful Creatures didn’t do so well at the box office, so I’m sure they won’t be making a sequel. Which is fine since who knows how they would even write one with how they messed up the ending quarter of that movie when compared to the book?
And The Conjuring wasn’t scary to me, but I grew up with movies like that and always slept soundly afterwards. Now if Pushy saw it, she’d have peed her pants–if I could have even gotten her into the theater in the first place 😉
Heather recently posted..Super Six Sunday – Book to Movie Adaptations
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I’ve only read & seen: P.S. I Love You, Twilight, and The Hunger Games. The latter two I read and then watched, whilst I really can’t remember whether I read or watched P.S. I Love You first.
I agree with you that P.S. I Love You was much better as a book. I remember tearing up whilst reading it, whilst I was just a little sad whilst watching the movie. Of course, Gerard Butler more than made up for that short coming!
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Another lover of the book for P.S I Love You. It made me cry throughout most of the book. The movie made me cry too, but I think it was more because we’d literally lost my husband’s grandfather the day before.
Seriously, Gerard Butler and Jeffrey Dean Morgan don’t hurt a movie, that’s for sure 🙂
Heather recently posted..Super Six Sunday – Book to Movie Adaptations
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