A New Adult Monday Special with Lori L. Clark Author of I Breath You & Giveaway!

Posted 29 July, 2013 by Danny in Author Spotlight, Blog, Danny / 20 Comments

This is a New Adult Monday Author Special

.. a   Feature where we will review and talk about New Adult books! If you are not familiar with this term, you can read my New Adult Discussion post!

Today we have a New Adult Monday Special with an Interview with Lori L.Clark, Author of the New Adult Contemporary I BREATH YOU which is coming August 2nd! And at the end, Lori is offering a very cool Giveaway for you guys!!

Hi Lori – Thank you so much for taking your time to stop by the Bookworms today! and… congratulations to your new book “ I BREATH YOU” which is coming out August 2nd! Woot! 

 Thank you for having me. 🙂 I’m very excited for the release of I Breathe You! 🙂

Would you pitch I BREATH YOU in 3 words to our Readers? 

 Three words. Whoa. I always tell my friends I could never write short stories because I’m so wordy. 🙂 But…let me try.

 Inhale. Hold. Exhale.


Seriously, what is it about “Rock Stars” that makes me so instantly excited:)??

 It’s funny, I got the idea for I Breathe You earlier this year, and it seemed like there were Rock Star books coming out all over the place. I am a huge fan of 80’s glam metal rock. All that big hair. Those guys looked great in their spandex. 🙂 I’ve always wondered what it would take, not only to meet a famous rocker, but to have him pick you over the thousands of women throwing themselves at the their feet every night. Rockers are notorious “bad boys,” and I think we women all secretly love bad boys!

If Rhane was asked to describe Ian in just one sentence, what would she say?

 Throughout the book, Rhane often says that Ian is “Not even that good looking.” Which she does so she can try to talk herself out of the major attraction she feels for him. 

Would you mind telling us one secret about Ian?

 Ian has so many painful secrets. But, one fun one: He plays a mean air guitar!   

It’s no secret that New Adult right now is extremely popular and it seems like people are craving these stories. What do you think made this genre so incredible popular these days?

 I think it’s an offshoot from the vast amount of YA fans who were looking for a little something more “grown up” to read. In all honesty, and don’t hate me, but I think that the whole Fifty Shades thing sort of opened up the door. Personally, I loved reading YA, it was my go-to genre. Then I read a few NA books, things by Colleen Hoover, Jessica Sorenson, Michelle Leighton, etc. After reading those authors, I found going back and trying to read about high school students, or YA books in general, they seemed too immature for me. There are some incredibly talented authors who are writing some pretty amazing NA books these days, it’s just exploding!  

The cover of I BREATH YOU is absolutely stunning! What impact to you think as a great cover on a success of a self published story. 

 The old adage: Don’t judge a book by its cover…That’s not true for me. I absolutely judge books all the time by their cover. For a long time, even though it got rave reviews, I balked at reading “Going Under” by Summer Walden because of the original cover. It didn’t grab me. Then the cover was redesigned and I bought the book. I don’t think I’m in the minority when I say that a great cover catches the first glance, then you read the back (or the blurb) to see what it’s about. Rarely is it the other way around.

Also… this cover looks greatly different from your other covers. What made you go into a different direction this time? 

 I love working with graphics. I’ve designed all of my own covers. But this time, I wanted to really take some time and get it right. I studied a lot of other covers, and tried to find the right elements. Hopefully,it worked. 🙂 I started hunting for graphics online before the book was even halfway written. Talk about the horse before the cart. Ha!

I believe deciding to self publish is quite a frightening but also very exciting experience, would you mind sharing the weirdest/sweetest/funniest thing that happened to you? 

Personally, I think self-publishing is less frightening than frying your brain trying to write a query letter. Once you “perfect” your query letter, you send it out to the agents you’ve hopefully researched. And you wait. With self-publishing, you hold the control. There are authors right now getting agents who won’t be published mainstream for a year or longer. There are some pretty prolific authors who will have many, many books written, edited and for sale in that length of time. I tend to be a self-published, Indie author evangelist, and for me, it just makes perfect sense. I’ve had no bad experiences by self-publishing. So far. 🙂 

Anything you’d like to add? 

Just a little advice to anyone who wants to become an author…Read. Read. Read some more. Then write. Spend the money and get yourself an editor. I know you may be thinking you can’t afford it, but seriously, you can’t afford not to! Oh! and also… due to popular request, there is a book two in the works. I Breathe You, Too. It will be told from Ian’s point of view, plus some other highlights. 🙂

Then thank you so much for taking your time Lori and I hope many many people will love I BREATHE YOU! 

Thank you so much for having me! 🙂 <3


Lori L. ClarkAbout Lori L. Clark

Twitter | Facebook | Blog | Author Page | Goodreads

Ten things about me:
1. I’m an only child.
2. I love dogs!
3. I was born in Iowa City, Iowa and lived in Iowa until January 2007.
4. I worked as a professional psychic reader for 2 years.
5. I’m a Pisces Sun, Leo Moon with Aquarius rising.
6. I’ve written 6 books and am in the process writing a 7th.
7. I don’t look or act my age!
8. I ran my first 1/2 marathon at age 50.
9. I love 80’s hair band music.
10. I’m a vegetarian.


I Breath You Lori L ClarkI Breathe You by 

Series: Breathe, #1

Expected publication: August 2nd 2013

goodreads | amazon

When a tragic accident leaves Rhane Evans — lead vocalist for the rock band Fate’s Crazy — permanently unable to speak above a whisper and kills the love of her life, she moves across the state to pick up the pieces. Shattered, Rhane struggles to understand what happened the night of the accident, an accident everyone blames her for, even though she wasn’t driving the car.

Enter Ian Callahan. He’s the one person who may have a more tumultuous past than Rhane. Though they try hard to deny the sizzling attraction between them, it proves nearly impossible. When Ian’s troubled past threatens to tear them apart, they begin to believe happiness isn’t in their cards.

Because Fate’s Crazy that way…

I am busy working on I Breathe You, Too (Breathe #2). Told from Ian’s POV



Lori is offering one (1) eCopy of I BREATH YOU for one lucky winner and one (1) $10 Amazon Giftcard for another lucky winner! contest is open internationally and you can enter via the Rafflecopter below!

I am so excited to read this! It sounds right up my alley and the cover is super stunning and so very pretty and awesome!!! 

Thanks again to Lori for stopping by here today at the Bookworms,


a Rafflecopter giveaway


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Obsessive Reader by Night - Scientist at Day! You can also find me on goodreads. I'd love to get to know you so, don't be shy and say Hello!

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20 Responses to “A New Adult Monday Special with Lori L. Clark Author of I Breath You & Giveaway!”

  1. Hey Danny! Thanks for the interview! 🙂

    Good luck everybody!

    Vivien, I grew up being kind of a tomboy. I loved fast, muscle cars, and even working on them from time to time. I have worked in the automotive industry for my entire working career… so doing a male POV isn’t hard for me. I like to try to analyze what they are thinking!

    I have no preference. I just write what “they” tell me to.

    Diamond Dee — Pisceans are just naturally intuitive. I told people things that they thought, “no way that’s going to happen,” only to have them come back later and tell me I was right. I can usually read for others, but when it comes to figuring out something for myself — forget it. I’m clueless.

    Lori L. Clark recently posted..Book Blitz & Giveaway: Summer LoveMy Profile

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  2. An NA rockstar story? YES PLEASE DANNY! How am I just now hearing of this book? I need it in my hands immediately, I want to read all about Ian and Rhane! Super excited the next book is Ian’s POV. Love this trend of switching POVs from heroine to hero:)

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