A short Explanation!

Posted 10 November, 2011 by Danny in Danny, Uncategorized / 0 Comments

Hey guys! 
You might have noticed the lack of posts the last days. 
The Bookworms just have been so super very busy… 
And normally, I Danny step in with a post once my fellow Bookworms have too 
much on their plate.
But the last two weeks, I just couldn’t …
I finally had my PhD Defense on Monday! 
This was seriously one of the biggest days of my life! 
Also, the weeks before I was simply freaking out and 
busy with learning and preparing 
for this very day! 
Monday, I finally did it! 
The Defense was awesome, everything worked out perfect!!!
 …then it was time to celebrate! 
And now my friends, 
I’m just freaking exhausted! 
So soooo exhausted! 
Yesterday I came home from work at 6pm and went straight to bed.
I didn’t sleep the days before my defense and now my
body tries to catch up with this sleep derivation. 
I need some holidays, 
some time to relax!
But, I promise you things will get back to 
normal here at the Bookworms pretty soon! 
After this weekend, when I had some time to 
sleep and relax I will be back talking about books! 
So, I’m very sorry for this lack of posts
but soon all will be back to normal. 
I miss normal.
I miss you. 
I miss reading! 
and I miss sleeping! 
Love you all! 
P.S.: and in case you are interested I have some photos later this week! 
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Obsessive Reader by Night - Scientist at Day! You can also find me on goodreads. I'd love to get to know you so, don't be shy and say Hello!

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