Hey Guys! It’s been a while we had a Discussion on the Bookworms! But, I’m looking forward for today’s topic since I was wondering about this issue since a while!
Today, I’d love to talk to you about
Book Ratings and Personal Taste
When I look at my Ratings, I feel like that I rate mot of my books with a 4 star rating.
Yesterday, I happened to conclude my Goodreads Challenge of 150 books.
Yeah Me!
This was a goal set for the whole year and it’s already October and I read 150. I’m amazed by myself. But that’s beside the point.
So let’s have a closer look at my Ratings:
2012 – 150 books
5 Star: 55 books
4 Star: 55 Books
3 Star: 34
2 Star: 4
1 Star: 2
DNF: not determined… (most of them do not appear on my goodreads profile)
Clearly, I rated the majority of books with 4 and 5 stars, meaning I definitely enjoyed those book. 34 books were Ok and had some flaws But, I rated only 6 books with 2 and 1 star. In summary I rated more than 100 books 4 star and more! I’m impressed with my self. It seems like I had a very good bookish year so far, right?
So what does that say about my as a Reader and “Rater”?
Am I too soft, giving easy 4 or 5 stars, or is it rather that I know how to choose my books?
For one, I think I am a “soft rater”, I can find in many books something positive and I am gently with my ratings. Even though I might have some minor issues I give a 4 when I enjoyed myself reading the book. Also, I am easily pleased, I can find postiive aspects in many things. Be it the awesome super hot character I fall for, be it an unique idea.
I think it’s save to say that my 4 star ratings can be easily a 3 Star for someone else. No judgment here, it’s just the way it is! I think of them more of a “tough rater”.
But on the other hand, I actually know what I like. And I think I have a pretty good sense about what kind of books would be a good fit for me.
I remember in the beginning of Book Blogging I read tons of books just because someone send them to me, be it a publisher or an author. Now, I choose wisely what I accept to read and which book I better decline. These days when I go to NetGalley and Edelweiss I do not request whatever comes in my line of sight. I think about it and try to decide if this book is a good fit for me or not. In addition, I also know that some publishers won’t work for me. Like, I have a bad feeling with “Egmont” books. I tried a few books and ended up not finishing them. Now, I am actually weary when seeing an “Egmont” book. Same is true for “Zondervan”. On the other hand, I LOVE HarlequinTEEN & HarperTEEN books, most of their books I end up loving like crazy. St.Martins is also a favorite publisher of me and I read most of their YA books and love them. Scholastic, S&S , Random House and Penguin are a hit or miss, there I choose very precicely what to read!
Does that mean I am not critical?
Oh I hope I am able to critic! Also, I think it’s important in our role of Book Blogger to be able to voice your opinion clearly and to tell which parts you didn’t like. Just often I find that even though I have some minor critics I still ended up loving the book, again getting back to the fact that I am a “soft rater”.
So Guys! Now my questions for you!
Do you feel like that you got to know your taste better over time?
How do you feel about soft rating blogs, do you still feel you can trust their judgement?
Are you a soft rater or a tough rater?
I’m excited to read your comments!!!
Happy Saturday and much love!
And now : Enter The Fall Clearing
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Even though I’ve only been blogging for a few short months, I can clearly see how I’ve been a bit more pickier about my books, and can narrow down specifics to criticize and applaud in books. Which makes me a bit proud to be able to do that ^_^
I don’t mind soft rating blogs. I usually read a few of their reviews to compare. If the content in their review posts are relatively the same, I might be a little wary, but there are many bloggers out there who might just like books in general a whole lot. A blogger can criticize a book from many different angles, yet still love it as a whole. I can understand if a blogger has a few reviews of absolute gushing and fangirling but when every single review sounds like that, I start getting doubtful.
Personally, I can’t say I’m a hard or soft rater. I have more reviews on my blog with a 10/10 than 8/10, but lately I have a few reviews closer to or below 5/10. Looking at my Goodreads stats, I have the most 5 ratings, with 4s ratings coming in next, then 3s etc. Right now, all I can say is that I’m in that grey area in between.
Grace Lo recently posted..Review: Between the Lines by Jodi Picoult and Samantha van Leer
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I hear you!!!!!!! I also realized thinking differently about books, and reviewing books before.
In the end, rating is very personal and I’m glad so many people take their time to actually read a review instead of just looking at the rating.
Still, I always love to see rating in a review, it migth give be an idea about the general direction, which I always apreciate!
Danny recently posted..Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire – New Adult Monday
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I’m actually a tough rater. I think it comes out mostly because most of the books i review are the ones i buy and when you spent money on something you really want it to be that good.
I’m also softer with the indie writers sometimes. Because it’s more difficult for them to get word out there, have their book ready, etc.
Sometimes it’s the mood too you know…you read a book and don’t like it, but later you try again and you do.
I was never fan of rating anyway. I’m only doing it because i had a poll at my site, and most of my readers wanted it. Everyone has rating different in their mind so i don’t even see it. I just read the reviews of the people i’ve come to trust after those 2 years i’m blogging.
Yiota recently posted..Book Spotlight: Kingdom
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Oh I am definitely a little harsher to self-bought books, although it shouldn’t make a difference but I just can’t help it. If I got the book from an author and I didn’t like it most of the times I just refuse to review it on the blog.
Oh and YEAH on the mood! I’m such a mood reader and I toatlly know that about me :))
Danny recently posted..Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire – New Adult Monday
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I usually can tell if I’m going to love a book (though I have been seduced by many a cover) so I guess I’m a “soft” rater, too. Especially because I don’t usually rate the books I disliked on Goodreads–I just mark them as “read”. I do have book breakup posts, though they’re pretty rare. I do trust some “soft rater” blogs because I trust their taste.
Mary @ BookSwarm recently posted..Home Run Blog Tour: STEALING PARKER by Miranda Kenneally
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Oh don’t get me started on the dangerous allure of covers! Sometime I just pick up a book JUST because the cover is awesome!
And yeah, I also tempt to skip on books I haven’t finish and do not even acknowledge them..
Danny recently posted..Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire – New Adult Monday
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I used to be a lot harsher of a critic until I started reading people’s reviews of my own writing. If I finish a book, I give it 3 hearts or better. If I can’t finish it, I don’t review it. Simply, if something kept me interested enough to keep reading, then I can find something good enough about the book to give it at least 3 hearts. I may have loved the storyline but hated the main character or vice versa. The editing or the writing may have sucked but there was something about it I liked. I try a lot harder to find something positive to say instead of bashing someone’s labor of love.
Lori L. Clark recently posted..Top-Selling Self-Published Titles
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See? I can totally see how that changed you! And even though I am not an author myself, I just do not want to hurt anybodys feelings too much. And most of the times I can find something nice to say! I also do not often post 2 star reviews, only when I requested the book on NetGalley/Edelweiss then I feel like I have to review the book because deep down I know, also negative publicity still is publicity!
Danny recently posted..Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire – New Adult Monday
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This is a topic I sit and think about a lot too. I don’t rate books on my blog, but I do on Goodreads and anywhere else I put the review (like Amazon).
As for the ratings, I do think I know my taste. I’m heavy on “4s” and light on 1s and 2s. Mostly because if I don’t find a redeeming quality in a book I DNF it and don’t rate it. Not going to rate something I hate. :\ It’s very rare that I DNF a book though. Probably less than 10 a year are DNFs for me. Considering the insane amount I read 10 is way low. 😛 5s are very hard for me to give, it’s gotta be something I absolutely love.
I think as long as the rating is clear in the actual review, I’m fine. If they praise it heavily with nothing negative in the review then rate it a 3, it’s obvious something is missing.
Amanda @ Letters Inside Out recently posted..Let’s See FeedBlitz
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Hehe!!! Yes, if you have nothing bad to say then why not give it more? One has to justify the rating.
I personally like having a rater on a blog, also when I read other blogs. IT’s just my personal taste but I do understand why you decide against it.
Danny recently posted..Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire – New Adult Monday
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I like them too! I’ve debated adding one on LIO, but, to be honest (and prove my laziness), by the time I realized I might want one I had so many reviews already posted that I dreaded going back and working on them. 😉 I may change my mind one day, but for now I’m content.
Amanda @ Letters Inside Out recently posted..Fall Book Exchange 2.0 Giveaway + Reminder
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Oh but you do not have to edit your old post! If you decide to add them, then just start from Day X – no one expects you t go back!
Gosh, yes that would be a crazy amount of work!
Danny recently posted..Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire – New Adult Monday
I know exactly how you rate, but at the end of your review you always say what you didn’t like if you gave it less than a five so I know that there was something that held you back. I’ve never been disappointed by a book you rated a four or five.
I would say I’m a soft rater as well. It’s why I don’t rate on my blog and just say how I feel about what I read. I don’t want people to look at my rating and then go on. I want them to see what I felt about the book.
I have definitely gotten much pickier about the books I choose this year. I have a Kindle this year for the first time and NetGalley has become available to me. It’s been a long year already and I’ve found the publishers I don’t care for and to go with my first instinct when choosing from NetGalley. I’m also much more choosier about what I buy. Unless I have a sure feeling about it, I don’t buy it until I see reviews.
I’m pretty loyal to the blogs I follow so I know who is a soft rater and who isn’t. I know what their soft ratings mean and yes, I can trust them. I follow new blogs usually from the blogs I follow or through read alongs. I also do comparisons on Goodreads to see if our tastes mesh.
hrose2931 recently posted..Mystic City by Theo Lawrence Review
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Oh I love you hon!!!!!! You have no idea how happy it makes me that you not only trust me and my ratings but that I also manage to bring across my real feelings about a book!
And yeah I also am much pickier, but I feel much better with it! Last year I ended up requesting book and not being able to finish them. Now, I have a much better sense of what books fits me and I love this 🙂
Danny recently posted..Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire – New Adult Monday
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I have been reading majority if my life, but only been blogging for a few months. So, I think I tend to pick books that I believe that I would like. But sometimes even though I think I would love it, I don’t. So, in that case I have to give it a review that is honest and why I really didn’t care for it. I think I am somewhere in the middle of ratings, which is okay with for still being new at this. I am trying to step out of my comfort zone of reading lately. 🙂
Great post.
Jenea @ Books Live Forever
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Sometime stepping out of your comfort zone can be an amazing and awesome thing! There was a time I REFUSED to read Contemporary but then, I just did read a few and fell in love! 🙂
Danny recently posted..Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire – New Adult Monday
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I’m definitely a soft rater, but I think I do a fairly good job knowing when I’ll like a book or not. It’s harder with Indies but so far I’ve been lucky. If I don’t like it I don’t finish and I don’t review or rate it. If I stick with a book that generally means I really liked it. I just don’t have patience these days and if a book doesn’t pull me in then I don’t finish it. Therefore there’s rarely (if ever) a real negative review on my blog. Most of my reviews are probably 4 stars, then 5 and then 3.
I think when you read a particular blog a lot and know the bloggers style and tastes it’s pretty easy to judge whether the book will be for you by what they’re saying. That’s how I feel anyway.
Candace recently posted..Saturday Situation: Link Up Your Reviews & Give@ways!
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I totally love and trust your ratings Candace and I think you and me are often quite similar, which is why I totally trust your ratings:)
Oh and I am so with you! I hate finishing a book that does not really grab me.. Why waste my time?
Danny recently posted..Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire – New Adult Monday
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I would say I’m somewhere in the middle. I really don’t give out a lot of 5 star ratings – mostly 3 & 4. I wouldn’t say that I’m harsh though. I rarely give out 1 & 2 star ratings. I try not to read anything that doesn’t involve any sort of romance because I know I won’t enjoy it.
Paranormal Opinion recently posted..New Releases!
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At least you know your style! That is totally and utterly important! and I hear you on the romance.. I neeed the LOVE!!!
Danny recently posted..Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire – New Adult Monday
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Rating for me since I started blogger has become harder and harder for me. Before I started blogging I used to think that most books were a 5 starer even if I didn’t love them. Many of my friends who read my blog were commenting about the fact that most of my ratings were five star and wondered if I actually thought that about the book. Thinking on it, probably not.
Rating is hard but I think I’m getting better at it. I’m not entirely sure but if I know I will be reading a book more than twice I’ll rate it a 4 or a 5. I’m easily a soft rater. Whether that makes me a bad blogger or not…I’m not sure, I go with my gut though and I am now realizing not everything is a 5 and I need to be honest with myself. So I may be getting better but I’m not sure, only time will tell.
When I look at other blogs and see their reviews on books I’ve read and liked give them poor reviews it makes me think, are they right? Was my review too high? Honestly I think that rating is just a person to person thing, and I am now thinking long and hard before I give a 5 star, but not by much I usually give like a 4 and a half now. Progress? Maybe I think it will always be hard but I will always be a soft reviewer.
Reese’s recently posted..Apollyon Cover Reveal & Deity Trailer
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Oh blogging totally changed me too and I had the same feelings like you in the beginning when I read a review that was totally different from mine.
Now, I do not care about this anymore. All I care is how I felt about a book and if I read the 5th book in a row which was suer damn awesome I give them all a 5 :))
And no shame in being a soft review, I am one myself and I tempt to love also soft rating blogs! 🙂
Danny recently posted..Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire – New Adult Monday
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I definitely like I know my taste better now that I’ve been blogging for almost a year. I am relatively picky when it does come to requesting books, but once I read a synopsis that I like I can’t but want to add it to my ever growing to-read list.
Honestly, I can’t always trust a person who rates so many books five stars unless they give me the reasons why. If they critique it in a way that is ALWAYS positive and they don’t give proof of it, then I don’t trust their judgement. At all. I’ll start to be a little wary of what they’re saying because it feels to me like they keep rating books five out five just to get the author’s ratings up.
I want to say I’m a tough rater. I can rip a book apart and say what I liked or disliked about it. There’s always the books that are somewhere in the middle and I find most of them to drop between that level as well. I also believe that the genres I read tend to side with more positive reviews because they’re my favourite themes.
Great discussion post Danny! I love reading your thoughts about this topic.
Giselle @ Book Nerd Canada recently posted..Book Haul: Stacking the Shelves #24
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Yeah, I see what you mean. Only 5 stars definitely looks .. weird. We cannot love all books all the time!
Sometimes, I post a few 5 star reviews in a row, because Pushy, Heather and I share this blog, we have sometimes limited time to post reivews so I prefer to post the reviews from books I loved!!
Danny recently posted..Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire – New Adult Monday
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Because I feel that I rate books based on their appeal to me personally, I know that I rate certain books more “softly” than I rate others. However, that’s what make my blog my blog, and also allows me to factor in my personal preferences. Sometimes I do this consciously and have enough presence of mind to warn my readers, and sometimes I’m sure I’ve run wide of the mark.
I love your rating matryoshkas, btw. I have them, too!
Ruby recently posted..Bookish Bundles: Retellings
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Totally there with you Ruby!!! I am heavy on emotions and some books affect me differently than others but as you said. that’s what makes it your blog, and your thoughts!
Danny recently posted..Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire – New Adult Monday
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I always feel I’m a generous rater I even did a whole post on how I approach reviewing.
Like you I’m generally positive and I normally pick up books I know I will enjoy!
However since introducing a rating system to my blog I’ve put more thought into the ratings by comparing each new book to ones I’ve already rated to see where they stand 🙂
I also split my review into likes and dislikes so I can try and be critical!
Great post!
Lettie recently posted..Easy by Tammara Webber
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I like being generous when I can be generous. But I love talking about positive aspects which doesn’t mean I cannot mention the negative. It’s a tough balance…
Danny recently posted..Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire – New Adult Monday
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I’m really good a picking books that I like. We all should be, not? I’m not quite as east as you. 5’s are pretty rare – although I do give 1/2 ratings. I think I have a lot of 3s and 4s and a few 2s. I don’t have any 1s, because to me, that’s a DNF. I think you do fine. The numbers aren’t as important as what the reviewer says, and I really enjoy what you have to say. And, sometimes, I don’t agree. But that’s not a big deal I wouldn’t expect everyone to have the same opinion of a book. Great post. Good thoughts.
Annette recently posted..Follow Friday – Halloween Books to Movies
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Thank you sooo much Annette for your kinds words!!! It’s important for me to come across “real” and that my reviews can be trusted. I’m easy emotional and when I love a book, I love it with all my heart!
And no! we cannot love all the same books and sometimes I just LOVE to discuss with someone who has a different opinion:)
Danny recently posted..Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire – New Adult Monday
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The majority of the books I rate are 3 stars book, which has always felt right to me as that’s pretty much what I consider ‘average’. I can be a bit reluctant to award 5 stars as I want to only give 5 stars to the books that have REALLY made an impact on me, but sometimes these don’t always match up. My rating tendencies are quite inconsistent actually, and they change all the time. Funnily enough, my mood plays a big part here. If I am feeling particularly grumpy one day, then an ‘okay’ book can get downgraded to ‘bad’ – which is pretty unfair, I realise! 😀
I don’t think someone is a soft rater if they award mostly 4 and 5 stars. It would make sense if someone is really good at picking the books they know they’ll love to award high ratings. Many of the bloggers I follow rate books less harshly than me, but I’ve sort of learnt to translate their ratings into my rating, if that makes sense. So if I know someone’s 5 stars matches up to my 4 stars, that usually registers in my mind at some point. Though really, I pay ratings little attention sometimes and focus on the writing, which is the most helpful bit. 🙂
Sam @ Realm of Fiction recently posted..Deity Giveaway Winner
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Oh I love your reviews and I know that some books you rated 3, I personally would rate higher. But, since I know that I totally and absolutely know what to expect and can adjust your ratings to mine. (does that makes sense lol)
As long as I know the reviewer I can fairly well translate their thoughts and see what would do this book for me:)
Danny recently posted..Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire – New Adult Monday
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I guess I’m kind of a soft rater! Sometimes I feel like I give books to high of a rating, but really, I am quite fair with them! Usually 5s are WOW, 4s are “Hey this was a cool book”, 3s are “kind of disappointed with this”, 2s are “this really upset me” and 1s end up being a DNF or absolutely hated. I guess it kind of fits with the A-F grading scale, really! It all depends on the scale.
Very great thoughts here! It’s interesting to see from other people.
Brittany @ The Book Addict’s Guide recently posted..Casting Call [5] – Anna and the French Kiss
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Oh YES your ratings definitely fit mine!!!! a 3 is the hardest. I kind of liked it, but also was disappointed. 2, I didn’t like but finished and 1- DNF!
Danny recently posted..Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire – New Adult Monday
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I don’t have a blog, but I’d probably be considered a soft rater (my average on Goodreads is 4.13). However, I know what I’ll most likely enjoy, so I tend not to buy books that I end up hating.
That said, occasionally a series I love will really go in the toilet for me (I’m talking to you, Demon Trapper’s Daughter), then I’ll wind up with a book I hate, while other times I’ll pick up a book I’ve put off reading forever ’cause I thought it would be awful and ended up loving it (Easy and Simone Elkeles’ books). Yet when I hate a book and do give it one or two stars, I can be brutal.
I don’t mind if bloggers are soft, as long as it’s for the reasons you listed above. If someone’s just trying to kiss butt to get more books or something, then I totally mind soft ratings. And as someone mentioned, you always put the pros and cons of a books, so that helps inform my decision about them (even though what you liked may annoy me or what you listed as disliking may not but me at all).
Terrific idea for a post, by the way!
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LOOOOL as you talked about The Demon’s Trapper.. I always wondered if I should read on? I read the first one and … was kind of not perfectly enthusiastic…
Oh and EASY, wasn’t EASY so damn wonderful???
And yes it’s always important stating what didn’t work for you personally. I know some bloggers hate all books I love, really. So, when they give a book a bad rating, I might probably love it 🙂 It’s all about perspective and personal taste 🙂
Danny recently posted..Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire – New Adult Monday
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Well, I actually really liked the first book, then something happened near the end of the second one that had smoke coming out of my ears. I thought other people would be ranting about it but not too many were, so since you didn’t really love the first one, you may not care.
I’m not a romantic, at all, but Lucas and the last sentence of Easy turned me into a pile of mush. I loved it.
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This of course had me wondering where I stood in terms of my reviews.
According to my Goodreads Challenge, so far this year I’ve given out:
5 Stars: 9
4 Stars: 28
3 Stars: 29
2 Stars: 11
1 Star: 4
So I think I might be either slightly tougher to please, or still figuring out my niche. I do know I rarely give out 5 stars – I have to be completely blown away, so enamoured that I don’t notice anything that might usually bother me.
As for trusting “softer” reviewers, it all depends on the content of the review. As long as you explain why you felt it deserved 4 stars despite its flaws, then I don’t see a problem! Sometimes there’s something to be said about a book being entertaining, despite it’s issues 🙂
kelly recently posted..Blogoversary Celebration: Then & Now
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Don’t we love goodreads and statistics :))
I just remember “Thoughtless” where I totally hated the main character, but I ended up giving the book 4 stars because it was emotional and got to me.
What I want to say it, yes sometimes you can love a book despite the flaws and it’s just a matter of how many flaws you are willing to accept!
Danny recently posted..Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire – New Adult Monday
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Hmm I have to say I try and look on the positive side of books when I’m reviewing them, but at the same time I rate honestly. When it gets to 1 or 2 star books though I find that I usually can’t finish those books so I don’t have many books in those rating’s and I don’ post DNF reviews, but I do mention that I couldn’t finish it.
I like to hope I’m not a tough rater, but I also don’t want to be an overly soft rater. I only ever give books 5 stars if I really, really loved it. So I don’t give 5 stars out to books I only just really enjoyed. And if I really didn’t like it I try and state why professionally, yet I do rate it the rating I think it deserve’s from me.
Interesting post!
Miss J @ Miss Book Reviews recently posted..[Giveaway] Miss Book Reviews is Six Months Old!
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I just hate talking about negative things;( and I do not like talk about books I didn’t like – it always makes me sad so I try to stay away from them!
Danny recently posted..Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire – New Adult Monday
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Ooooh, I think that’s an excellent point about KNOWING YOURSELF. I’m getting a much better hang of what I do and don’t like, but I also think I tend to be a ‘soft’ rater, though I *think* I’m getting a little harder.
It’s funny. Before I started blogging, I was DEFINITELY tougher, because I took the GR star system quite literally (2 stars being ‘it was OK’). And, I mean, OK is good, right? Not great, but good?
Anyway, I think I have a much better feel on what *I* like, and what I feel is worthy of a 5 or not 😀
Sarah (saz101) recently posted..Blogspiration (40): Medieval Helpdesk
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Haha, 3 and 2 stars are really tough rating and seriously, I think 3 is the most controversial of all!!! 2 for most tells “Didn’t work for me” . And while 3 is for some “it was really good, but not outstanding” for other means ” had some major issues, but overall liked it” It’s important to know a reviewers taste to translate these ratings for yourself.
And yeah, knowing yourself is important! And I’m getting better and better!
Danny recently posted..Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire – New Adult Monday
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I agree that some reviewers are just “tougher” than others in terms of a book pleasing them. But also, I think people see ratings as different – for me, 3 stars means I enjoyed it but didn’t love it, while 3 stars could mean to someone else that they didn’t like it much at all, while to someone else it could mean that the book was great. It’s just so unscientific.
But I’m with you on being more choosy now – I’m rating more books with higher ratings this year than I did last year I think because I’m being more selective. I also love Harper Teen – they’re my favorite. But I also tend to enjoy Harlequin and Random House. St. Martin’s is really hit or miss for me, as is Penguin. But then again, I think I’m becoming a “tougher” reviewer, so my ratings this year have been LOTS of 3 stars. lol
KM recently posted..If You’re Going to Read a "High" Fantasy Book, What to Choose
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Seriously, 3 star ratings are the most controversial of all ratings!! 3 for me means that I definitely had some issuesbut still liked it. But, I know always when I post a 3 star review, most comments say like “ugh now I stay away from it”. That is because most of them are used to my soft higher ratings. But still, 3 means it really was ok, just not outstanding.. I always feel bad and end up defending the books…
Danny recently posted..Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire – New Adult Monday
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This was too important to ignore. I think while you may be a soft “rater” as a reader I like to compare your ratings with those who tend to be harder. In the end, I come back to this blog and your reviews again and again, because our tastes are more in line than with other bloggers.
I think some of the tougher reviewers, while they have valid points on some books with lower ratings 1-3, and I can see their point of view, I genuinely liked some of those books. It passed my quality test.
I think a perfect example is Goddess Interrupted. There are people on the blogosphere that hated that book and some bloggers pointed out genuine flaws, However, when I look at that book and compare it to the first novel, it’s just ten million times better than the first book. When I look at your review a lot of what you liked are the same things that I liked about that novel.
I think over time you learn what books to avoid and what books to read after reading enough books. I know now to be extra picky with paranormal books and contemporary novels have to have more than a romance plot to interest me.
As far as trusting “soft blogs,” I trust bloggers whose tastes are similar to mine. There are some soft bloggers like yourself that I refer to when considering a book, because our tastes are similar. There are some hard bloggers I rely on for specific books and genres. I can equally mistrust a hard or soft blogger if our tastes don’t match up at least 60%-65% of the time. That’s why I like it when bloggers have a goodreads profile. I go straight to your profile and compare books. That’s the quickest and easiest way for me to get a feel if we enjoy the same books or not.
Great topic by the way and sorry for the length!
Liza recently posted..Forgive the Silence
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Great post! I do notice some people rate generally higher than others, and some rarely seem to like anything. I guess everyone has their own rating style. I think in general (there are exception I’ve noticed O_O) people will only read what they think they’ll like, so negative reviews are less common for sure.
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You always have such awesome discussion topics, Danny! I’m the same as you and am probably a soft rater as well. But I agree with you when you say you know what you like now too! That’s how I feel and why I probably don’t finish books that should get those lower ratings as much anymore. Why spend time on books I don’t enjoy? I’ve come to know my reading tastes extremely well lately, especially these past almost two years blogging. I added a little epic plus to my five star rating, since I noticed I mainly rate between 3-5 in my system, just to show those I find extra special.
As for trusting reviewers, I’ve noticed I trust those who do it in similar ways! When I can tell they like books they read and see positive things in them, I don’t really care if it’s not even between ratings! Sure if they never rated a book low, maybe I’d think twice, but usually there are lower ones in the mix too. I have a harder time trusting reviewers who are always very critical and barely rate higher than a 3 in that case.
Bex recently posted..Kindle Fever Is Coming To An End
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I also have to agree with Liza about trusting those who have similar taste as me in general the most!
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Danny ,3
I love your discussion!
I totally agree about “what kind of books would be a good fit for me.” thus the many good ratings I also have in my GR :). I rarely get deceived by books I pick up because I know what to pick =D
I do consider myself a soft rater. 🙂
For example, when the book I read wasn’t my cup of tea but I still consider it to be a goodread, just not for me my rating get mixed with my personal feelings and critic. I may give the book a 3-4 stars even though it wasn’t really for me. Then, the other way around too. I may really like a book, but if I think it’s not a book that I would recommend to everyone nor I think is a great piece of literature I would even give it a 5 stars (here is when my subjectivity overpowers critic XD) This is why I consider myself a soft rater. Now, if the book just doesn’t hook me within the first third of the book, and I don’t find it is a great work either, then I will just put it aside and gave it one single star @_@
That’s how I work. I mix critic with feelings. But when it comes just to feelings, even if the book is really fluffy, I will always give it a 5 stars XD (to hell with critics XD)
Natalia Belikov recently posted..Book Trailer Reveal! – The Cadet of Tildor by Alex Lidell
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and about the publishers, I know what you mean. I read a few books from Flux and ended up giving them only 1-2 stars. So far, I have had a great reading experience with Penguin and Hachette. I request books from then, they dont send books at random, so I guess that’s why I have had a good experience from those publishing companies, thus positive reviews. =)
Natalia Belikov recently posted..Book Trailer Reveal! – The Cadet of Tildor by Alex Lidell
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I can’t remember the last time I paid attention to someone’s rating. I used to follow them pretty closely, but as I started reading and reviewing and rating more things changed. First, I started noticing all of these blogs that pretty much posted 4 and 5 star reviews consistently, and I wondered if they were just soft raters. Then I started wondering how peoples’ ideas of what makes a # star book was different from mine. It’s not like there is any sort of criteria on what makes something a 4 star and a 5 star, you know?
So, I’ve since abandoned rating books. And I don’t pay much mind to how many stars a book received or didn’t receive. Instead, I pay attention to the blogger’s thoughts on the book. Besides, do you know how many books that bloggers deem to be 2 stars that I’ve picked up and loved to bits and pieces?
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