whether you bought them, got them as a gift,
from the library, or received them to review.
This week’s blogger is cutie.
Why hello there party people!
How’s your Sunday going?
Wanna play show and tell?
I’ll show ya some books I got this week
and you can share with me in the comments what books you got
or link a post so I could see what you’ve got going on.
Do ya? Do ya?
Then let’s do this thing!
Seeing that it was signed almost caused my heart to fail.

goodreads’s link
Yet another book I picked up from the biblioteca due to the purrrdy cover.
The next section goes out to Danny.
It’s entitled:
Ooooooh Ash….
Can I just share that I want to eat.him.alllll.up?
Would that make me a creeper?
Prove I’ve finally lost it?
All the same… I do.
I soooooo do!
Caring is sharing!!
Make sure to do so.
P.S.: Google Friend Connect will be discontinued for all non-Blogger blogs. We’d love to stay in touch with you, so it would be wonderful if you’d consider subscribing our Feed instead!
Latest posts by Danny (see all)
- INTENSITY by Sherrilyn Kenyon – Excerpt & Giveaway - September 8, 2017
- Locked in Temptation – Q&A withBrenda Jackson & Giveaway - August 4, 2017
- Locked in Temptation by Brenda Jackson – Exclusive Excerpt & Giveaway - July 26, 2017
*squees* and *jumps up and down* Finally , finally you're reading the awesomeness that is The Iron Fey from Julie Kagawa!!!!
Oh and I can't wait to hear what you think about Dearly, Departed. You might love it, I was not so very fond of it – I liked it but not loved it!
My recent post In My Mailbox — a cutie edition
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Take Me There is absolutely wonderful – that's my second favorite of hers 🙂 Enjoy all your books 🙂
My recent post Tour: The International Kissing Club by Ivy Adams
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Awesome haul!! Cinder is one of my favorite recent reads…you've got two cyborg cinderella books in a row there! 😀 I really need to get to the Iron Knight series! I have all four and haven't started, but like you, bought them for the pretty covers (well, and because everyone speaks so highly of them) . Soon, I hope! 😀
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Great haul 🙂 !! The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight is a quick and great read !! Looking forward to know what you think of it !!
Happy reading 🙂
My recent post In my mailbox
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Definitely a cutie mailbox :))) I adored Cinder and Dearly Departed and hope you enjoy all your reads! 🙂
My recent post This week's Amazon UK Kindle deals under £3!
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Cutie, I felt the same way as you when I opened the box containing The Fault in Our Stars and saw they sent me a signed copy. I was so happy!
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Awesome books!! you got The Fault in Our Stars too! I can't wait to read that one. I have heard so many great things about Cinder! New follower. Happy reading!!
Here is my IMM ♥
♥ Book nerds are pretty too
My recent post In My Mailbox (8)
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Wow, that's some great stuff!! Lots of good contemporaries!! I can't believe I have read my JG yet. All my boys have laughed at the first page and a half though I had to explain it to the 15 yr old.??? The now 12 yr old got it but he didn't. Anyway, enjoy. I've only read one Colasanti but found her book on the youngish side of YA. Might have been just that book.
My recent post Review and Giveaway- Fairy Metal Thunder by JL Bryan
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