The Iron Knight
by Julie Kagawa (website, twitter)
The Iron Fey Saga Book 4
Genre: YA fantasy
copy received from publisher via NetGalley
Publication: October 25th by HarlequinTEEN
amazon (paperback, Kindle)
synopsis from goodreads
My name—my True Name—is Ashallayn’darkmyr Tallyn.
I am the last remaining son of Mab, Queen of the Unseelie Court.
And I am dead to her.My fall began, as many stories do, with a girl…
She did it again! Julie Kagawa never disappoints and she again delivers and epic and fantastic tale in the Iron Fey series. I admit I was afraid reading this book, I was scared I wouldn’t get the closure I was hoping for and I simply didn’t want it to end. But I should have trusted Julie more.
The Iron Knight was everything I hoped for and then some more. The ending of The Iron Queen was shocking and set me in a dark place after finishing it. It was a bitter sweet ending that couldn’t satisfy a reader that loves a HEA.
In the Iron Knight Ash tries to fulfill his promise to find a way to be together with Meghan. This sends him to a journey where he has to face everything he has ever done and happenings from his past that he would rather forget than face. But, he’s not alone and he has very interesting traveling partners.
Of course, Puck and Grim follow and help him, but there will be two more ver surprising companions about which I will keep quite. 😉 One of them was so very unexpected that I had to gasp when I reached that point and I couldn’t believe what was happening! Also, this made me very very sad, confused and genuinely afraid of what that will mean for Ash and Meghan…..
The journey is very dark and Ash is his usual very brooding self – but we still have Puck who never ever disappoints in lightening the mood. But here, we also see a more thoughtful Puck which I loved very much! It was a heartbreaking and very tough journey for everyone including the reader. Especially fans from Ash will have to face his darker site and have to decide how deep their love is at the end. I can tell, I am still so very much in love with him – truthfully, even more now after reading his story!
As per usual in Julie’s books, I cried like a baby especially at the end. Tears were falling down my cheek and I was sobbing. Not because it was so sad, mainly because it was so very touching and beautiful and everything I have ever wished for. (… tearing up again right now..) This was a very emotional ride, but the end made up for everything I had to endure. I read the last pages a few times, it was simply so perfect! Julie knows how to trigger emotions and that is what I adore most when reading her books!
I cannot emphasize enough how deeply I love the characters and world Julie has created. It makes me happy to know that we will get two new series from Julie next year, one of them set in the Iron Fey world. I’m glad I don’t have to say good bye forever…
- Review – The Iron King
- Review- The Iron Daughter
- Review – The Iron Queen
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You have no idea how much I want to read this! I'm glad that this isn't really the end and that she is continuing the story with Ethan. Really looking forward to reading more from her, thanks for the review!
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Yes!! Ok, now I know not to read it in public because I'm a huge crier and I'll probably be an emotional mess while reading this. I like that we get to take a deeper look at Puck and Ash. You have me curious about those two surprise companions!
My recent post Book Review: A Dog's Way Home by Bobbie Pyron
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thanks for the review!
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Wow..2 more series from her!! I love Julie's writings and can't wait to read The Iron Knight! and oh, I love Ash!
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That was the coolest book trailer I've seen in a loooong time! We just got IRON KNIGHT in the mail. So excited to get to it — practically salivating! Not a pretty sight. And your awesome review has not helped my restraint in keeping the strict order of my TBR pile. Nicely done.
My recent post Waiting on Wednesday: 5 Hot Upcoming YA Releases10/19/11
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That is such a great book trailer!! I couldn't read the review. I have to wait and read the book. But I hit the highlights and I am so glad you loved it! I don't know how you had time to do all this reading. I saw this on your iPad months ago. Where do you find the time???? You don't sleep do you? How's the defending going?
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Gah! I've had the third book for a long time but haven't read it and was waiting to get "The Iron Knight" so I could read them one right after the other, but I didn't know that this was the end of the series!!!!
I also didn't know she was doing another series based around Ethan, and I'm not sure how that's going to be since he's only a kid, but I'm waiting to read more about it until I'm done with the last two books, I want to avoid spoilers!
I love her writing and "Blood of Eden" could be really good, I'll definitely check it out!
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I LOVED this book! I'm totally team Ash but Puck was really pulling at my heart strings in this one. I'm really really loving him and feeling so bad for him just cause he didn't get Megan and what's he gonna do now? He really deserves his own story, so my fingers are crossed that Julie gives it to him!
My recent post Book Tour: Bridger by Megan Curd Excerpt and Giveaway!
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This book sounds awesome. What a great review! I loved the trailer. Thanks for posting this!
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Jess- although I may show up as Fairday, the main character from my novel. I can't figure out why that happens and I can't fix it. 🙂
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[…] Also, whenever Jaenine Frost is releasing a book, I have to have it -now! Oh and then there is Julie Kagawa, for her I’d drop everything instantly – I love that much and her stories and her […]
[…] face it, anywhere else this would sound creepy. In Paranormal is an epic love story! Take Ash for example, our favorite Ice Prince from Julie Kagawa’s Iron Fey […]
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