We’re so excited to be able to get this first, sneak-peek at the new cover
that we had to break this down Bookworms-style!
Pushy: I don’t even know if I can put into words how
FREAKING EXCITED I am about this book!!!
When Heather and I reviewed Tommy Nightmare this past Spring, we both made no bones
about how much Tommy Nightmare left us dying to know
And the answer is so tantalizingly close!
I have to admit that I was expecting to see Alex himself on the cover
(side note, I think a picture of Alex would have been H.O.T.!!!)
but I love the way JL ties the series up with an echo of Jenny’s cover.
Plus, with Jenny’s hair covering her face, I can’t help but wonder if that’s an allusion
to how clear-sighted Jenny will be in this final book.
And the tag line, “All things must end.”
I am so loving this cover and JL for bringing me THIS much closer to being able to
answer all the questions that Tommy Nightmare left me with.
Heather: I can still hear my screams of “Nooooooo! Tommy Nightmare can’t be over!” With the cover reveal for Alexander Death, the excitement is starting to build again. I can not wait to get my hands on this book! I have so many questions. Can Jenny really trust Alexander? How hard will Seth try to find Jenny. Will Darcy’s baby be all kinds of messed up after Ashleigh’s done inhabiting her body and drinking like a fish?
I, like Pushy, expected to see Alexander on the cover because we got a glimpse of Tommy’s creepy face on the cover of Tommy Nightmare. But the third book in the newly renamed The Paranormals series features Jenny, her face hidden behind her hair, paper cranes falling to earth all around her. In the second book, Jenny was able to dig deeper into her past lives while she sleeps, even encountering Seth, Ashleigh, and Alexander over and over again through the millenia. While she has brought death and destruction throughout the world time and time again while fighting against Ashleigh while sometimes teaming up and fighting against the other Paranormals, is this the time she finally puts a stop to that cycle? I guess we’ll have to read book three to find out.
Danny: I must admit it took me quite some time to finally read Jenny Pox… I was scared of the horror elements, but mostly I was scared not liking it as much as my beloved friends! But oh boy!! I was wrong!! and I’m glad I was wrong! So now I’m completely addicted and can’t freaking wait! And just like my girls I wanted a hot guy on the cover, but since I don’t get it I can see the beauty behind the third cover… Together with the tagline it is perfect : *All Things Must End..* And I am very excited to read the Alexander Death, I want to know more about him and.. he’s HOT! ….
Now, without further ado, we give you the man himself,
JL Bryan
with a sneak peek into the third and final book
in The Paranormals Series:
Alexander: A Sneak Preview
Alexander Death, the third book in The Paranormals series, will be available in September 2011, which isn’t all that far away. Here a few glimpses of things fans of the series can look forward to reading in the new book. If you haven’t read Jenny Pox and Tommy Nightmare, the rest of this might not make any sense to you. The only logical thing to do is pause here, go and read both books very quickly, and then come back. We’ll wait.
Okay, I hope you enjoyed those books! And now for the sneak previews:
Jenny: Jenny is really getting into self-actualization mode. With help from Alexander, she’s discovering things about her many past lives and getting in touch with her true inner self. Unfortunately, when your inner self is a dark and demonic entity with thousands of years of wickedness behind her, the result may be hazardous to your psyche.
Seth: From Seth’s viewpoint, Jenny has disappeared without a trace. Seth’s obsession with finding her leaves little time to focus on what he’s supposed to be doing in life, like that college his parents sent him to and that fraternity his pal Wooly wants him to join.
Ashleigh: Ashleigh is making some new moves in the world, designed to make her powerful and influential, and also to help her track down and punish Jenny. Watch out for Ashleigh: she may be plotting to take over the world, but that won’t stop her from swiping your wallet or stiffing you with the check at lunch.
Overall, we will learn a bit more about the characters’ pasts and their deeper reincarnational relationships with each other. There will be more love, action, horror, sweetness, dark magic, and evil cheerleaders. Now that you’ve read the last two books, I invite you to enjoy the third! Well, not yet. But get back with me in September.
- Buy Jenny Pox on amazon for only $0.99 at amazon
- The master himself aka JL Bryan himself on twitter and his website
- Reviews:
- Heather and Pushy’s review of Jenny Pox – Tommy Nightmare
- Danny’s Review of Jenny Pox – Tommy Nightmare
- Supernatural Snark Review of Jenny Pox – Tommy Nightmare
- The Slowest Bookworm review of Jenny Pox – Tommy Nightmare

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It is so exciting to finally find out a little about the last book. I love the cover! I know you guys had expected to see Alex on there, but I hadn't thought about that as I didn't know the new title. I'm really glad to see Jenny again.
My recent post Cover Reveal – The 3rd JENNY POX & Guest Post by Author JL Bryan (incl. Giveaway!)
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I keep hearing such awesome things about this series that I can't refuse the chance to be able to read them! (Though thanks to you letting me know that the first one's on Kindle only $0.99 on Amazon.com, I went and bought that to tide me over!) Thanks also for making the giveaway an international one!
My recent post Bumped, by Megan McCafferty
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the first two were amaznig, i cant wait to read the next one!
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Sounds like a really interesting series. Thanks for the opportunity.
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Pushy, Heather & Danny – Thanks for your in-depth look at the new cover! Sorry I didn't provide you with a hot guy this time…We looked & looked but nothing said "This!" And there are all these awesome pictures of Jenny available, so ultimately we decided to end this trilogy with an image of her. I'm glad you're liking it! There are a number of elements I like about this one, including the fact that Jenny has one bird in the hand while she watches the other fly away…
My recent post Multi-blog Jenny Pox birthday celebration tomorrow! Giveaways, cover reveal for book 3, and stuff like that!
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Squee Diddles!! I totally want to read this series so I can squee right along with you!
Awesome contest YAY YAY YAY!!
erikasbuddy (AT) hotmail (DOT) com
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Happy Birthday Jenny! I am dying to read Alexander Death. After reading book 2, I really began to feel something for Alex and wonder how he'll play a role in Jenny's life (and past life). And yeah, my initial reaction was the same regarding the cover – I was looking for a hot guy too, but the new cover is still fab!
My recent post Going on Tour
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Love the cover for the third book. So pretty! Definitely would love a chance to read the series. Thanks for holding the giveaway!
lincalc at gmail dot com
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This is the first I have heard of this series…I will definitely be checking them out! Please include me!
Thank you!
mmafsmith at gmail dot com
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Would love to read these! Thtanks!
annettesspot (at) gmail (dot) com
My recent post Don't You Just Love Fridays? Let's have a chat….
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CAN'T WAIT!!!!!! As evidenced by the all caps and excessive exclamation points, I'm really excited for this book:) Based on the title, I'm guessing we're going to get lots of Alexander in this one and I'm looking forward to that. Come on October!
My recent post Guest Post + Giveaway: JL Bryan and The Paranormals Series
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Bibliotropic – Thanks!
LunaMoth: HI! Glad you stopped by!
Greta and Julie – Good luck!
Layen – Thanks for your nice comment about the cover!
Mariah and Annette – I hope you get a chance to try the books!
Jenny – Aw, I'm so glad you're looking forward to the new one 🙂
My recent post Multi-blog Jenny Pox birthday celebration tomorrow! Giveaways, cover reveal for book 3, and stuff like that!
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Please enter me in contest. I would love to read the book. Tore923@aol.com
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I would love to read this series. It sounds really good.
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I've read some of his other work and I've been putting off reading the series until all the books came out so I wouldn't have to wait to find out everything.
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This looks like a great series to start reading, and would love the chance at the giveaway.
chandrahaun (at) gmail.com
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I keep hearing amazing things about this series! It looks like a great series and I can't wait to read them!
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I love the covers and im excited about this series!!
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This series looks great! I would love to read them!
My recent post Book Review #88: Quintspinner: A Pirate's Quest by Dianne Greenlay
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Happy Birthday Jenny. Thank you so much for this wonderful post and opportunity to win Jenny Pox and Tommy Nightmare. I would love to read them.
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Okay, had to skip most of the squeeing b/c I was afraid there would be spoilers as I just received TN today. After talking er emailing with Heather earlier in the week I decided I needed to read it right away so I'd be ready when this one came out. Me, being the dinosaur, not having the kindle as I'm hanging onto the real thing for as long as possible, will have to read the book! I cannot wait for this last book! Though I don't want the series to end, it looks so great! I'm so glad you got to do a cover reveal of it!! Not entering contest have both books!
My recent post Happy Birthday To Me by Brian Rowe
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Thanks for the giveaway!
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this looks like a good series.thanks for the chance!
GFC-Janhvi Jagtap
justjanhvi at gmail dot com
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I had never heard of this series before you guys starting featuring it. Thanks for the heads up!
Awesome giveaway.
My recent post Wither by Lauren DeStefano
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I so want to read this series 🙂 Thank you for the giveaway 🙂
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I read 2 books and waiting for the third but i need another set cause my grandaughter has worn my paper copies out. lol thanks joannie jscddmj@aol.com
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I love the new cover and would love a chance to win! misscrazej@gmaildotcom
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sounds like an amazing series, love the giveaway
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Thank you so much for this awesome give away !looking forward to reading it !!
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i really want these books they seem so awsome.
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This is one series that I have been meaning to read and sounds like I need to!
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