Finally I can post my Review on Shadowfever.
you can all win something.
long and anxiously awaited last book in the Fever series
(Read about the first books here in my post)
by the über-talented Karen Marie Moning
published January 18th
(Kindle and Hardcover which is sooo pretty!)
Hardcover received from Publisher via TLC Blog Tours,
Kindle and Audioversion purchased by me…

“Evil is a completely different creature, Mac. Evil is bad that believes it’s good.”
MacKayla Lane was just a child when she and her sister, Alina, were given up for adoption and banished from Ireland forever.
Twenty years later, Alina is dead and Mac has returned to the country that expelled them to hunt her sister’s murderer. But after discovering that she descends from a bloodline both gifted and cursed, Mac is plunged into a secret history: an ancient conflict between humans and immortals who have lived concealed among us for thousands of years.
What follows is a shocking chain of events with devastating consequences, and now Mac struggles to cope with grief while continuing her mission to acquire and control the Sinsar Dubh—a book of dark, forbidden magic scribed by the mythical Unseelie King, containing the power to create and destroy worlds.
In an epic battle between humans and Fae, the hunter becomes the hunted when the Sinsar Dubh turns on Mac and begins mowing a deadly path through those she loves.
Who can she turn to? Who can she trust? Who is the woman haunting her dreams? More important, who is Mac herself and what is the destiny she glimpses in the black and crimson designs of an ancient tarot card?
From the luxury of the Lord Master’s penthouse to the sordid depths of an Unseelie nightclub, from the erotic bed of her lover to the terrifying bed of the Unseelie King, Mac’s journey will force her to face the truth of her exile, and to make a choice that will either save the world . . . or destroy it.

Let’s start with Danny’s short Fan Girl Review:
Perfection. Epic Perfection!
595 pages of mind blowing epicness…
20hrs of the most thrilling and outstanding audiobook I’ve ever heard!
and.. although it sounds like this, I am so NOT exaggerating.
All the time, starting with the first book it all had come to this last book,
and KMM delivered
utterly perfect last book.
Full of twist and turns that you’d never expect.
Full of twist and turns you might have expect. 🙂
This was an emotional roller coaster that made me hold my breath
until I finally read the very last page.
I felt hope and then it was shattered, I cried and laughed.
This book hold me captive.
The whole series is addicting and Shadowfever
was even more addicting and it makes the circle round.
A perfect round circle of awesomeness and epicness.
I can’t review the plot without spoiling something so I won’t…
Instead of going into more detail about this epic last book I let Pushy interview me. Since she just started she had some questions for me…
Pushy: Danny, first off I’d like to thank you for letting me be part of your Shadowfever squee-fest-o-rama. 🙂 As I’ve just started this series, (Danny: *squeeee* I’m so glad you finally started!!) I’m looking forward to getting some of your views on this most awaited final installment. So, without further ado, let’s get this party started!
Pushy:The Barrons I’ve met so far in Darkfever is bossy and brusque. Are these the qualities that you’ve come to love in him or is there more to him than I’m seeing now?
Danny: Yes those are a few of the things why I love this man so much. I love a possessive and true Alpha Man. *swoon* Also, those qualities in the end formed and shaped Barbie-Mac and made her a wonderful kick-ass heroine. Without him being like that, Mac probably wouldn’t have survived.
Well and YES there is a whole lot more to the Barrons you just met, he is also unbelievable loyal (a quality you can’t see in the first books but you will see in him later) and once you saw the whole Barrons with everything, you can only just love him. Barrons is not an easy man (Oh NOT) and you need to see him, really see him to understand this man. I know this sounds cryptic, but it is actually something he told Mac many times… So read the book and this will put a smile on your face 🙂
Pushy: If there was one thing you had to point to that drew you into this series, what would it be?
Danny: The Passion I felt when reading the books, those books let me feel so much, it is incredible! Is that a valid answer ?
Pushy: How have the characters evolved over this series and what did you think of their development?
Danny: Ha! I love that question! They do, oh yes they do! Let’s start with Mac, we meet her and she’s just a Barbie Girl, not a heroine you’d expect in such a story.
(Pushy: Okay, thank you for saying this! Because if I have to hear about how her toenails are pink one more time, I’m might shank her!)
Danny: But she grows up, get’s stronger in each book. With all she has to face it’s a miracle she’s not completely broken. Believe me, my heart broke for her many times yet she still goes on and fights for what she believes. I admire her strength. Following her is amazing! Plus. KMM has the wonderful talent to share Mac’s feelings with you so that you have an incredible inside in Mac’s thoughts and you not only believe her development, you go with it.
When talking about Barrons I wouldn’t say there is real development. Barrons is who he is and he doesn’t change, but you get to know him better and understand him better.
But there are a whole bunch of other characters that are introduced yet you don’t really know them. You have to follow the series to get to know them better. The vivid characters are one of the things I would point out as one of the things that is so incredible about those books!
Pushy: I think everyone knows that you’re in love with Barrons, but after him, who is your favorite character?
Danny: Since I just stated above why I love Mac so much I’m going to pick another character and in the end (with having read Shadowfever) I say: The “Dreamy Eyed Guy”*snickers*. I won’t go into any detail why and all I’m saying is: I LOVE this mysterious character, so watch out for him!
Pushy: Color me intrigued!
Pushy: Often the first book in a series is not the strongest but the subsequent ones continue to build to much greater books. What would you say to someone who was turned off by the first book to have them keep going?
Danny: DON’T STOP! Do yourself (and me) a favor and don’t stop after Darkfever (Book I) and read at least the second one too (Bloodfever). If you then still don’t like it, then this series is probably not for you. I know that some people didn’t like the first one so much and I understand this, but I promise that after Bloodfever most people got hooked and stayed! This series is so so much more than what it looks like in the first book. The story get’s so much more complex, multilayered and fantastic.
Pushy: So, tell us…was Shadowfever a satisfying last book? *waggles eyebrows*
Danny: Oh yes it was epic and you get nearly all questions answered! It was an incredible ride, a heartbreaking and exciting ride. I felt everything in this book: joy, passion, heartbreak and anger. I said some time ago (actually in my first Fever post) what I need in a book: It needs to have a world that draws me in, that makes me want to live there, that breaks my heart only to put it back together. I need emotion – pure strong emotion.
Pushy: Oooh! I love when you FINALLY get answers in a book. I’m so glad KMM didn’t leave you hanging!
Pushy: Danny, thank you so much for letting me explore the depth of your fangirlyness over Karen Marie Moning’s Fever books!
Danny: You are very welcome and thank you so much for listening to all my ramblings and constant talking about this book!
So you see? This is truly not a real review and I still have to say a few more things.
The day of the Release I got up super early with the hope I would have already the Kindle version on my Kindle… but .. not such luck. I got the delivery mail from amazon at 9am in the morning when I was at work and I had not a single chance to start reading. So what did Fan girl Danny do? She downloaded the audioversion and started listening. And Oh boy, I was in awe!!!!
Not knowing that I would listen to one of the best audiobooks I’ve ever heard. The narration is perfection, there are no other words for it. Both, Ross and Gigante deliver each emotion wonderfully. I was most impressed with the interaction between those two.
Shadowfever (like the other books from this series) is written from Mac’s POV and Natalie Ross gives her the perfect voice, but each male voice is spoken by Phil Gigante which makes dialogues so much more alive!! The whole books lives from those two people that give this epic masterpiece of a book the perfect audiobook experience!
Bottom Line!
This book of epicness and the audiobook of awesomeness gets nothing less than 5 stars with a crown and an extra star and whatever extra you can imagine!
So guys!
*rubs hands*
Now, we have a giveaway!!
Thanks to Random House we can give away
one pretty Hardcover
Open to US and Canda only
But, that’s not it.
I decided to give away
one copy of “Shadowsong”
the official soundtrack to Shadowfever.
from Neil Dover who is no one
else than KMM incredibly talented husband.
I ADORE his music and there are songs
that will make you cry…
(listen here to some samples)
Open internationally…
Both end February 21st!
So, in the end you have to choose which giveaway you want to enter. Desperately want to lay hands on this pretty Hardcover? Then enter the Hardcover giveaway.
Have this one already? Then enter the Music giveaway.
Easy Peasy!
Gain extra Entries for
leaving a comment here and
for Tweeting!
Acknowledgment: Thanks to Pushy for holding my hand when I read those books and
of course for letting me go into super fan girl mode..
Thanks the wonderful Lisa from TLC Tours for organizing a fantastic Blog Tour.
Thanks to Missie @ The Unread Reader you made me read those books in the first place,
to bad for her that I got Barrons in the end and not her.
[…] I got to know him because of my obsession with .. Want to guess?? Yes… THAT obsession.. The Fever Series *squees* He narrated together with his wife Natalie Ross the last two books in the Fever series and […]