TGIF, Blog Hop, FF and weekly round up (all in one post)

Posted 14 January, 2011 by Danny in / 53 Comments

Wooooho, so this is the first Blog Hop and Follow Friday for this year, and we are glad to be back to our “old” beloved routine!

Let’s start with Jen’s Blog Hop.

Each week there is a new question to answer, which is fun and also helps to get to know each other better. This week’s question is from Bard @ Supberbead Books. She asks:

Why do you read the genre that you do? What draws you to it?

Whatever I read, I want to feel like living those lives or in those places.. If I make any sense. So, when I read paranormal YA, I love the mystery around it and the fantasay .. hey, who wouldn’t want to have a  Faery Prince fall in love with you? The reason why I read YA in general, I looooveeee reading about those feelings when falling in love for the first time, it was a wonderful feeling and I’m glad I can go back to those times once in a while when reading a book and… get lost in it!

Parajunkee is also running a Follow Friday meme that we love. This week she’s featuring Annette  from The More You Read, The More You Will Know who poses the question:

What makes up your non-human family? 

Oh my gosh, what a question. My iPhone, iPad, MacBook and Kindle  they are so my non-human family! I won’t ever leave house without my Phone and I’m constantly on my computer, blogging, reading blogs, tweeting…

Here are some Highlights of the last week: 

  • YOU guys votes us on the third place in Natalie’s (Mindful Musings) Readers Choice “Best New Blog 2010). Thanks again soooo sooo much!!! 
  • Heather reviewed Dead Barchetta  Book 1 in the Lerxst Johnston Mysteries. Heather also reviewed “Ascent” the long awaited and third book in Amanda Hockings Tylle Trilogy. Heather looooveeed this book, so check this review!! (She got one of only 4 ARCs, which I still think is amazing) 

  • Still time to jump into the Beautiful Darkness Book Discussion. Week 11 no less than our beloved cutie!  Please join our discussion by answering this weeks question. And… as a cheery on top you are entered in a giveaway!!

Bewitched Bookworms 


  • Pushy reviewed Numbers” by Rachel Ward she listened to the audiobook and gave the book a truly exciting bewitched rating of 5*. (This is like a crone topped with dimonts from pushy!!) 
Speaking of audiobooks: hop on over to our Audiobook Challenge for 2011! It’s going to be great fun and a great way to enjoy books even when you can’t have one in your hands. Check it out!!

We added a Mini-Challenge for January where you can get a cute Mini-Badge. This month you can become the “Weekend Whisperer”

Exciting times, no? Now go and get lost…in a book!

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Obsessive Reader by Night - Scientist at Day! You can also find me on goodreads. I'd love to get to know you so, don't be shy and say Hello!

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53 Responses to “TGIF, Blog Hop, FF and weekly round up (all in one post)”

  1. Hey, I found your blog via Follow Friday and I'm your newest follower. I love both the name and the layout! LIke many others, when asked about my non-human family I thought pets automatically, but when I read your answer I was like 'Duh!'. My pets would still be on that list but so would my Blackberry, Kindle and iPod would probably make it as well. Great answers 🙂

    Reply »

  2. *lets out a shocked breath* did you just called me a villain? Oh.. that is harsh my dear..
    Specially considering that the guy you think is your boyfriend actually is mine… but,
    I still have hope that when I keep repeating it you will face the truth at one point..
    I also love the Indie Spyglass!!! Heather had this wonderful idea and I'm excited to see
    who else will be featured.

    Reply »

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