I adore Carrie Ryan…Just saying!

Posted 11 September, 2010 by Danny in / 6 Comments

So, I’m normally a really squeamish girl, especially now that I’m old and (going) gray, but there’s still a part of me that remembers that hard-edged, tough-as-nails teen I once was who adored gore and horror and all that jazz. And the current/old me as well as the once-young/braver me both ADORE Carrie Ryan.

Author photo ยฉDarren Cassese

I’ve gushed about Carrie in the past. You know how much I loved both The Forest of Hands and Teeth and The Dead-Tossed Waves. You know that I’ve pre-ordered my copy of the third book in the series, Dark and Hollow Places.

nom, nom, nom, nom

But did you know that there are some short stories by Ms. Ryan to tide you (and me) over until Dark and Hollow Places is published? Well there are:

I mentioned these back when I did my original review but I found out today (from a little birdy I call the awesometastic erikasbuddy) that you can read one of them for FREE!!!!

That’s right, click on the link and you can read Flotsam and Jetsam, Carrie Ryan’s contribution to the Living Dead 2 Anthology, for free. It’s fantastic (of course I devoured it immediately)!!!

Ok, well that’s it for now. And if you haven’t read The Forest of Hands and Teeth or The Dead-Tossed Waves, seriously, go get them NOW!!! They’re fantastic!

Now go and get lost…in a book!

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Obsessive Reader by Night - Scientist at Day! You can also find me on goodreads. I'd love to get to know you so, don't be shy and say Hello!

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6 Responses to “I adore Carrie Ryan…Just saying!”

  1. Oh I'm SO with you … I read The Forest of Hands and Teeth a few days ago and it completely blew me away … it was just incredible, so much better than I'd been expecting! I can't wait to get my hands on The Dead-Tossed Waves ๐Ÿ™‚ Carrie Ryan is definitely one of my new favourite authors! ๐Ÿ™‚

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  2. Greta is Erikasbuddy

    U already pre-ordered yours? Tre' Cool!!!

    I just freaking ADORE her zombies!! They are the uber loving best!! I swear I got so freaked out over Hands and Teeth that I thought for DAYS there was a zombie slithering around my house when I would wake up at 5am for my early morning bathroom break. How awesome is that?!! You know that's a good book if I'm too scared to go to the bathroom hahahs! I kept hoping that somehow my cats would warn me if there was someone in the house with me (although knowing them they would join forces if it would fill their food bowl faster). I haven't been that freaked out over a book since I Am Legend (which yes I have read and welps… the movie made me believe they were zombies but the book informed me otherwise. Hahas! After reading that and while my hubz was on a trip I sat in bed till dawn because I was afraid to go asleep in the dark lolz!!)

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  3. Greta is Erikasbuddy

    So hooray for zombies!! And hooray for edge of you seat terror in YA form!! I'm soo happy that this book is getting the notice it deserves!! I can't read CUTE and GOOSHY but I lovers me some flesh eating, spine tingling, breath gasping, blood chilling , nail biting, DON'T CLOSE THE DOOR WHILE YOU SLEEP, leave the night light on, zombie action! LOVES IT!!

    I can't wait to see what world she comes up with next!! I hope it's equally as delicious ๐Ÿ˜‰


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  4. Heather

    I bought both of these books a few months ago, but haven't gotten to them yet (Black Dagger Brotherhood took over my life for a while there, lol). But I will definitely be reading them before November since my NaNoWriMo project this year has zombies. And I preordered the 3rd book even though I haven't read the first 2 yet. Crazy, I know, but I trust your opinion.

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  5. Greta is Erikasbuddy

    WOAH!! YOur nanowrimo has zombies in it? Tre cool!! U wants me to reads it right? U know you do lolz!! ๐Ÿ™‚ Squee squee!!

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