Read-A-Thon Mini Challenge Winner!

Posted 30 August, 2010 by Danny in / 5 Comments

aIt’s over *sniffles* and it was so much fun! Did you had fun too? Did you read as much as you thought you will or less?
Unfortunately I read less than I thought. I was so willing to spend my nights but 2 nights I slept on the couch. Again, I should have substituted the wine with coffee.
Anyway, it was fun!
And I want to say again Thanks to Jen for organizing and hosting this event!
Tons of kisses for you!
Let’s draw the winner of the Bookworms Mini-Challenge where I asked:
Who is your favorite Angel character in books???

and the …..
left this comment:

Hmmm, this is tough, but I’m wondering if you all will let me get away with picking Jace from TMI because he has angel blood????? I Jace!

Emily from It’s Just Life As I Know It

Congrats!!! and of course Jace counts, how can he
not? He’s sweetness and well he has some Angels
blood so I think he counts! 🙂

Please email me with your mailing adress

Thanks for everyone who entered I really enjoyed reading the comments and I can
put lot’s of new books on my TBR list!!

And *wispers*, it seems like lot’s of us love Patch *swoon*

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Obsessive Reader by Night - Scientist at Day! You can also find me on goodreads. I'd love to get to know you so, don't be shy and say Hello!

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