TV Tuesday – I Dare You To Watch : The Flash

Posted 24 February, 2015 by Heather in Blog, Bookworms, TV Tuesday / 8 Comments

Welcome to TV Tuesday here on Bewitched Bookworms, ย and we’re bringing you a new feature where we share our favorite television series with our fellow Bookworms and with you, ย our lovely readers.

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I Dare You To Watch is a feature where one of the Bookworms picks one of their favorite television series that at least one of the other two Bookworms hasn’t had the chance to watch yet. After explaining what they love so much about this show, the newbies will watch an episode (preferably episode 1 of season 1) and will come back in two weeks and give their verdict. Did they like it? Will they be checking out more episodes? Did they go on a Netflix binge?

Up first is Heather recommending the CW’s new series,

The Flash



While I don’t read comic books, I’ve really loved watching the DC Comics television adaptations that the CW has brought to life. I’ve really enjoyed all three seasons of Arrow that have aired (season 3 is airing now), and when there was a two episode appearance on Arrow that introduced the future Flash, Barry Allen, as a smart, lovable, adorkable crime scene investigator/forensic scientist that comes over to Starling City to help Team Arrow. I was sold right then and there!


About THE FLASH Pilot (Season 1 Episode 1):

Barry Allen, a forensic crime scene assistant for Central City Police Department, is struck by lightning during a storm that is created after a particle accelerator from S.T.A.R. Labs explodes. In a coma for nine months, Barry awakens in S.T.A.R. Labs, having been placed in the care of his scientist idol, Dr. Harrison Wells, along with his assistants, Dr. Caitlin Snow and Cisco Ramon. Barry quickly learns that he can move at extraordinary speeds, and that there were other “metahumans” created from the explosion. One of them, Clyde Mardon, is robbing banks with his ability to control the weather. In order to stop Clyde, Barry is outfitted with a suit that can withstand his high speed of movement. He tracks down Mardon and with the help of Detective West, who learns of Barry’s abilities, Barry is able to stop Mardon. With his new powers, Barry vows to find out who killed his mother when he was a child, believing him to be another metahuman who has similar abilities of speed as he. Elsewhere, in a secret room at S.T.A.R Labs, Wells reveals he is not paraplegic, while reading a newspaper from the future concerning Barry’s fate as the Flash.


The reasons why I love The Flash and want the other Bookworms and fellow readers to watch:

  • Grant Gustin is perfect as the super smart but a bit awkward crime scene investigator. He has such great chemistry with everyone, and he’s a great actor with both comedy and drama.
  • There’s the ongoing mystery of who killed Barry’s mother when he was young, leaving his father incarcerated for her murder. Detective West took in Barry after that, raising Barry as his own along with his actual daughter Iris. This has taken a lot of interesting twists and turns over the course of the fourteen episodes that have aired to date.
  • This series is really geared towards people who aren’t that big into comics. I have no problem following along, even though I don’t have that much knowledge of the comic series.
  • Great villains with strange abilities played by familiar and high caliber actors.
  • Shared universes, so there are crossover episodes with other shows like Arrow. Plus, there’s talk of other spinoffs already–one featuring the character Firestorm (goods to see Robbie Amell on television again). Great drama, great comedy, and the opportunity for more episodes.


Ohhh! Heather – WEย ACCEPT!

Danny: ย I actually saw the Cross Over episode on Arrow and really liked Grant Gustin. He looks adorable. However, I usually wait until a Series gets a least picked up for another season, as I hate to get invested only to hear that the series is not renewed, like it happened last year with Star Crossed about which I am still super upset!

Pushy: ย I stumbled across some later episodes, which were somewhat confusing, but very interesting, so I’m totally up for going back to the beginning and seeing how this goes!!

So yes, Heather – Weย are going to watch The FLASH!

Whoย is with us? Who hasn’t seen it yet and takes this dare from Heather? Watch the first episodes with us and then we can discuss how we liked it!ย 



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I'm a PhD chemist who loves sarcasm, music, and books-paranormal, mystery, thriller, suspense, horror, and romance. Most of my free time is spent at the martial arts studio these days--whether practicing Combat Hapkido or reading books while watching my son's Taekwondo classes, or even working up a sweat with Kickboxing for fun. Goodreads

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8 Responses to “TV Tuesday – I Dare You To Watch : The Flash”

  1. YES!!! I absolutely loooove The Flash, I adore the characters and the humour and the geekiness!!

    This reminds me I have two episodes to catch up on, so I need to do that tonight before the next episode!!
    Pili @ In Love With Handmade recently posted..Tell Me Tuesdays #27!!My Profile

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    Heather 2/24/2015

    Yay! In glad that you’re watching and loving The Flash too, Pili! You have time to catch up. New episodes don’t come back on until Tuesday, March 17, 2014.
    Heather recently posted..TV Tuesday – I Dare You To Watch : The FlashMy Profile

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  2. we already watching it and recording it ๐Ÿ™‚ My kids love it especially my son. We like that it’s like smallville but its moved faster …just waiting for some other villains to appear ie Killer Frost ๐Ÿ™‚
    julie@m5monkeys recently posted..Red QueenMy Profile

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  3. Oh I love The Flash ( and Arrow) I don’t read superhero comics either – there’s just too many! – but I adore superheroes and I’ve had a blast catching up on Arrow and getting into Flash as well! Both shows are really well made, clever and addictive! Me and the bf are already rewatching Arrow and I can’t wait for new episodes of Flash every week ๐Ÿ˜€ Awesome pick^^ I hope the rest of the girls enjoy it too!

    Micheline @ Lunar Rainbows Reviews
    Micheline @ Lunar Rainbows Reviews recently posted..Top Ten Tuesday #11My Profile

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