Run To You Part One, Two and Three by Clara Kensie

Posted 12 February, 2014 by Danny in Blog, Danny, Danny's Book Review / 3 Comments

Run To You Part One, Two and Three by Clara KensieRun To You by Clara Kensie
Published by Harlequin, HarlequinTEEN on February 1st
Genres: Action & Adventure, Mystery and Suspense, Paranormal, Romance, Young Adult
Source: Publisher
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4 Stars

Part One in the riveting romantic thriller about a family on the run from a deadly past and a first love that will transcend secrets, lies and danger…

Sarah Spencer has a secret: her real name is Tessa Carson, and to stay alive, she can tell no one the truth about her psychically gifted family and the danger they are running from. As the new girl in the latest of countless schools, she also runs from her attraction to Tristan Walker—after all, she can’t even tell him her real name. But Tristan won’t be put off by a few secrets. Not even dangerous ones that might rip Tessa from his arms before they even kiss…

The Run To You Series is the first serialised novel from HarlequinTeen Digital first and offers a great concept in delivering part of the series one part after the other. Each book is roughly 100 pages, which make them the perfect length to devour fast and quick!

I had the chance to read the first three parts together, and my review is about the first three books!

Run to You 1,2,3

I love and absolutely adore these covers!!!

Thrilling Mysteries wrapped around Paranormal Elements!

The Run To You series is part mystery and part paranormal with Tessa’s family being all very gifted. Gifted as in X-Men style, with lots of telekinesis and mind reading abilities. Yet, Tessa is the only one with no gifts whatsoever…  Tessa and her family are on the run from the government which is why thy have to hide who they really are and change places and lives like other change their clothes.

The intriguing part right from the start is the reasoning behind their running and this is what keeps the allure of the story so high. The story is filled with lots of secrets, and when we feel like we have discovered one secret, we hit yet another wall with mysteries.

How does it feel to always run and be “normal” among the gifted?

Poor Tessa! Like really poor Tessa! She’s surrounded by people who do not have to lift their hands to do something and people who can read minds, yet Tessa just shows no gifts. So her family treats her as the breakable girl they need to protect since they are all so much stronger. And because they are always on the run, she’s also an outsider in life. Tessa truly is a girl many people will be able to relate to, as she’s just the normal girl so many of us are. Or I should better say that she feels that way – she feels like she’s no one special and can not really see herself clearly.

I was a little mad at how her family treated her even though there was clearly love and family bonding also among the siblings, yet I wished I they would have cut her a little more slack!

Sweet Romance and Spectacular Plot Twists!

When Tristan now finally shows interest in Tessa she can feel for the first time like her own person and like someone special since Tristan is one of these swoon worthy boys that we all love so much! The romance was sweet, romantic and slow but also here comes with some amazing twists that I didn’t see coming!

In the middle part of the book I was a little taken aback with Tristan and some reveals and I was dreading some outcomes. I was left a little confused about where the story with Tristan and with Tessa’s family is heading.

Then Part Three came with absolutely amazing, unforeseen twists that I absolutely didn’t see coming. Even more, details from Part One which confused me finally made sense!

Bewitched Rating

Bottom Line

Run To You by Clara Kensie is a thrilling mystery with some spectacular twists that will make you jump from your couch. The characters are carefully crafted and developed and made it easy to relate to. The plot is fast moving and thrilling and the division into small serials makes this story unique, refreshing and awesome!



Additional Info

Part 4, 5 and 6 are also coming out as serials and will be released June – so the waiting won’t be long!
Read the Interview with Clara Kensie at Barnes and Nobles where she talks about the allure of releasing her books as a serial!
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