Waiting on Wednesday – Chantress by Amy Butler Greenfield

Posted 24 October, 2012 by Danny in Blog, Danny, Featured, Meme / 17 Comments

Welcome to my favorite Feature:

“Waiting on” Wednesday is hosted weekly by Jill at Breaking the Spine.

Chantress by Amy Butler Greenfield

Expected publication: May 7th 2013 by Margaret K. McElderry Books

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I loooooove this cover!!!!!! and the colors! 


Sing and the darkness will find you.

Shipwrecked on an island seven years ago, Lucy has been warned she must never sing, or disaster will strike. But on All Hallows Eve, Lucy hears tantalizing music in the air. When she sings it, she unlocks a terrible secret: She is a Chantress, a spell-singer, brought to the island not by shipwreck but by a desperate enchantment gone wrong.

Her song lands her back in England — and in mortal peril, for the kingdom lies in the cruel grasp of a powerful Lord Protector and his mind-reading hunters, the Shadowgrims. The Protector has killed all Chantresses, for they alone can destroy the Shadowgrims. Only Lucy has survived.

In terrible danger, Lucy takes shelter with Nat, a spy who turns her heart upside-down. Nat has been working with his fellow scholars of the Invisible College to overthrow the Lord Protector, and they have long hoped to find a living Chantress to help them. But Lucy is completely untrained, and Nat deeply distrusts her magic. If Lucy cannot master the songspells, how long can she even stay alive?

Beguiling and lyrical, dangerous and romantic, Chantress will capture readers in a spell they won’t want to break.

Uhm.. can this cover be any more catching and beautiful????? I instantly fell in love with this cover and shallow that I am I’m soooo going to read it!! Plus, the book sounds magical and awesome? (Although I admit that I am usually not a fan of witch stories.. but there are exceptions everywhere..)

Much Love,

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17 Responses to “Waiting on Wednesday – Chantress by Amy Butler Greenfield”

  1. THAT COVER DANNY! *dies* Absolutely stunning. So stunning I don’t even care what the books is about, I want it in my hands so I can stare at the cover. Luckily though, the blurb sounds amazing. COME FASTER MAY!!!!

    Reply »

  2. Kristin

    Great cover and it sounds interesting but I have to agree with Maria about the cliche aspect of the names, when things get too fantasy-y (don’t think that’s a word, but you get my point), I tend to tune out, but I’ll hold my judgement for when it comes out and gets some reviews.

    Yikes, doesn’t come out for over seven months! Guess I’ll be waiting a long time to see if it’s good!

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