Send by Patty Blount – Blog Tour, Review & Giveaway

Posted 5 September, 2012 by Danny in Blog, Blog Tour, Danny, Danny's Book Review, Featured / 24 Comments

Today, I am super excited to host Patty Blount on her Blog Tour for SEND ,also at the end is a giveaway of this fantastic book for you! SEND was a touching and powerful story  and I am thrilled to share my thoughts with you!


Genre: YA Contemporary
Publication: August 1st 2012 by Sourcebooks Fire
Copy from publisher
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Send by Patty Blount on goodreads

To keep his secrets, all he has to do is listen to the voice in his head and just walk away…
On his first day at his new high school, Dan stops a bully from beating up a kid half his size. He didn’t want to get involved. All he wants out of his senior year is to fly under the radar. But Dan knows what it’s like to be terrorized by a bully-he used to be one. Now the whole school thinks he’s some kind of hero, except Julie Murphy, the prettiest girl on campus. She looks at him like she knows he has a secret. Like she knows his name isn’t really Daniel.


SEND comes with a heavy promise of a heartbreaking story about a serious topic. Especially, since this SEND is told from a “bully’s” POV, something I was eager to explore…

Dan – bully, Juvie – but he’s not what you expected!

Dan was such a conflicting character, but he made easily his way into my heart and I was feeling all kinds of emotions for him. Anger, Sadness, Pity and I actually felt sorry for him…  Dan did something wrong – something that went from bad to worse and now he has to live with the consequences.  Being in jail with 14 changed him and broke him, so his family tried to give him a new life by changing town and school. Here, he tries to start fresh, stay away from all kinds of trouble and finally have his own life back without judgment from the past. Easier sad than done. His actions haunt him, and even worse his time in jail nearly broke him and still haunts him. So very often I wanted to hug him and tell him all will be good that he just needs to get going!

Beautiful Family Dynamics

One of my favorite parts about the story was the way his family believed in him and loved him. It still brings tears in my eyes, just thinking about the tneder way her parents treated their son! Not ever did they refuse to let their son go, they would do anything to get him back on track, to get his life back to push away his ghosts ! This unbelievable loving and caring relationship was a wonderment in this sad and dark story!

Touchingly raw Story!

The way the author dealt with bullying was new, telling the story from “the other side” was something that worked perfectly here, as it shows how easily you can destroy a life with a careless action. But in return, what does this do to the bully? I was compelled by this strong story and troubled characters. This story would have easily have a full 5 star rating from me if it wasn’t for two things. 1. Dan is hearing voices from his former self – the one before going to jail, being bullies himself and treated with malice. I could have done without this psychological aspect and actually think the story would have worked even better! 2. The End. The ending, although perfectly fine and genuine was not was I was hoping for. And this made me sad…

Bewitched Rating


Bottom Line

SEND was a touching and powerful book addressing significant topics like bullying. But moreover, it’s a story about forgiving. Forgiveness not only for a kid that did something terribly wrong, but also about forgiving yourself! I was touched by the rawness of the story and the wonderful and beautiful family dynamics!



Blog Tour

Stay or Go? by Patty Blout

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Things change. For some of these changes, we’ll camp out and line up a day in advance just for the chance to say we got it (iPhone, anybody?). And others die a lonely little death and we hardly notice. Here’s my list of the things that should stay and the things I wish would just go.


  • Social networking – My social activities not only planted the seed for a book idea, but connected me to many brilliant people – authors, agents, publishers, editors, celebrities, moms, PEOPLE. That’s the key – it exposed me to different opinions, different belief systems, different lifestyles and opened my mind in the process.
  • Flat Screen TVs – Oh, how much do I love being able to hang a TV on a wall?
  • The surge in popularity of YA fiction – Rowling, Meyer, Collins – It warms my heart to see adults reading young adult fiction and I hope my own book will add to the ranks.
  • GPS – For someone like me who gets lost in a bathtub, the GPS is the most significant technological advancement of my lifetime.
  • On Demand, HBO2Go, and DVR —  I work a nine or ten hour day and then come home and write novels. There is no time for TV. That’s why these VCR-less wonders that let me watch what I want when I want are the BEST.
  • eReaders —  Writers love books. My eReader lets me carry hundreds with me at all times. Plus, it’s a lot easier to turn pages on an eReader when you’re pedaling an elliptical machine than a real book. That encourages me to actually go to the gym.


  • Pants that expose boxers, pants with the crotch down by your knees, baggy pants that hang off your body instead of emphasizing it. I don’t know anybody who finds this sexy so stop. Just stop. Please. I’m begging.
  • Logos on butts – Juicy? Pink? Ladies, guys don’t need another reason to stare at your butt. Really.
  • Fake reality TV shows – please, Dear God, MAKE IT STOP.
  • Teens who sit low in their cars so that it looks like the car is driving itself as they go by.
  • Text slang in spoken conversation.
  • Tebowing – I get that you feel blessed and that’s great. But put it in perspective. I find it kind of insulting that God answered your prayers to score that extra point in a game but ignored the prayers of millions of other people praying for things like cures for terminal illnesses, a place to live or a meal to eat.


What do you think? What fads are you crazy about? What fads are on your Can’t Wait Until They’re Gone list?

And now, onto the Giveaway! Thanks to Sourcebooks, I have one copy for you !
Simply fill out the Rafflecopter below, US/CAN only.
Much Love,

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Obsessive Reader by Night - Scientist at Day! You can also find me on goodreads. I'd love to get to know you so, don't be shy and say Hello!

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24 Responses to “Send by Patty Blount – Blog Tour, Review & Giveaway”

  1. alicia marie

    Thanks for the awesome post! Love reading the stay and go lists : ) I pretty much couldn’t live without most of the things on the stay list! Also, I cannot wait for reality shows to disappear. They’re the worst.

    Reply »

  2. I’m interested in the name, Send what that means as far as the book goes. From your review, I can’t see the meaning of it.

    As far as trends, I’d like tiny shorts and the droopy pants to go. Also hip huggers, I’ve got a really high waist and these are no friend to me. Plus, c’mon if I wanted to see your underwear, I’d ask. I’d like the crotch grab to go away too.

    Staying, I’d like physical books to stay. Yeah, e-readers are nice, but they get to my eyes and I love my books. I want Indie publishing to stay around and book blogging. I’m not so much into the techie things. Seems like as soon as I get used to one thing, a new one comes along. That ticks me off. My new thing is already old by the time I get it!

    hrose2931 recently posted..Cornerstone Read Along Week One Chapters 1-5My Profile

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  3. I Reviewed this two weeks ago and I agree it was such a moving and powerful story and I was surprised at the emotions I felt, You always feel sorry for the vicitim and not the bully. I enjoyed seeing a new side of things. I agree I didn’t love the ending and I didn’t think the involvement with the girl forgot her name was believeable.
    Heidi recently posted..Guest Post and Giveaway with Author Jolene StockmanMy Profile

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