Haven Terra is a brainy, shy high school outcast. But everything begins to change when she turns sixteen. Along with her best friend Dante and their quiet and brilliant classmate Lance, she is awarded a prestigious internship in the big city— Chicago—and is sent to live and work at a swanky and stylish hotel under the watchful eyes of a group of gorgeous and shockingly young-looking strangers: powerful and alluring hotel owner Aurelia Brown; her second-in-command, the dashing Lucian Grove; and their stunning but aloof staff of glamazons called The Outfit.As Haven begins falling for Lucian, she discovers that these beautiful people are not quite what they seem. With the help of a mysterious book, she uncovers a network of secret passageways from the hotel’s jazz-age past that leads her to the heart of the evil agenda of Aurelia and company: they’re in the business of buying souls. Will they succeed in wooing Haven to join them in their recruitment efforts, or will she be able to thwart this devilish set’s plans to take the souls of her classmates on prom night at the hotel?
Paranormal Adventure
Illuminate is the tale of Haven, just your average high school girl who’s awarded an amazing chance at a glamourous internship in Chicago with young, hot wunderkind, Aurelia Brown. And what’s more exciting is that she gets to go with her very best friend, Dante. But early on things don’t add up and Haven finds herself surrounded by evil. She must grow into the promise of herself and save those she cares about in the face of ultimate evil.
What I liked…
I liked the premise of this story. I liked the idea of a girl going for a prized internship only to find out she’s working for something evil. I also liked that Haven was a strong character, who faced the challenges put to her and remained focus throughout this book on achieving her goal. Finally, I enjoyed the sideline about prom. It was fun and ironic, especially the choice of prom theme given that the hotel where the event would be held is, well…evil central.
What didn’t work for me…
I felt like this book was needlessly long. I got well past the 100-page mark and still found myself waiting for the momentum of the book to really begin. I also never connected with the characters. I liked them all and they all had individual personalities but something about them just fell flat for me. Finally, I found the entity that gives Haven advice throughout the book grating. I didn’t like the format or the content of the advice she received. It really just didn’t work for me.
Bewitched Rating
Bottom Line

Additional Notes
So, you know I hate to not giving a glowing review without citing a few other folks who did like a book, and there are two bloggers I adore who simply LOVED Illuminate: Mimi Valentine and Wendy from A Cupcake and A Latte. So if you’re a fan of paranormal, check out what they thought and see if you think Illuminate might be for you.
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[…] Review from Pushy […]
This matches a lot of reviews I’ve read about this book. It’s too bad because I like the premise. I hate when I can never connect to the characters.
Alison (AlisonCanRead) recently posted..What Is The Ideal Book Beginning?
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The premise is great and some people really liked it but, yeah, it wasn’t for me. Thanks for stopping by!!!!
Pushy recently posted..Review: Illuminate by Aimee Agresti
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This book was high on wishlist..i love paranormal..but the grating advice giver and your inability to connect or become a part of the tale concerns me. Off to read the other reviews..loved your review and appreciate your in depth thoughts on why this didn’t work for you.
kimba88 recently posted..The Kingdom on the Edge of Reality by Gahan Hanmer -Blog Tour
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Thanks for stopping by, kimba88! Hopefully you’ll see something in the other reviews that speaks to you.
Pushy recently posted..Review: Illuminate by Aimee Agresti
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I started this book a couple of weeks ago and read around 100 or so pages. I didn’t finish it. It was way too slow for my liking.
So, I think our thoughts are pretty much alike.
Great review, Pushy! 🙂
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Thanks, Nick! 😀
Pushy recently posted..Review: Illuminate by Aimee Agresti
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This is exactly why I love reviews, no judgment of the book by its cover, that was a one simple and great one.
In the “additional notes” section however: siting vs citing got me a little confused 🙂
Emy Mackenzie recently posted..real online jobs
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I do love that cover…just gorgeous. And thanks for the heads up on the typo!!!! *sheepish smile* That’s what I get for proofing so late at night. Thanks, Emy!!
Pushy recently posted..Review: Illuminate by Aimee Agresti
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Needlessly long and couldn’t connect to the characters? I think I’ll skip it. Plus, I don’t really care for angel books usually. Thanks for the review!
Lori recently posted..Bookish Pet Peeves
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Thanks, Lori!!!
Pushy recently posted..Review: Illuminate by Aimee Agresti
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I’ve wanted to read this one…maybe more for the cover than anything. Sad to hear when a book doesn’t live up to expectations. I really need some 5 star books in my life right about now!
– Jessica @ Book Sake
Jessica @ Book Sake recently posted..Book Review: Masque of the Red Death by Bethany Griffin
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Aw, this is the second time I’ve seen people say this one wasn’t so great, so I think this one is getting pushed down the TBR Pile. I do love the cover though 🙂
Erica recently posted..Fifty Shades of Grey by EL James Book Review
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We have about the same opinion on this one. I think I liked it a bit more because I really loved the setting and the vibe of the book. But it WAS very long and slow paced which made me a bit bored. Lovely review as usual 🙂
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Sorry to hear that this book let you down Pushy .. I hate when I can’t connect with the characters, it’s actually one of the most important things for me in a book … I still look forward to read this book because I think it sounds great but I won’t set my expectations too high in order not to end up disappointed 🙂 !!Thank for the honest review =)
Elodie @ Once Upon a Quote recently posted..Waiting on Wednesday : Tempting the Best Man by J. Lynn :
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I haven’t really read any really good reviews of this but really never had the urge to read it anyway. Its possible that a glowing review could convince me, but for now I’m thinking this wouldn’t be my thing. Sorry you didn’t like it more but thanks for your honesty!
Candace recently posted..Masquerade Read-Along Week Four Chapters 24-31
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I kept questioning that name, Haven? Perhaps we are just getting to old for prom theme books… oh well, Pushy better luck next read. Thanks for sharing your honest opinion.
Heidi recently posted..Masquerade Read Along Final Week
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I got this for review awhile ago… I still haven’t gotten to it though! 🙁
When I read FEED, I felt like it was about 300 pages too long and I HATE that dude!!!!
Bookish Brunette recently posted..Cover Reveal: Outpost (Razorland #2) by Ann Aguirre
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Yeah, I started reading this one and thought it was a bit boring at the beginning, which made me super sad. It had such good potential! Maybe I’ll try again, but looks like it doesn’t get that much better…
KM recently posted..Query Q’s: Interview with 2012 Debut Author Ingrid Paulson, Valkyrie Rising
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It is so hard to say you didn’t like a book. And you said it so kindly. I don’t think the author could possibly be hurt by this review. It just didn’t speak to you or click with you for a better word. Happens to all of us. Thanks for being so honest and kind in your review. That’s how it’s done!
hrose2931 recently posted..Review- Creepy Hollow Book Two Labyrinth by Rachel Morgan
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I started reading this and enjoyed the premise and like the main character, but I ended up putting it down. I couldn’t get into it. Maybe I’ll pick it up again. Maybe I won’t. Ugh…I hate when books disappointed! I like your honesty!
Julie recently posted..TLC Book Tours: Review of Blue Asylum by Kathy Hepinstall
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