Review: Destiny and Deception by Shannon Delany (13 to Life series)

Posted 31 March, 2012 by Danny in Blog, Danny, Danny's Book Review / 7 Comments

Destiny and Deception by Shannon Delany cover Destiny and Deception

Book IV in theΒ 13 to LifeΒ Β series
Genre: YA paranormal / werewolves
Published January 31st 2012 by St. Martin’s Press
copy received from publisher
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synopsis from goodreads
The sensational fourth novel in the 13 to Life series sees Jessica and the Rusakuvas fighting to overcome one of their biggest challenges yet–the possibility of a cure for lycanthropy.Β  Β With the threat of the mafia seemingly gone and the company’s headquarters in Junction destroyed, Pietr Rusakova is adjusting to being a normal teen and Jess is realizing normalcy may not be what she wanted after all. But both Jess and Cat know the truth–that normal can’t be taken for granted. Their precious cure isn’t permanent–and when a new danger stalks into their small town, Alexi decides he must overcome his issues with the mother who abandoned him to be raised by wolves and make a brand new deal to save his adopted family.
This series captivated me from the early beginning. Funny, considering that I normally do not likeΒ werewolfΒ stories. But somehow this series drew me Β in. I loved the characters, Jessi is an incredibly heroine and the whole family ofΒ Rusakova has such a great dynamic.Β Plus Shannon Delany writes so very fast so we never have to wait long for an update!

Destiny and Deceptions is different

The last books were very action driven and the plot was constantly andΒ mercilesslyΒ moving forward. The pace in this book was different it was much slower and the focus shifted. The story focused much more on the family bonds and friendship bonds and theΒ individualΒ characters. How they all deal with theΒ happeningsΒ of the last books and what it does mean for them personally.

Pietr… I’m missing the old Alpha Wolf!

The biggest change most definitely made Pietr. After whatΒ happenedΒ at the end ofΒ Bargains and BetrayelsΒ he is so lost, it is heartbreaking! So very heartbreaking. He’sΒ strugglingΒ so hard to accept his new role that he looses himself n the way. And not just himself, he’s alsoΒ loosingΒ Jessi that way. Yet, he cannot see past his loss to realize what is happening with him. Although I did understand why he changed and what was up with him I missed the old fierce Alpha Male. Despite my feeling for his change in bevavior I think it was anΒ importantΒ story arc. For Pietr, Jessi and the whole family.

Discover to whom the new POV belongs!

I admire Shannon Delany to give voice to so many characters and never loosing their true and inner voice. Apart from Jessi’s and Alexis’s we get a new POV, one we have to find out to whom this belongs. I really found this addition compelling, it added a new direction (again) to the story! You will be surprised! I loved being back in Alexis head, I was falling slightly in love with this troubled character who loves his family so much, yet they do not seem to see this! In addtion, just like last ime I absolutely love the relationship between Amy and Max!!! I’m so Team Max and wish he would get a story on its own!

Bewitched Rating

Bottom Line

Jessi and theΒ Rusakova areΒ struggling hard to deal with Pietr’s new role and new self. They all have to find a way to life this new live, if they want or not. While I think the story arc was important considering the wholeΒ Β storyline and in prospect of finishing the series with the next book, the pace felt too slow and I missed the Pietr I fell in love with!
I wish you all a wonderful weekend!
Much Love,
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Obsessive Reader by Night - Scientist at Day! You can also find me on goodreads. I'd love to get to know you so, don't be shy and say Hello!

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7 Responses to “Review: Destiny and Deception by Shannon Delany (13 to Life series)”

  1. I read 13 to Life last year and I couldn’t finish it .. I was very bored while reading it and that’s why I didn’t read the other books in the series .. Glad you enjoyed this one even if it was a bit slow !! Great review Danny πŸ™‚ !
    Elodie @ Once Upon a Quote recently posted..March Wrap-up (RAK wrap-up included) :My Profile

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    Danny 4/3/2012

    *sigh* this is sad! I really liked it and even liked it more the more the story progressed! But, of course not every book is for everyone!
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  2. Caitlin

    I absolutely love this series, even though sadly I am behind. After getting to know Max in Secrets and Shadows I so totally fell in love with him. I fully agree he needs his own story.

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    Danny 4/3/2012

    You know that there is nothing better then being able to read a series back to back when all books are already out! Max was on this one even more awesome!! You will love him!
    Danny recently posted..Review: The Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa and Giveaway!My Profile

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