Welcome to the final installment of the Beautiful Darkness Book Discussion!! Over this final week we will be discussing the last three chapters of Beautiful Darkness. As always, the recap of this week’s discussion question answers will go up on Sunday. For the complete schedule of chapters and dates click here.
Also, as we are the Bookworms and are physically incapable of not hosting a give-away for any major event on this blog, there’s a give-away going on in conjunction with the discussion! WOOT!! Find out all about that here as well. Winners will be announce next Tuesday in our discussion wrap up post.
Now buckle up, dear reader, because Danny, Fragile and Pushy about to bring this discussion to a close!
6.22 New Blood
This chapters opens with a big “bang” moment with Link telling Lena and Ethan (who were both lying in Ethan’s bed *insert romantic music here*) that he was bitten by an Incubus and now is turning into one of them.. OoOooooo Link? A Blood Incubus? Seriously, what an incredibly and unexpected development!
Laughing moment,
Link inhaled deeply: “Dude, you really need a shower”
Ethan to Link: “You got superpowers now and that’s the best you can do?”
6.28 Sunrise
Link, Ridley, Lena, and Ethan surround what was once Macon’s grave, digging and digging. Ethan and Lena are inseparable. Link and Ridley are trying to adjust to their new lives. Macon is in hiding with Marian and Liv as his companions.
Once they finish digging, they place the Arclight in the open grave and bury it. When they leave, Ethan and Lena go watch the sunrise, unaware they’re being watched by and old man in a white suit and that a new song has appeared on Ethan’s iPod.
Eighteen Moons, eighteen spheres,
From the world beyond the years,
One Unchosen, death or birth,
A Broken Day awaits the Earth
AFTER: Siren’s Tears
It’s eerie and telling that this final chapter is from Ridley’s point of view. We find her, ensconced in her room, contemplating both the Arclight in her hands and John Breed. It’s clear from the fact that she’s hidden this Arclight away that she’s not supposed to have it and it’s equally clear that’s she’s brewing up some serious trouble for the next installment of Lena and Ethan’s saga.
Was John Breed in her Arclight? Is this the same Arclight that Link and Ethan buried in the last chapter? Is she letting something out of it or merely deciding what to do with it? As usual, we’re ending this book with far more questions than answers but they’re some seriously compelling questions! And just like that, this book comes to an end!

Our cast of characters has been through a lot in the second book of the Caster Chronicles. Ethan in particular was forced to learn some dark truths about himself, not the least of which that he would follow Lena to the ends of the earth even if there was a good chance that she had gone completely over to the dark side. But as much as the Casters, Mortals and In-betweens grew during Beautiful Darkness, there’s still so much left for them to learn, and for us to learn too. Knowing that there are still two more books left in this series, this week’s question is:
do you most hope to have answered
in the next Caster Chronicles Book?
Is it whether or not Lena and Ethan will ever get a truly happily ever after? Is it about the still very mysterious John Breed, or perhaps whether or not Ridley will get her Siren groove back? Is it the story behind a smaller character like little Ryan or Carlton Eaton? Or perhaps your wondering what the deal is with that portrait of Ethan’s great-great-great-uncle Ethan that has been hidden under sheets for so long. Whatever it is, we want to know!
Also, because this is the last post, and we’re running this discussion so we make the rules, there’s a bonus question this week, which will get you an ADDITIONAL ENTRY into the Beautiful Darkness Book Discussion contest!!! Here it is:
in Beautiful Darkness?
Amma with the One-Eyed Menace? Macon emerging from the Arclight? Lena and Ethan, finally back together and inseparable once again? Let us hear it! We want to know!
Finally, thank you so much, dear reader, for joining us each to discuss these chapters and for giving us your amazing answers to our discussion questions! We hope you’ve enjoyed this discussion as much as we have enjoyed hosting it! So please, leave your answer to this final question in a comment below and remember that each answer to this week’s discussion question is an entry into the Beautiful Darkness Book Discussion contest!
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What ONE question do you most hope to have answered in the next Caster Chronicles Book?
* I want to know the secrets behind the CASTER animalsl.
— Bonus Question –:
What was your favorite scene in Beautiful Darkness?
* The one scene that stuck with me is the one where Ethan and Liv are on Marian's porch before they decide to go off and hunt for Lena. For some reason that scene has stuck with me, making it my favorite.
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I want to know what the heck Ridley was doing!!! I was thinking about that whole scene for a really long time and this discussion just brought it all back. Arg- cliffhanger!
~Bonus Question~
mmmhhhh. I don't think I could chose….. But I did like when Ethan and Lena were lying in bed together (scandalous!). I liked how everything was finally back together. It was kind of a surreal moment because nothing has ever been easy between Ethan and Lena and that moment was just so simple.
I am so sad that this discussion is over!!!
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Ooooh- I want to know about the caster animals too. Someone said that they think that Boo and Lucille Ball are casters stuck as animals (was that you?). I thought that was a really interesting possibility.
My recent post Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver Review and Interview
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So what one question do i want answered??
After everything that has happened I am very interested in what is going to happen with Link and Macon. SO I guess my question is: How are Macon and Link going to handle their new transformations and where will it take them in this series?
Bonus Question…What was my fav scene?
For me this is hard to answer because this whole book stuck with me. I read both books back to back in 2 days, so at some points they kinda blend together. That being said I have to go with when Ethan has the vision of his mother and Macon at school together and Macon gives her the arclight. I have always had a soft spot for him since book 1 and I just lost it here. Seeing that he had loved at some point in his life and had to sacrifice it all because he didn't want to hurt her, well it just made me heart him even more. And I'm t to proud to say that I teared up just a little.
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I am tooooo a sad panda that this is coming to a end:(
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I too want to know the secrets of the caster animals. Someone before guessed that they are casters stuck as animals (was that you?). I thought that was an interesting and plausible idea.
My recent post Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver Review and Interview
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YUP ! that was me :)____I had a theory for a little while that Lucille was a Caster Girl and that's why Link kept trying to put all his smooth moves on her hahahs! Wouldn't that be funny if it turned out to be true?
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I also theorized a while ago that Boo is what happened to great-great-great uncle Ethan's spirit. I figured since Genevieve was still around, Ethan Sr. might be too, but that's seeming less likely these days. 😀
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That is the question I want answered, too. I want to know how Link is going to handle his transformation. How is he going to hide it from his mom?
My favorite scene was the part with Ethan and Lena on the beach before she jumped on the motorcycle. I liked the make out scene even though it was a turning point in Lena's behavior.
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I thought that a while back, too.. but who was that dude that was related to Macon that ran off and they swear that they have seen his ghost roaming the streets. Maybe it's that dude. That's wasn't Abraham was it?
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Okay, let me just say that when I posted the second comment the first one was not showing up…. So I am not just weird and slightly rephrased my comment, it honestly was not there when I posted the second time. I thought I just didn't press "Submit comment"
My recent post Delirium Giveaway hosted by Lauren Oliver
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hmm… I think you two think to much when reading! Haha- just go with it!
My recent post Delirium Giveaway hosted by Lauren Oliver
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This is not answering the question, but has anyone noticed how over the weeks the number of people participating has slowly dwindled? I found myself expecting certain people's- the "regulars"- and other people never really lasted more than a week. I don't understand why….. I thought this was a lot of fun? Or am I just weird…. (notice how I didn't make that a question – haha).
P.S: Do I say "haha" too much? I thought it was less annoying then "lol" or "lolz"…. but am I defeating the purpose by saying "haha" instead 10X more?
My recent post Delirium Giveaway hosted by Lauren Oliver
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I want to know how Ridley will handle Link being supernatural while she is just a normal human. I think that relationship will be interesting.
My favorite scene was when Lena and Ethan were on the beach. I loved their little moment just before Lena went too far.
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What I want answered – Why is Sarafine so dark? What put her in a bad mood? Who is that motorcycle dude? Why does he influence Lena? What are his real motives?
Bonus question –
I think it was Ethan and Lena and Link at the lake. Link's is out swimming and Ethan and Lena get some time together.
Bonus –
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The one question I want answered is whether Ethan and Lena will be able to be together happily forever! What can I say…I am a hopeless romantic! Plus I want some action between them! I am tired of mopey Lena…LOL
Hmmmm that is hard…but I guess the scene that stuck with me the most was when Macon was released from the Arclight…I was like WOAH! I was so glad he was back & it was cool knowing it was Ethan's Mom and Lena's Uncle who were helping them at this crucial time!
I am so sad the discussion is over!! I assume there will be another one when the next book comes out! (fingers crossed)
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wat bot ridley and link????
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