The Iron Druid Chronicles by Kevin Hearne – Series Feature & Giveaway

Posted 18 June, 2012 by Danny in Blog, Danny, Danny's Book Review, Giveaways / 61 Comments

You know how it is, sometimes you are just so caught up into a series, that you are reading them (or listening to them) so fast that you have barely time to review them. Then, add the a serious tight review schedule and … there you go, you forgot to review books you absolutely loved and truly enjoyed! That’s why I bring you today a series review. (You can read this one savely, there are no spoilers in this review! Be warned, this is a big post and … there is a giveaway at the end!

The Iron Druid Chronicles by Kevin Hearne

The series is scheduled for 6 books (although Kevin keeps hoping for 9) and 4 are out so far.

Find Author Kevin Hearne: website (super pretty!!) | facebook | twitter
First, we need a second to droll over this incredibly epically awesome cover designs! It tells you everything you need to know about this series, it’s bad-ass – awesome  – and … let’s face it, the main character /model is incredibly hot!
(note, all images are taken from Kevin Hearne’s website)

World Building – take every(!!) mythos and mythical creature and put them all together!

The world in the Iron Druid Chronicles is enourmous and phenomenal. Kevin Haerne does not focuses on a single mythos and explores this, no, he goes beyond everything and takes every crature and mythos and put them all together! Want to meet Jesus, or an ancicent gooddess, Fairies, Vampires? You can meet all them them in this series! The variety is gigantic and simply adds tp the perfection of this series!

Atticus – Druid that will make woman swoon and mens cheer for his bad-assery!

The main character the series focuses on is Atticus the only Druid that is left in our world. Describing Atticus will be hard and I try to do him justice! He’s bad ass – I mean he’s the only Druid that managed to survive! He’s hott – look at the covers and don’t tell me you are not swooning over them  and the cover model is exactly how Atticus is described in the novels. He is insanely funny, but he’s also loving and caring! In short, Atticus is the perfect hero for woman to swoon over and bad ass enough for male to cheer for him! (No idea what boys do with their hero’s – buy an action figure?) Coming one more time to the swooning and drooling part, he is covered in ancient tattoos, that keep in bound to the Earth where he draws his magic from.. *faints*

Oberon – Sidekick of perfection!

If you would imagine one perfect sidekick you have to meet Oberon! And to be clear, Oberon is a Hound and… Atticus trained him to talk with him in his head. He.Is.Awesome! He’s the funniest sidekick ever and he will make you burst out laughing so be warned! I am promising you that you will fall in love with this dog! Plus, he’s also deeply loyal to Atticus and would do anything to protect him… gosh you gonna love this hound…

Witty and downright hilarious

The humor is definitely one of the best parts about this series. Be prepared for the best quotes you will ever encounter! I laughed to loud so many times – reading this series will simply make you happy! Atticus has a dry humor and he offers them freely in every situation, even the dire deadly one! Together with Oberon, he’s unbeatable!
“Now go and stake some vamps. Especially the sparkly emo ones.” Hammered, Book 3
“The tendency of modern American women to exclaim ‘Hiiiiiiiiiiii!’ in soprano octaves and hug each other upon sight can be disconcerting to those unfamiliar with it.” Hexed, Book 2

“Whoa. He had ghouls on speed dial. My lawyer kicks so much ass.” Hounded, Book 1 

Love – or the lack thereof!

With me being me, I have to say a few words about love and romance. There is not much, there are always little small innuendo’s but there is no bog glowing romance in this series. It makes me sad, but knowing me and the fact that I still give this series a full raving review and rating should tell you how epically awesome this series is. However, looking at the cover of the upcoming book 5 “Trapped” there is a girl on the cover. Dare I to hope for romance? Anyhow, the readers knows who is the girl on the cover: It’s Granuaile the girl he meets in book 1 Hounded and who became his apprentice. There was some tension between them in book 4 Tricked which I hope will explored more! However, this is not a romance story and love in any case will only play a small part of this story. This lack however, does nothing to my utter enjoyment of these book!

Bewitched Rating

yep… you got that right, totally deserves the magic rating of awesome! 

Bottom Line

The Iron Druid Chronicles by Kevin Hearne rocks big time and has everything from witty dialogues,awesome storylines up to epic characters that kick ass!  The Iron Druid Chronicles is one of the best series for both male and female with Urban fantasy and supernatural elements combined in a utterly unique and refreshing way. Woman will fall for Atticus and men will admire his bad-assery – together with the incredible humor in the series, this is a must-read. Period. Each books has a mystery to solve but there is a transporting and underlying storyline that glues all the books together!



Buying Info 

Note this links all go to amazon and by clicking you support giveaways and webhosting of the Bewitched Bookworms, Thanks!

Audiobook Ramblings

If you like Audiobooks, then you have (truly, I am nearly begging you) to listen to these audiobooks! The narrator Luke Daniels is a narration genius who did an outstanding job! He not only gave Atticus the perfect voice, but gave Oberon the best voice ever!! If he wouldn’t be already so incredible funny, Luke Daniels would do the job for him. Considering that I often listen to audio’s in public, I know get the funniest look when laughing out lout, or trying to surpress a giggle!

Because I am so incredibly in love with this series and especially with the audiobooks I give away 2 audiocopies gifted via audible!

The winner can choose either the first book in the series, to get you hooked! Or the last one, for the fans that didn’t have time to catch up! Enter the Rafflecopter below!

International – audio is gifted via audible.come

Much Love and I hope you will fall for this series as much as I did!

Enter The Rafflecopter for a chance to win 1 of 2 Audiobooks:

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61 Responses to “The Iron Druid Chronicles by Kevin Hearne – Series Feature & Giveaway”

  1. Bob

    I actually listened to the first audiobook, and thought it was excellent. I agree with your thoughts on Luke Daniels, he is a wonderful narrator. I am actually currently listening to on of his audios, Dead Man Vol. 2.

    I definitely plan on listening to the rest of this series. I was late discovering it, but will try to fit them into my listening schedule.
    Bob recently posted..Audiobook Review: Alpha by Greg RuckaMy Profile

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    Danny 6/19/2012

    Oh I should check out the other books he narrated, when there is such a talented narrator like this, I tempt to pick up books just because to listen to this certain narrator :))
    Danny recently posted..Review: Museum of Thieves by Lian TannerMy Profile

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  2. I keep seeing these books around but I’ve never really checked it out. It seems absolutely fabulous especially since you mention that there’s a huge blend of myths and creatures. I’m very intrigued.
    Plus, Atticus seems pretty bad-ass and hot. 😉
    A mind-talking HOUND ?!? That is frigging brilliant ! 😀 I’m definitely checking it out now ! 😀 😀
    Too bad that there’s no romance in the book. I know what a romance-junkie you are. 😉
    The fact that you gave it 5 stars proves that it’s a fantastic series though.
    Thanks for the awesome-sauce review, Danny ! 😀

    Reply »

    Danny 6/19/2012

    Nick! You have to check this series!! Love love love it so much, especially all those different myths and the humor… oh gosh the humor!

    Yep, not romance although I have high hopes for the next books, it’s definitely time for Atticus to get some love! hope you check them out and love them as much as I do1!
    Danny recently posted..Review: Museum of Thieves by Lian TannerMy Profile

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  3. LOL I’m having so much fun imagining you sitting on a park bench or something and bursting out laughing randomly as people walk by — so funny! x) I know EXACTLY what you mean about having so many review books that sometimes you don’t get to review those non-ARCs you really loved! I’m trying to find time to add those in now too. They deserve just as much spotlight!

    Awesome series review, Danny! I’m so glad you’re in love with this series — I think everyone has a thing for Atticus and Oberon, and I will soon too! 😉 <3
    Mimi Valentine recently posted..Review: SparkMy Profile

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    Danny 6/19/2012

    ROFL yes that is exactly what will happen when listening to those books! I always have a big fat smile on my face!! For this series I always find the time, because some books need to be read.Period!

    And hon, I think you will LOVE this series so plleeeeeaasse go and find time to read them!! Just for me.k? 🙂
    Danny recently posted..Review: Museum of Thieves by Lian TannerMy Profile

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  4. I’ve heard so many great things about this series. I really need to get to it. I’m impressed out how fast they’ve been released. Can you imagine coming out with 3 books in 3 months? Also, if I remember correctly, it’s set in Tempe, Arizona, which is where I went to college.
    Alison (AlisonCanRead) recently posted..Manga Mondays (107): BEA Recap: Ode to Forbidden PlanetMy Profile

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    Danny 6/19/2012

    I loved this the most! It was exciting to read the first 3 books all back to back. I also think this is super smart, to get people hooked on a series :))
    YES it’s set in Tempe.. see Alison? Now, you have to read them!
    Danny recently posted..Review: Museum of Thieves by Lian TannerMy Profile

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  5. Okay. I fail at life. I have been saying I was going to pick up this series for MONTHS now and I still haven’t done it. What is my problem? I even have the first on my shelf waiting for me. MUST STOP BEING CHALLENGED AND READ!!! Can’t wait to laugh with Atticus and Oberon:)

    Reply »

    Danny 6/19/2012

    Sweetie, as much as I love you, I have to agree! This is epic fail because You HAVE TO READ THEM! And… *gasps* you even have the first one?
    Leave all other books behind and meet Atticus and Oberon – I promise you will LOVE Them…

    I even bet with you. If you do not love these books, you get a book of your choice from me! You in? 🙂
    Danny recently posted..Review: Museum of Thieves by Lian TannerMy Profile

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  6. I love this series and I need to catch up on it as they are coming out so quickly! Atticus is hot and epic and awesome and Oberon..Love him. I had so much fun reading this on the read along!
    Heidi recently posted..Spectral by Shannon Duffy Review and GiveawayMy Profile

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    Danny 6/19/2012

    Oh yes I remember:)) You haven’t read Tricked yet??? It was great and.. I dare… to have the tiniest hope that there is romance in the air… OoOOO
    Danny recently posted..Review: Museum of Thieves by Lian TannerMy Profile

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  7. I can’t even tell you how much I adore this series. It’s got fantastic characters (OBERON!! THE WIDOW!! *sob*), witty dialogue, and awesome plotlines. I can’t wait for the next book in this series–I gobble these down like chocolate at a Weight Watcher’s meeting (hey, I’ve been there. It’s not pretty. But so, so good!).
    Mary @ Book Swarm recently posted..But it’s not the same: REUNITED by Hilary Weisman GrahamMy Profile

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    Danny 6/19/2012

    Mary… your comments make me miss you so much!!! *sniffles* The mention about chocolate at Weight Watchers??? Awesome!

    This series is phenomenal right?? I mean like truly completly and utterly awesome! There is not much I have to complain, apart from Atticus wearing … *shutters* sandals… There is nothing less sexy than sandals.. I would be ok with Flip Flops but Sandals????
    Danny recently posted..Review: Museum of Thieves by Lian TannerMy Profile

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    Mary @ Book Swarm 6/19/2012

    OMG–I totally forgot about his sandals. Or maybe I just ignored them. You’re right–so unsexy (maybe it’s an Arizona thing).

    MISS YOU, TOO!! *huggles*
    Mary @ Book Swarm recently posted..Book Blogger Confessions: Do OverMy Profile

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  8. I’ve only listened to Hounded so far, but I REALLY liked it! It’s definitely one of the best (if not THE best) audiobooks I’ve ever listened to!

    Thanks for the giveaway! )
    Natalie @ Mindful Musings recently posted..Clock Rewinders on a Book Binge (7)My Profile

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    Danny 6/19/2012

    OoO Natalie this makes me sooooooo happy!! I remember when you tweeted about this!
    And I agree wholeheartedly, best audiobooks ever! Period!
    Danny recently posted..Review: Museum of Thieves by Lian TannerMy Profile

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  9. YAY! I Flipping love this series! I’m so glad you really have loved them though. And I’m definitely about ready for some romance, but I haven’t minded it so far. And more innuendo and tension between them would work for me, I don’t mind really getting that vibe going between them so when they finally get together it’s like BAM, FINALLY!
    I got one of the books on audible but I couldn’t get the first half to load for some reason (bad Wifi probably) but I listen to that half when I go for walks sometimes and people probably think I’m crazy cause I can’t help but burst out laughing! I think I about gave a guy a heart attack cause he was bent down doing something on his car and didn’t see me walking down the sidewalk when I suddenly let out a snort which may or may not have been a little bit loud. I actually heard a curse as he smacked his head on his car from me startling him.
    Candace recently posted..Review: Arise by Tara HudsonMy Profile

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    Danny 6/19/2012

    Candace!!!!!! Btw, I’m not sure but I think it was on your blog where I saw them the first time… so … my addiction is your fault! THANKS!

    I cannot wait for some love .. I mena there is clearly chemistry between them right??? He said it himself and I think she thinks the same! I guess next book we know, her time of training is over and Atticus cannot back off anymore!!! That’s at least my hope!

    ROFL, thanks for sharing this audio story! Truly, I listent to them always having a smile and.. yes I did get the weirdo look :))
    Danny recently posted..Review: Museum of Thieves by Lian TannerMy Profile

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  10. First of all: I totally get what you mean about a series hooking you faster than you can review and then not being able to fitting them in. I also love your awesome rating! 😀

    This is one of those series I just HAVE to read! I’ve heard nothing but amazing things about it and I just… need it! I can seriously see myself getting lost in it, just by reading reviews for it. Haha.

    Thanks for the super-fantastic giveaway!!
    Rebecca (Kindle Fever) recently posted..Top Ten Books On My Summer TBR ListMy Profile

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    Danny 6/19/2012

    *giggles* yep this series deserves the magic rating of awesome!

    You really have to make time for this series, plus they are fast reads! Even better, I often squeeze audiobooks in so that I can focus on the review copies I get and still get to read books that are already out!
    Danny recently posted..Review: Museum of Thieves by Lian TannerMy Profile

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  11. My dear Danny!!!!!!!! kyaaaaaaaaa!!
    I havent read reviews of this series yet and you totally did it for me!! ^.^
    I remember staking this on the shelves at the bookstore last year when I used to work there and start reading the first chapter of book.1 while working lol! XDD *bad girld!* but with so many other books for review I never made it to the books. Now Im really adding this one to my shopping cart hohooh!! Atticus.. Oh god… =9 you did make me drool over him XDD kyaaa!!!

    Hope u r doing awesome sweetheart!!
    take care ^.^ muaaaah!!! XOXOXOXOXOXOXO

    Amazing review like always 🙂 muah!! and thnx for the giveaway!! =D
    Natalia Belikov recently posted..Giveaway!! – Win the BEA Arc of your choice!!My Profile

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    Danny 6/19/2012

    This makes me happy, you know me, when I start being all excited and do nothing more than squeal over books I really love them, hence the magic rating of awesome!

    You need to meet Atticus, I know for sure you’ll looooove him and.. Oberon.. OMG best.Sidekick.Ever!

    Danny recently posted..Review: Museum of Thieves by Lian TannerMy Profile

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  12. You know I never looked twice at this series before and it sounds RIGHT up my alley! Especially the humor! Humor in books always end up favorites. And I love the mash up of different lore. as for the romance, I’m actually not that disappointed, I’ve read series like this that the romance is minimal and I’ve still quite enjoyed it. I think it’s bc it’s such a change from the norm. But anyways, great review, darling!

    Reply »

    Danny 6/19/2012

    Truly, then it sounds like you need to get your pretty fingers on these books! Wicked funny, Great plot, kick ass… etc etc. I could go on and on!

    I hope you will have time to pick them up, because I’m excited to see how you like them!
    Danny recently posted..Review: Museum of Thieves by Lian TannerMy Profile

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  13. I absolutely love this series… if for no other reason – Oberon! He is the greatest literary dog ever! I am also a sucker for paranormal romance, but I don’t feel anything lacking in these books at all. They are smart, witty and full of so much action, mythology and world building that you can’t help staying riveted. Thanks for the giveaway. I have never listened to an audio book, but I’ve heard that these are great.
    CreativeDeeds recently posted..Blood and Treasure (Romancing the Pirate #1) by Jennifer Bray-WeberMy Profile

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  14. Anne

    My library has the first three on audiobook and Luke Daniels is a great narrator. His Oberon is exactly how you’d think an Irish wolfhound could speak.

    Reply »

  15. This serIes sounds amazing! I tend to prefer my books with a bit of romance but your post has left me really intrigued.. I love that it has humor and strong characters, I’m definitely bumping this up on my tbr pile..

    Thank you for the giveaway! 🙂

    Reply »

  16. I haven’t read a lot of urban fantasy but this sounds right up my alley. I’m interested to see how Kevin Hearne weaves together all of the different creatures and lore. It’s awesome that this series has it all! Also, I enjoy novels with male leads, and frankly haven’t come across too many that have resonated with me. :{ But by the looks of it, I’m thinking that Atticus will stick. Thanks for the great review and the giveaway!
    Allie Rose recently posted..Waiting on Wednesday (19): Rebel HeartMy Profile

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