Book Review and Giveaway: Eve by Amy Carey

Posted 19 October, 2011 by Danny in Danny, Danny's Book Review, Giveaways / 14 Comments

by Anna Carey
Book I in a series
Published October 4th 2011 by HarperTeen
copy received from publisher via NetGalley
genre: YA dystopian
amazon (Hardcover, Kindle, Audibook)
synopsis from goodreads

The year is 2032, sixteen years after a deadly virus—and the vaccine intended to protect against it—wiped out most of the earth’s population. The night before eighteen-year-old Eve’s graduation from her all-girls school she discovers what really happens to new graduates, and the horrifying fate that awaits her. Fleeing the only home she’s ever known, Eve sets off on a long, treacherous journey, searching for a place she can survive. Along the way she encounters Caleb, a rough, rebellious boy living in the wild. Separated from men her whole life, Eve has been taught to fear them, but Caleb slowly wins her trust…and her heart. He promises to protect her, but when soldiers begin hunting them, Eve must choose between true love and her life

Ok let’s see what we have here! YA dystopian – love it! Rough rebellious boy – Love it! Choose between love and life – Love it. Cover- …not so much! I mean I’m like a big sucker for a good cover, yet this one here looks downright boring. A girl and a bridge leading to … well freedom or whatever. And truth to be told this was why it took me some time to pick this book up. See that’s what a cover can do!

Year 2032 not a nice place to life! But, Eve has no idea what is really going on behind the walls of her all-girls school! All seems good, Eve is an orphan living at this school and everything feels all right. She has friends, she can learn and she’s one of the best at her school! She’s excited to start life after the school! But, then she learns what “life after school” really means and she has to face that everything she knew was a lie and she has no chance but to leave! For the first time Eve sees the world with different eyes and for the first time she has to survive on her own….

A new Life A boy and A Love Story…

Being alone is very dangerous and Eve has to learn that nearly everything they have been taught at school was a lie – now she has to survive somehow but being raised like she was, this is not easy! But then Caleb comes to her rescue and takes her to a camp full of boys.

Eve! Naive but Strong and Sweet!

Especially Eve was very naive at the beginning, which of course was not her fault but she caught up pretty fast and tries to fit into her new life. And although being raised like she was she opened her eyes to look behind the lies everyone has feed her. I just easily connected with this open minded, very smart, very strong and sweet girl. Eve is just easy to love and following her journey, her development and seeing the world through her eyes was fantastic. She’s the perfect Main Character!

Caleb and the Romance…

Caleb is a great character too! He knows a thing ar two more about the world they live in and he’s very patient in teaching Eve what she needs to know. Yet, Caleb also seems not perfectly happy considering his circumstances! Caleb and Eve together were the sweetest thing ever! Both never had the chance to discover the other gender so they are both careful but also fascinated! The love and romance between them felt very real and honest!

Bottom Line
This is a must read for all fans of YA dystopian! The story itself was very fast paced and captivating! Also, there were a few twist and turns that most  definitely will make you hold your breath! Also, the author doesn’t refuse to make your heart bleed…. The ending is shocking and leaves you with a cliffhanger. 
And now onto the giveaway! 
We have a copy for you to win as part of our Fall Clearing! 
Good Luck! 
Much Love, 

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14 Responses to “Book Review and Giveaway: Eve by Amy Carey”

  1. Jessica Austen

    I LOVE all the futuristic dystopian YA reads!! I really want to read Eve because who doesn't love a good romance when the threat of death looms on the horizon?! I just finished Matched and I'm itching for more YA sci-fi books (and their sequels).

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  2. I didn't love this book as much as I thought I would. The post-apocalyptic world was great and all of the characters were great for me…except Eve! When I got 85% through the book, I hated Eve. Her actions, her selfishness, her stupidity at that part of the book killed her for me. I was SO angry with her. But I will probably read the future books because I like the world. I mean, I hate Bella, but I love the Twilight books LOL!

    The Musings of ALMYBNENR
    My recent post Wordless Wednesday – 19 October 2011

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  3. I read this one a while ago and found it wanting in many ways. There were too many unanswered questions, too many implausible situations, and too many convenient setups for me to really find it that interesting. The premise was fine, but the execution was lacking.

    But to each their own. Even if I wasn't able to enjoy it, at least you did.
    My recent post Daughter of the Blood, by Anne Bishop

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