Tag: Tom Holt

Doughnut by Tom Holt

Doughnut by Tom Holt Published by Orbit on March 5, 2013 Genres: Adult, Fantasy Pages: 400 Format: Audiobook Source: Publisher Buy on Amazon Goodreads The doughnut is a thing of beauty. A circle of fried doughy perfection. A source of comfort in trying times, perhaps. For Theo Bernstein, however, it is far, far more. Things […]


In My Mailbox – Easter Haul for Heather

(You’re welcome to grab and use our Button, just please link back to us) Weekly meme from The Story Siren. The idea is to post the books you got this week, whether you bought them, got them as a gift, from the library, or received them to review. Hi, everyone! I have several books for you guys […]

Posted 30 March, 2013 by Heather in Blog, Heather, meme / 2 Comments