Category: Character Interview

Breaking the Rules Blog Tour: Noah Interviews Katie McGarry + Giveaway

We have loved Katie McGarry ever since we met her the night before all three of our first times at BEA back in 2011. Her characters are so real, so heartbreaking, and so full of life that we’ve both shed quite a few tears along the way. We’re delighted to see that Katie has returned […]


Character Interview with Jane Ellsworth from Shades of Milk and Honey

Pushy and I are excited to bring you an interview with Jane Ellsworth, the heroine from Mary Robinette Kowal’s Shades of Milk and Honey. We reviewed this fantastic book earlier this week, and will be reviewing the second book, Glamour in Glass, next week. Now without further ado, here’s the interview. Heather and Pushy: Jane, […]

Posted 30 June, 2012 by Heather in Blog, Character Interview, Heather, Pushy / 7 Comments

Fairy Metal Thunder Character Interview and Giveaway with JL Bryan

To celebrate the release of JL Bryan’s second book in The Songs of Magic Series, Fairy Blues, I sat down with the guitar player for The Assorted Zebras and leading man in this series, Jason. His goblin squatter roommate, Grizlemor, sat in on the interview since you won’t find one without the other these days. […]
