New Adult Monday
.. a bi-weekly Feature where we will review and talk about New Adult books! If you are not familiar with this term, you can read my New Adult Discussion post
The Crimson Hunt
Genre: New Adult, SciFi, Paranormal
Publication: November 8th 2012
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College junior Ariel Richmond is working on year three of Project Normalcy.
Her house reeks of keggers past and her bestie is just a slight bit vulgar. But the thing is—they both aid in making life refreshingly uneventful.
So much for hard-earned mediocrity when Luca Grinaldi appears on the scene.
Luca’s sudden presence on campus is hard to ignore. Those bright eyes act like a beacon to unsuspecting females, and with features like his, he’s got to be moonlighting for GQ. Luca hopelessly captivates Ariel with his confidence and charisma, but the mysteries surrounding him make him nearly untouchable. And just when Ariel grows close enough to unlock his secrets, a tragic event sends her life in a downward spiral.
That steady life is no longer an option and allies quickly become scarce. The mysterious Luca seems to be the only one willing to help her—but with that trust comes the burden of his secrets. He has a dark mission of otherworldly proportions, and is willing to sacrifice as many lives as it takes to see it completed.
Gone are the days of simply maintaining normalcy, and if Ariel isn’t cautious with her trust, so soon may be her future.
The Crimson Hunt is a New Adult Science Fiction Romance.
A paranormal story set in College?? Awesome! With my recent New Adult addiction, this book was an absolutely must read for me! Plus, the cover is super pretty!
A story full of mysteries to discover, spiced with paranormal and SciFi aspects!
I admit, that it I love some mysteries to discover, especially when they surround an elusive boy! this usually is a grant that keeps me glued to the pages! Which secrets is he hiding and when this is mixed with soma paranormal/scifi aspects I am all sold! In this department Crimson Hunt does not disappoint! While the beginning was rather slow, the story picked up pace with a lot of twists and shocking turns!
Ariel and Luca – a broken girl and a mysterious boy!
Ariel truly has a truly sad background and I felt sad for her life! Now, she’s at College trying to put her life together. Even though she’s such a broken girl, there is still a longing inside of her that desperately wants to find someone to love, even if she wouldn’t admit this to herself and rather pushes nearly everyone away. But there is Luca and he seems to looks directly inside her soul – even though he’s a total jerk to her on more than one occasion!
A little more bad-ass attitude…
While I truly loved Ariel I had some problems with Luca. I wanted to love him deeply but he didn’t make it easy. He was hiding so much from Ariel that it frustrated me. Also, he spoke so deliberately and so formal, I wished him to be more relaxed and not like from another century. (which he isn’t!!) Basically, even though he could serious kick ass, he lacked a little of the bad-ass attitude I love so much. But, this is of course my very personal opinion and I am sure other’s would love him just the more for not having it :))
Bewitched Rating
Bottom Line
A mysterious story with a lonely girl and a mysterious boy who clearly is truly otherworldly, both in hotness and something else 🙂 The mystery surrounding Luca was intriguing and very well-played and the story kept me glued to the pages! Sometimes I had a little of a pacing problems, where some scenes where not played out, while others keep playing on too long. But, I am eager to see what’s in next for Luca and Ariel!
Additional Info:
Victoria is one of those wonderful authors that blog together at NA -Alley, a blog focusing on New Adult fiction!
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Hi Danny. Sorry I haven’t commented much lately. I’ve been very lazy. This one sounds interesting although I don’t know if it intrigues me as much as your higher rated NA books. Luca’s overly formal speech sounds annoying.
Alison (AlisonCanRead) recently posted..Feature and Follow Friday #124
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Truly, there are too few books set in college. I realize that college students don’t have that much time to read but high school students should devour them! never quite understood this reluctance of pubs to publish books with college settings. There’s so much that can go wrong (and right) at college!
Mary @ BookSwarm recently posted..I want a talking dog and a hot Druid: TRAPPED by Kevin Hearne
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Hmmm. I’m torn on this one Danny. On the one hand, I really want to read it because I have a New Adult addiction as well, but I hate when characters keep secrets from one another, it drives me absolutely batty. I practically give myself an ulcer worrying over when they’re going to learn what the other person is hiding and how they’re going to react. I’ll put this on my “maybe” pile I think:)
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Hmm, that’s not the highest fan girly love I’ve seen for a series, but hey, sometimes the first book is rocky, right? I do hate the being a jerk part. I’ve read too many books lately where the girl just didn’t take that lying down for me to accept it now.
So, let’s say I’ll think about it. But I like the mystery part and I love to see broken girls put themselves back together with something stronger than a gluestick. Hmm, Maybe!
hrose2931 recently posted..Sappire Blue by Kerstin Gier Review
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This sounds like it could be interesting. I am really enjoying all the New Adult books that are coming out. Great review.
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