Happy Sunday! Time again for …
I always wanted to read this book an start this series, so here was the chance to finally get this going. And since I was damn sure Heather would also love this book I asked her to join me! Yep!
First Grave on the Right by Darynda Jones
February 1st 2011 by St. Martin’s Press
Genre: Adult, Paranormal
Links: goodreads | amazon | BookDepository
format: eBook, paperback, Hardcover & audiobook!!
So here we are!
1st Wk – 8/2 Love of Books ~ Heather’s & Danny’s Post
2nd Wk – 8/9 Babbling About Books and Stuff ~ Heather’s Post
3rd Wk – 8/16 In the Closet With a Bibliophile ~ Ch 11- 15 – Today!
4th Wk – 8/23 Rainy Day Ramblings ~ Ch 16-21
5th Wk – 8/30 Darynda Jones Q&A + winners announcement
1. I do have a soft spot for Charley’s Aunt Lilian. She is sweet and soft while somehow also being a little dirty and I find that hilarious in an aunt. Do you have any relatives dead or alive that remind you of Aunt Lillian? If not, tell me about your favorite deceased relative.
Danny: My Grandma!!! I loved her! She was strong and awesome which I only appreciate when I got a little older! But then she was always there with the perfect advice But, she could make a good coffee in contrast to Lilian…
Heather: My grandma is like that too, and I’m lucky to spend every Saturday shopping with her! We’ve always been close, and I’m so glad that she has moved back into our state to she can see my son grow up. She has such a wicked sense of humor, but she also says some of the most funny and inappropriate things. I love it!
2. In these chapters, we get a little closer to Reyes and his secrets. Neil, the warden at the prison where Reyes is currently incarcerated – and a high school mate of Charley’s – tells a story about how Reyes ended up in the Coma and something he witnessed. What do you think of the story? What does this lead you to think about Reyes?
Danny: First, I have not a single doubt he’s innocent! It’s just a feeling, but he’s definitely not The Bad Charlie likes to think he is! but, there is something incredibly intriguing about him , but at this point I was utterly clueless. My best guess at this moment was that he was some kind of Reaper Protector, it seems like he behaves that way, right?
Heather: My opinion of Reyes has swung a full 180 degrees after these chapters. He’s protective of innocent people he’s just met, and he’s also fiercely loyal of the few friends that he did make.
3. One of the things I love most about Ubie and Charley’s relationship is that Ubie aka Uncle Bob has absolute faith in our Charley. Maybe it’s because Charley’s been solving murder cases for ages and Ubie knows that Charley knows things. If you could pick a super power, which one would you choose? Seeing the dead? Invisibility?
Danny: Ahh! I think I would like to time travel! I think this would be awesome, but also very tempting to change the past…
Heather: Ooohhh, let me think…I would go with seeing the dead because you can give people some closure, make them feel better about death. But being able to shoot lightning bolts out of your fingertips at will could also come in handy when people make you mad…
Danny: Barrons! All the time Barrons from the Fever series!! *dies* I feel for this enigma of a man hard! But, I would also totally go with Kaidan from Sweet Evil, Galen from Of Poseidon or Lucas from Easy.. *sighs heavenly*
Heather: Barrons, please. I’m a Bones from the Night Huntress series girl. Give me Bones and I’d be all set. If I couldn’t have Bones, then give me Cas from Anna Dressed in Blood–if I didn’t have to be a ghost to get his motor running, LOL.
Danny: Actually I didn’t had Rosie’s husband in my mind anymore, but I was not completely surprised either. And YES it was obvious that the Big Bad was Reyes, I just waited for Charlie to figure this out on her own..
Heather: I knew that they were the same dude, and I was waiting for that shoe to drop with Rosie’s husband, but I figured she’d wind up dead first, then he’d come after Charley.
So check out “In the Closet with a Bibliophile” who is this weeks Tour Host! and… it’s not too late to join!
Have a wonderful Sunday,
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Grandmas are great. Sounds like you ladies come from food stock! Ahh Barrons and Bones smashing choices. Cas is good, too! I know Reyes is definitely a man of mystery and he has a heart…now is Charley in trouble? Glad you are still enjoying the read!
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Oh, yes, definitely my grammy. She gave the very best hugs, drank coffee that sat in the percolator on the stove all day long, and always had a coffee cake in her bread drawer. People always said I was so much like her, which gave me such a warm fuzzy feeling, since I thought she was completely awesome.
Reyes is so intriguing…
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