Enter the Fall Clearing – Day 16

Posted 16 October, 2011 by Danny in / 82 Comments

Hello and Happy October 16th!!!
And of course, welcome to the latest installment of our

Today’s book is

Sweet Venom!

This book has received a ton of amazing reviews
(like this one here)
and is the start of what promises to be an awesome series!!

Leave a comment with
your email address
why you want to read this book
and you’ll be entered!

Note: All winners will be announced on November 1st.

Check back here tomorrow to see what book is next!

have a great weekend
and we’ll see

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Obsessive Reader by Night - Scientist at Day! You can also find me on goodreads. I'd love to get to know you so, don't be shy and say Hello!

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82 Responses to “Enter the Fall Clearing – Day 16”

  1. Jet

    I have entered a few blogs giving this away in the past, no success yet! Perhaps I will have more luck this time, it looks like a great read.


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  2. Yes! Want this one. Why? One I love the cover so that gets me right away, but I to love that it's a mythological retelling mainly because I don't know my mythology real well, so this helps me remember it more!

    themgowl at gmail dot com

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  3. Gina

    I love reading about mythology and there's butt-kicking in this book? Oh yeah I want to read this!
    Thanks for the Giveaway!


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  4. demi.lee.j[at]gmail.com

    Oooh, I saw this over at Goodreads a while ago and thought that the cover was absolutely stunning! It's so eerie and creepy looking. I also thought it seemed like an interesting read. I love the story of Medusa and have always been fascinated by myths and legends. I enjoy reading anything that derives from fairy tales, myths, legends and lore. I don't know, there's just something about them. I really want to read this book. I have a few friends who have and they all say amazing things about it!

    Thank you for the giveaway!
    My recent post In My Mailbox (Oct. 16)

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  5. Tina

    I absolutely love Greek Myths! I'm dying to read this one because I've never read one where the main characters are decedents from Medusa….whoohoo! tinas_family3(at)yahoo(dot)com

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  6. Tayte Hunter

    OMG! YEA! Well, one: i love greek mythology ever since I started reading the Percy Jackson series. 2: The myth of Medusa is one that fasincates me. There's two possible stories on how she became to be. one said that she was born that way. the other was athena turned her like that for being taken by Poseidon in her temple. I personally think it was the second one. So, yeah. I can't wait to read this book.
    (sorry it was so long. takes a while to get all my thoughts out)

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  7. jwitt33

    I totally agree with you – this book HAS gotten amazing reviews and I would love the chance to read it for myself:) Thanks for an awesome giveaway!
    jwitt33 at live dot com

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  8. Mary DeBorde [M.A.D.]
    GFC follower
    zenrei57 (at) hotmail dot com

    Thank you so very much for all these super-sweet giveaways!! The cover of Venom grabbed my eye the
    first time I saw it online, and I've been wishing & wanting it ever since 😀

    Reply »

  9. There's a lot of YA books out there that take the mythology angle (Riordan comes quickly to mind). But Childs is writing a series about creatures who are usually the "bad guys" in other books. I haven't read a lot of the stories behind Medusa and gorgons, but I like that someone is finally using these kinds of characters to tell stories.

    My recent post Review: Murder at Monticello

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  10. Kristin

    I want to read this book because lately I've been loving Greek mythology storylines and, as a twin, I want to read a book about multiples that doesn't have one of them being evil or the characters being freaks and dressing and doing everything alike!

    Thanks for the giveaway!


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  11. Joanna

    Wow! I've heard great things about this book!
    Reason: The cover gives it this mysterious feel to me and 2. greek mythology is just LOVE!
    Thanks so much for the contest!


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  12. Denise Z

    I have recently been seeing a lot of Venom and it sounds like a good read., I don't know about the mythology as I have not read much of that genre, but I am always up for something new! Thank you for the fun today and the lovely giveaway opportunity 🙂


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  13. megan

    I am really excited to read this one!! I love Tera Lynn Childs' work and this book looks so new, different and interesting!

    AmethystDaydreams at zoho dot com

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  14. Michaela

    I have been wanting to read this for a long time!! I really wish to read it because I think it' s different from the books we have been hearing about lately – all about vampire and I love Greek Mythology ! Thanks for the giveaway 🙂

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  15. This one is on my wishlist! It sounds great!! I love mythology, so this piques my interest. Please enter me in the draw, and thanks for the giveaway!

    darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com

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  16. Ohmigosh! I'm hyperventilating here. This book looks SO GOOD. I want to read it, because the plot synopsis gives off a sort of Percy Jackson vibe. But with MEDUSA. Not to mention, I adore TLC's other books! 😀


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  17. Sierra(:

    I love love love the cover! I like the type of font it has, it's fancy and unique! Definitely been on my wish-list for awhile(:


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  18. Kristi

    I said this before but it's still true here – I hardly get to read YA books w/ mythology incorporated. But I want to start. I've seen reviews of this book, and the title makes more interested! 🙂


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  19. Precious

    I've heard amazing things about this one. My fave bloggers raved about it. ANd I'm so eager to experience it for myself.

    precious_shusky at yahoo dot com

    Thank you!

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  20. Jolene A

    I love Greek mythology and love all the new twists coming out in books today. Though I haven't got my hands on one yet, I'm dying too!! Thanks so much for the chance to win this


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  21. Hoot

    I want to read this book so bad. I just can't wait to get my hands on it. I love the way the hair hangs on the model. So artistic.

    hootowl1978 at gmail dot com

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  22. Laura Ann DUnks

    Fantastic cover and I've heard so many good things. Not read many mythology books in a while so it sounds intriguing.


    lauradunks at googlemail dot com

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