Danny’s Harry Potter Bubble – Re-discovering a bookish phenomenon -Mini-Feature Series – Part II Pottermore

Posted 15 September, 2015 by Danny in Blog, Danny, Danny's Harry Potter Bubble / 2 Comments

So you know what they say, you should blog about what you love and talk about the things you’d love to talk about, even though all these things have been said already. But here I am re-reading one of the most famous bookish phenomenon of our time and… it’s been glorious!


This is how I decided to start a little mini-feature where I talk about my Harry Potter Re-Reading Adventures, which I started a few weeks ago! It feels like I spend these last weeks in my very own Harry Potter Bubble, hence the name of the Feature:)

But, I not only re-read the books – I also watched the wonderful movies again and finally discovered Pottermore.So here are the topics and posts that will be coming within the next weeks and I’m excited about talking about these with you – and I hope you will too!

  1. Reading Harry Potter – Now and Then ! (Last Week)
  2. Pottermore – TODAY 
  3. Cover Art, which ones are the most beautiful?
  4. Watching the Movies – Now and Then!
  5. Finally Drinking Butterbeer! Exploring The Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando!
  6. Harry Potter Tattoo Art
  7. Fantastical Beasts and Where To Find Them

yes… of course we need to have 7 topics 🙂 



The site launched in 2012 and promised to experience the world of Harry Potter all over again, with new writings and some “behind the scenes” info from J.K. Rowling herself. You finally could get sorted into a house and learn more about the world and beloved characters beyond what we know from the books.

As a big fan I initially also logged in and explored a little bit, but to be honest I didn’t care so much for this site as it felt more like it was for a much younger audience.

However, now that I started again, I really took some time to discover what Pottermore offers and here is what I truly liked about it!Pottermore: Profile

  1. You can get sorted into a house! Seriously, which Harry Potter loving Fan does not want to know which house is yours! It’s done quite cute with some questions where you have to choose and violá you are sorted into a house! Me? I’m a Gryffindor! Yes, no kidding:)
  2. You get your own want! Ok, this is cute but nothing more. Mine has a Unicorn core… 😉
  3. The artwork is so super pretty!!! Pottermore is divided into all the books, and the books are divided by chapters and for each chapter an important moment is depicted! You can go through each book again and experience the important moments in Harry Potter!
  4. You can duel and create Potions! Well, this is more for kids and I didn’t care too much for this option!
  5. You can  unlock read new, unpublished and additional pieces from J.K Rowling! I must say that I am especially drawn to this feature. You can for instance learn more about the character you love like Remus Lupin, learn about his parents and more! I really love reading this little pieces from JK that gets me deeper into the fantastic world she created! This is really a treasure for every fan and for me the reason why I am enjoying Pottermore right now!

I’m enjoying going through the moments of each chapter, but I do not care to unlock everything in each moment, because you can collect little small items like Galleons and stuff.

Pottermore NEWS

Last week JK Rowling announced some ground breaking news and here they are:

From  Pottermore.com

Soon, Pottermore as you know it will transform into a new and reimagined website, giving you the opportunity to discover even more about J.K. Rowling’s Wizarding World.

Part one of Pottermore’s story, in which you have enjoyed the depiction of Harry’s story through illustrated ‘Moment’ artwork and experienced life within Hogwarts, is ending. We are now preparing for part two of Pottermore’s story to begin. As J.K. Rowling’s Wizarding World expands, so too will Pottermore, becoming a place to imagine more and share in a world beyond the seven book series.

Those are exciting news, as also Pottermore will now be truly mobile for Smartphones and Tablets, but apparently  you won’t have to log in anymore, which also means no houses anymore.


New Logo with J.K Rowlings Handwriting and I just LOVE the Phoenix Feather background! 

But, Pottermore is expanding and very likely is getting more mature and branches out also in regards to the new (more mature) movie coming next year: Fantastic Beasts and where to find them!

So here is what we know (and guess) will await us when the new website launches

  • iPad and Smartphone ready (YES!, that was definitely missing and I tried using Pottermore in my iPad but didn’t really like it!
  • From the pictures it has a more modern and sleeker design, probably aiming for a more mature audience


Screen Shot 2015-09-11 at 09.52.55Images from The Bookseller 
Screen Shot 2015-09-11 at 09.53.35Images from The Bookseller 

  • It says it will “expand” outside of Hogwards! So, this is exciting for those that know the books inside out and want to know more about the Wizard World!
  • You won’t get sorted into houses anymore to access the content. Well, this is rather sad as it was such an integral part of the Harry Potter world, but maybe the new changes will make up for this!
  • New Content will be accessed easier. Now you have to go through all the moments to and unlock this new content from JK, which is nice but also time-consuming.
  • This change most definitely comes with the new Trilogy that is coming out next year : Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find them and will help expand the world even more!

So, I’ll try to go through the remaining moments and chapters I still have left and I’m ready for the next chapter!



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Obsessive Reader by Night - Scientist at Day! You can also find me on goodreads. I'd love to get to know you so, don't be shy and say Hello!

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2 Responses to “Danny’s Harry Potter Bubble – Re-discovering a bookish phenomenon -Mini-Feature Series – Part II Pottermore”

  1. Amy B

    Hi, Dani – Really enjoying your series on Harry Potter. I haven’t been on Pottermore in some time , but I loved getting sorted and getting my wand. I thought the sorting questions were fabulous b/c they made it difficult to predict the house belonging to each answer. I ended up getting sorted into Slytherin!!! It *totally freaked me out*, but I’ve come to accept it and I try to embrace it. LOL. If you’re looking for friends on Pottermore, I’m BatHallow55.

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